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Review: Shutter #11

The battle within the World of Dreams has begun. And it looks like our hero Kate Christopher and her jerky half-sister Kalliyan are in a most precarious situation indeed.  They had entered into the world through the Porticullis Hypnos originally with a crack team of warrior types (with guns).  But thanks to Kate, only she and Kalliyan entered this mystic portal owned by family patron Harold Rathburn.  And they get real up close and personal with him during this issue.  Maybe a little bit too close if truth be told.  But hey, they weren’t expecting what they got with Mr. Rathburn within the last and now this issue.  Battle on ladies. Shutter #11 is here and things in the World of Dreams are actually starting to bring a few things into focus.  For one, we uncover Harold Rathburn’s secret as the battle unfolds here.  We also encounter some peoples that were depicted in an earlier issue that may be friends or foes. Not quite sure which yet, but they are kind of creepy. We also get a return of now headless (kind of) Alarm Clock Cat and his new found freedom given to him through reading.  He has changed his name to Cassius and is hiding Kate’s little brother who was born through Kate’s father somehow after Kate watched her father die years before.

Shutter-#11Are you confused yet? If not, then I can tell that you have been a strong and avid reader of writer  Joe Keatinge and artist Leila Del Duca’s trippy little sci fi epic Shutter, that mixes elements of action adventure, roman comedy, sci fi fantastico, and awesome entertainment.  I have loved the previous ten issues and see very few signs of anything slowing down too much as things push forward.  There even will be a nice jumbo issue coming in the near future.

But as for now, we get some super bright, super wild, super fighting, chock full of floating beds, spider tanks, (literal) giant landscapes, and quartz peoples.  Yes, Kate’s world of adventure is pretty amazing to say the least.

Regarding this issue, it isn’t quite the best of what I have read.  But it is not too bad either.  Joe Keatinge continues to serve up strong witty dialogue between all of our super fantastical characters that demonstrates a strength in many, especially in Kate.  Kate has a reputation as being one hellacious good adventurer who excelled at it until she retired.  But she still has the goods when push comes to shove.  You definitely would want Kate in a scrap as she takes no prisoners and is pretty good in her fight skills.  With Kulliyan, maybe not so much.  But she is at least pretty good with a gun, and determined.

Leila del Duca continues to drop impressive art rendering after rendering.  Her style is infectious, making the seemingly bizarre look quite normal.  Or at least as normal as this world can be.  Del Duca works well with Keatinge, making this one of my favorite comic collabs over the past year.

That being said, we are approaching some big things.  And after our ladies’ encounter with the red cloaked folks from the giant spider tank, a bold new turn is preparing to be taken.  Just in time for the upcoming jumbo issue.  I think in that issue, it looks to reveal several answers.  This one was kind of just a basic primer to get things started for the big fireworks.  Sure, the action was great with Keatinge and del Duca clicking on all cylinders.  But this issue really doesn’t advance too far from the last, minus the encounter with the Red Cloaks or the Prospero as they are called.

With the ending of this one, we catch a full page splash that gives us a taste of what is to come. I must say that I am quite psyched.  As a fan of the series, Issue #11 should be followed and read.  But it certainly is not the best of the issues to date.  Considering that many of my reviews have been mostly fours and fives for the better part of the series, to say that this one is not particularly the best is not such a bad deal.  The series rocks completely and you should be in Kate’s world today.  You will be glad that you went there.

Score: 3/5

Shutter #11 Writer: Joe Keatinge Artist: Leila Del Duca Colorist: Owen Gieni Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/15/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital