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Review: New Challengers #1

By Garrett Hanneken

New Challengers puts you right in the characters’ shoes as you are just as discombobulated but eager to find out more.

This title is a new team comic spiraling out of DC’s Dark Nights Metal storyline while also contributing to the old Challengers of the Unknown comic. Having only read the former, it appears you don’t need to know who the Challengers of the Unknown are going in since the comic will briefly explain it.

Which brings me to a positive about this issue. It feels as if you are right there with the New Challengers since you don’t know what is going on and only come to learn just as much information as our heroes are told. Going into the comic I was a little worried that I needed some background information, but by the end of it, I realized that this comic will sprinkle hints to the bigger picture over time.

Which now brings me to a negative about this issue. It wants to give the reader a little taste of the backstory while also a little taste of the team members. Which lies the problem, the issue doesn’t fully commit to one or the other. Instead, I know a little background information and the only character you get to know is Trina, who also serves as the narrator.

As for the art, it establishes adventure as we get to see alien eggs fall from the sky, people being transported and the edge of the world. All this is promising since this comic is supposed to be on the adventure side of things and explore uncharted areas.

Overall, New Challengers appears to be a promising start for an adventure comic. You feel as if you’re on this journey with the team ready to travel through the unknown. However, this issue doesn’t get you familiar with the team members that you’ll be on this journey with nor does it give you a reason as to what the purpose of the adventure is, but there lies the mystery that might hook readers to come back for more.

Score: 3/5

New Challengers #1
DC Comics