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Review: Knuckleheads #4

There seems to be an upswing of “funny books” that are actually funny lately. Frankly I think the comedic genre in comics in vastly under populated and so the more the merry. Knuckleheads returns with an issue that has everything that could possible make me laugh: gay jokes, pooping, Doctor Who, fat jokes… breakfast. Okay breakfast doesn’t make me laugh, but it is great for lunch and dinner. Issue three wrapped up the events of the giant monster that was definitely not Godzilla and now we find our group of heroes(?) at the  Rainbow Diner getting some breakfast after a… slumber party. Yeah that’s right the Pizza Guy and British woman who Trev puked all over are still with Trev and Lance. After ordering more food than any one man should eat Trev goes into food coma that can only be cured by a massive dump being deposited in the diner toilet. This leaves our gang to talk freely and get to know each other and we learn that our British chick’s name is Emma and Pizza Guy’s name is Guy Brown... Everything seems peaceful until the diner is robbed and Trev is still bombing Bagdad in bathroom.

Knuckleheads #4-1Hilarious! This was just a fun issue and while it just hung out with the characters, I was cool with that. I want to know these characters and become the anonymous fifth member of their group. The fact that they all went drinking together and slept over at Trev and Lance’s place is awesome. Shit I want that issue and hope that it becomes a random ass zero issue for no reason or even a 3.5 issue. Also, I love the fact that they’re still hanging out together. The jokes are spot on and hilarious in this issue. The robbers mistaking Lance and Guy for begin gay and Trev’s follow up comment was something out of my life; either directed towards me or coming from my mouth. The timing of the jokes was spot on in this issue and the character development was just right.

The art work was mostly great. There was literally one page in which Emma and Guy’s faces were a little awkward, but other than that it was brilliant. The bathroom wall had a plenty of clever graffiti which was only made funnier by the fact that Trev was wearing Adidas flip-flops with socks in a public restroom. Otherwise the conversations were well-crafted and kept a great pacing so that you were never bored visually while reading.

I have to say that this is becoming one of my favorite comics; if you can make me laugh that’s always a plus in my book. This was the first thing I read this week and Harbinger came out as well. If you follow the site you know how much I love that series. If you’re looking to laugh this is a great series and this issue is actually a great jumping on point for the series since it sums up the past three issues and really introduces everyone to the reader. For a buck you can’t go wrong so check it out.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Brain Winkeler Artist: Robert Wilson IV Colorist: Jordan Boyd Publisher: Monkey Brain Comics Price: $.99 Release Date: 11/13/13