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Review: Just Another Sheep #5

I honestly hate reviewing the end of a mini-series. When it’s a long running finale there’s a lot to talk about, but with a mini, unless it breaks mold or misses the landing there’s not a lot to say. It’s the payoff issue. It’s like getting the cheat sheet for a PPV fight that you’ve already paid for. The point is, they’re usually just better off read and not reviewed. But I want to support the final issue of Just Another Sheep because on the other hand it deserves to be talked about all the way to the end. Last issue we learn who Banning’s father is… the main evil bad guy from Les Cordes. He goes on to explain that Banning’s mother was a part of an experiment with a trial drug that would numb pain… it didn’t. But there were super powered babies as a result and Banning was one such baby. There’s plenty more, but as I said… you should read it. Count no character out and ultimately you’ll find a satisfying ending.

Just Another Sheep #5The ending is solid. It also sets the stage for more stories, at least potentially. What I find fascinating is that Banning’s power relies on things he’s felt… at what point would he start to intentionally experience different pain to thicken his arsenal? Maybe in the next series, but that’s something I’ve thought about since the first issue. All in all, the story plays out in a way that makes sense with all the pieces that have been building in the series. There have been a lot of twists on this series and while we’re out of twists, there’s still a lot to clarify and connect and the issue does that well.

The art plays an important role to the very end as well. JD Faith’s panel layout continues to be one of the strongest I’ve seen in the industry. The way he frames a flashback is different from the present and it’s such a simple and yet effective device. I also enjoyed the new action panels that are in this issue. Good stuff all around.

I wish I had more to say about the coloring, but Marissa Louise delivers a great final issue. The coloring has given this series a consistent look, but also strangely an era appropriate look as well. The action panels were also some of the best colored panels. Colin Bell delivers on the letters and he too plays a role in the action panels that I’m speaking about, specifically the one-page spread.

If the ending falls flat, then people will forget about your series. Thankfully, Just Another Sheep delivers on the ending and closes out what’s been an enjoyable and entertaining series. The writing and art were in perfect sync from the first issue on making this one of the top mini-series from this year and last.

Score: 4/5

Just Another Sheep #5 Writer: Mat Heagerty Artist: JD Faith Colorist: Marissa Louise Letterer: Colin Bell Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/2/16 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital