Review: Judge Dredd Classics #7

Classics #7 continues the fan favorite Apocalypse War story arc written in 1982. Issue #7 covers chapters 17-20 of the story and is displayed exactly as it was originally in its comic strip format with only new coloring added to the story.  It is a true reissue. The story picks up as Mega City One has been almost completely conquered by East Meg One who bear a strong resemblance to the U.S.S.R. of the Cold War era. The East Meggers have taken over the Hall of Justice and after some brain reconditioning, they have Chief Judge Griffin ready to address the Mega City One public of the “good” things that East Meg brings in their occupation of the city. The only thing is that Judge Dredd is still alive and well and he will not have such treason-like behavior occur on his watch, even if it is his boss.  Dredd is determined to take out the Chief Judge before any further damage can occur to the citizens.

I have thoroughly been enjoying these classic reissues as the story has been action packed and the coloring has simply been phenomenal.    In these stories we have seen Judge Dredd as a warrior and more importantly as a leader. He has commanded respect in every frame and this is one of the real pluses to the Apocalypse War story. It is a unique look at Dredd from a different angle, and it has been awesome.

JudgeDredd_CLASSICS07_cvrAWith that being said, I found this issue to be the worst of the bunch thus far.  It is still good for the most part, but I found some of the action to be a little bit hokey. Dredd has entered into a true certain death situation by going after Chief Judge Griffin.  But his attempt to escape from the East Meg One army seems a little too convenient to me. I think it could have been better. Things do improve though after Dredd tries to take out Griffin.  The entertaining action-packed story that has been playing out in the previous issues gets back into its groove.

The writing of John Wagner and Alan Grant (credited as T.B. Grover) and Carlos Ezquerra’s artwork still continues to dazzle me and adding to that dazzle is the new coloring of Tom Mullin.  I usually don’t give too much credence to cover, but I must say that Mullin really brings to life a story that is over thirty years old. The man has talent to be sure.

I can’t give this issue as high of marks for the story as I have during the previous Judge Dredd Classics, but I still recommend it and overall, I believe that the whole Classics line has been a real winner for a character that is near and dear to my heart.

Score: 3/5

Writers: John Wagner and Alan Grant Artist: Carlos Ezquerra Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/31/13