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Review: Knuckleheads #8

Well here it is… the final issue of Knuckleheads volume one. I don’t know when we’ll get to continue this story, but as long as it continues I don’t care. Since this is the end of an arc and everything is basically a spoiler, don’t expect a long review. Lance was stabbed in the last issue… I did say spoiler already… kind of. Anyway, he was stabbed and the ship blew up and it was like, “ah shit, are they going to make it?” Well they do because Trev’s crystal knuckles puts our four main characters in a bubble and Trev starts flying them back to earth… crying the entire time. Between the journey to earth the story cuts to before our tale begins as we find a very drunk Trev and a very responsible Lance. We do finally see how Trev ended up with the crystal knuckle and some other twists along the way.

Knuckleheads #8-1I dug this final issue from Brian Winkeler. It was short and sweet, but added heart to the story. Up until these past two episodes the series has pretty much been all fun and games. The last issue made the battle that’s coming for Trev more threatening and this issue with the origin story added heart to the tale. Also it seems like our quartet is going to continue their journey together which is of course the best possible outcome.

The art from Robert Wilson is of course wraps the series nicely as well. There aren’t any marked improvements from the last issue to this issue, but there aren’t any dips in the quality either. Wilson does a great job of complimenting the story and adding the emotion to the ending. Especially with Trev as it show his growth as a character with visible emotions.

If you’ve been digging this series then there’s no reason not to finish it. If you didn’t then you can also check out the trade that IDW released a few weeks ago collecting all eight issues of the MonkeyBrain Comics run. I would recommend that you pace yourself so that the story isn’t too in your face. It was written for small doses and not the trade so keep that in mind. Otherwise, for those of us that have followed this little series from the beginning it’s a bummer to see it end for now, but I’ll be eagerly waiting for its return.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Brian Winkeler Artist: Robert Wilson IV Colorist: Jordan Boyd Publisher: MonkeyBrain Comics Price: $0.99 Release Date: 8/6/14 Format: Mini-Series; Digital – TPB; Print