Review: Spring #3

Spring has definitely been one of my favorite series to follow from Double Take. It’s been completely weird and to be honest, I have no clue as to what’s going on in the story. I mean I don’t, but I do. I see what’s happening and I get it, but the deeper context is still completely lost on us as the reader. Which I’m not against. I find it very creative and one of the things that pushes the medium. This is not a boring or typical series to follow. I’ll get this out of the way first, we’re told this issue what’s up with the stories that have been running throughout a few of the series that seemingly have nothing to do with the images on the page. They’re actually real-life stories from writers working on the books. At first I thought this was weird, but knowing that now I can understand why they did that. Because if we had to read boring dialogue that explained the art it would be dreadful to read. If the book was silent it would be strange and off-putting and likely less impactful. With that story running throughout the issue though, it really does humanize our characters and keep us interested.

Spring-#3-1This issue… oh man, this issue. There’s a big reveal at the end of the issue that ties into Slab. That’s all I’ll say about that. I continue to love the world that our characters are trapped in. It almost seems like the physical embodiment of an idea. The ground changes and crumbles like someone thinking of something different. At one point they come to what looks like water, but when they stand on it it’s more like a gelatin. It’s strange because I remember seeing a science show about the material, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called. It adds to the many strange layers of this story. That’s all I can really say, but man on man the reveal is good in this issue and pushes Spring to the front of the pack.

The writing is solid on this issue. The story isn’t dominating and balanced with real dialogue. There’s a very emotional scene that plays out with the writing and the artwork and really showed that the two are syncing up.

The artwork remains some of the best in the Double Take universe. Young Heller’s layouts are distinctive and do a wonderful job of pushing the narrative while Derlis Santacruz’s pencils bring it all to life. Santacruz has a wonderful style that really fits this book of swimmers lost on some island paradise. With them is Sandra Molina as the colorist. Molina’s coloring is also some of the best on the Double Take books and her coloring here gives the book a vibrant summer feel, but maintains the danger that’s afoot.

I know that I gave Slab a lot of praising, but to be honest, I forgot about Spring when I was writing that review. This is definitely the best book of the Double Take releases this week and not only important to the series, but the universe it’s taking place in. I don’t recommend reading just one Double Take tile. I think they’re better read together and so if you can only afford to take a look at a few, make sure that Slab and more importantly Spring makes that list.

Score: 5/5

Spring #3 – “Sink or Swim” Story: Bill Jemas Script: Jenn Sodini, John Flynn, Bill Jemas, Charlotte Greenbaum Layouts: Young Heller Pencils: Derlis Santacruz Colorist: Sandra Molina Publisher: Double Take Comics Price: $2.50 Release Date: 2/24/16 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital