IDW has done an exemplary job with the Kiss comic books by having creative stories that supersede the group’s over-inflated stage persona and supplying stories that have been creative and interesting.
This comic book marks the solo run for the Demon character. Continuing where the events of “Into the Void” left off in Kiss #7, the solo book finds the Demon squaring off against the Destroyers minions. Unfortunately, the bad guys aren’t unique or original; instead, they are a rehashing of the Four Horseman, and there’s no Arn Anderson, either.
Sorry for the old wrestling comment. Somewhere someone just raised four fingers in triumph and did a Ric Flair “Whoo”.
Okay, the good. Generally the dialogue of the comics interweave the lyrics form Kiss songs into the characters’ speeches. When done, it’s tongue-in-cheek and somewhat droll. Here, however, Ryall gets the lyrics in just the right spots to make it cooler than he’s done before.
The plot, though, plays off as an all-too-simple Demon vs. them storyline. I finished the book sensing a stark similarity to Spawn while also being somewhat disappointed by the offering. With a solo book, one expects to learn more about a character. Since this was only a battle book, I got nothing more about the Demon other than his boots become dragons and launch like Voltron lion heads against enemies. The lack of characterization disappointed me, and so I will have to score this book low compared to the regular series, which I often find very entertaining. There was also no lead in to a bigger or grander story arc that could be discerned from this book.
When the four members broke off to do their solo albums, Peter’s impressed me the most. Sure, Gene had a good riff or two, and I love the fact that Ace’s “New York Groove” played as my New York Football Giants won the Superbowl the first time against the Patriots.
Unfortunately for the Kiss comic book solo issue one; I didn’t get the same satisfaction as the solo album.
Please, Chris Ryall, I know you can do better.
Score: 2/5
Writer: Chris Ryall
Artist: Angel Medina
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 4/10/13