Review: The Sixth Gun #17

I was finally able to catch up on The Sixth Gun and boy I’m glad I did. This is one series that continues to get better and better with each issue. I have to admit that I thought the first story arc was rushed and it felt like this big ultimate battle that we were building to was over and done with before you could even get a feel for the characters. Now though, the book doesn't come across as if it’s being written for the trade, but rather letting the story progress naturally from issue to issue. It reminds me of what last week’s Mud Man #1 was setting out to do by returning the focus of comic book storytelling to the single issue and for books like The Sixth Gun that’s a strength for them.

The real reason to read this issue is for Gord Cantrell’s story line. His arc and progression as a character take him from obscure character that survived the first storyline, to an actually meat and potatoes character that has relevance in the storyline. It wasn’t until the last issue that it was shown that he has a reason to be in the story, up until then I just wondered why they didn’t just cut him loose. He had no depth and reeked of convenient story telling. How knows, maybe that’s how he started, but writer Cullen Bunnhas taken him to new highs in this issue.

The Sixth Gun #17 (2)The story begins with Becky figuring out that she’s a prisoner of the Swords of Abraham after having a conversation with her father in the past. He tells her why he left the organization and that changes her characters path from being a hapless and clueless victim, to a woman with a cause. Now she must figure out how to free herself from her prison and find Sinclair and the guns. Gord’s story has him back on the plantation that he lived on for many years. His presence has disturbed the ghosts of the people that died there including his former master and teacher. Gord must make a choice: stay on the righteous path he’s on or give into temptation. The big difference is the consequences his actions with have not only on him, but the ghosts he’s disturbed as well.

I really like the overall package that is The Sixth Gun. The story and art are very seamless as writer and artist have become a strong collaboration. Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt come across as having a strong partnership almost to the point that the book exists beyond their names. In a way it’s like the “Dark Phoenix Saga”, everyone knows the creative team behind it but the story and art are bigger than the creators at this point. In a strange way The Sixth Gun has surpassed its creators as a mainstay in comics.

All flattery aside this is one of my favorite comics on the market and no that’s not just because it’s published by Oni Press. I feel behind on the story as you can probably imagine, but now that I’m caught up again this book has found its way to the top of monthly pile. This is a weird week for comics as a whole, but it has several great indie books releasing so take this opportunity to jump on one of the few monthly independently produced comics on the market.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Brian Hurtt Publisher: Oni Press