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Review: The Wild Storm #4

By Dustin Cabeal

I’m just going to say it, I read Warren Ellis’ newsletter, and I know there’s going to be some kind of delay after this first six issues. That sucks, but hey, that’s comics I guess. At any rate, I noticed something about this issue of The Wild Storm; it’s mostly talking. It’s cool fucking talking, but that is in fact what it is… cool fucking talking. Don’t get me wrong; I love it. Like, I really fucking love it. All the future talk and amazing possibilities that don’t feel that far off from what we can actually accomplish, I love it.

We do get to see the conclusion of the fight that started in the previous issue, and it’s satisfying. What’s not satisfying is when Cole takes the mask off… just too soon, guys, we waited and waited and then it was taken from us in an instance. The story does spend some time with what’s become our third or fourth party depending on how you’re counting. Weatherman provides some of the best dialogue and banter of the issue. I will not spoil his golden line for you, but every time I’ve read it I’ve laughed. It’s a “funny because it’s true moment.” Otherwise, the story checks in on more of the characters as the world continues to build.

That’s why I’m not bothered by everyone just talking in the issue because we’re still building. Instead of Ellis just telling us what the differences are he’s showing us, but in a way that feels organic to the world. Every bit of the story moves and feel like the real world, which is again what makes the tech interesting. Ellis’ way with words is on full display here, and it’s just a damn joy to read.

Sharing an equal part in the showing rather than telling is Davis-Hunt who continues to deliver the best work of his career thus far. I have no doubt that he’ll find a way to top this, but for now, it’s his best work. I will say this, I don’t know if those clouds are real (assuming you know what the fuck I’m talking about, but I’ll continue anyway), but that water is for sure real and hand-drawn, and it is by far the best looking damn water I have ever seen in a comic book. It looks real enough to touch, and aside from all the intrigue lines that make it look like real waves, the credit also goes to colorist Steve Buccellato because goddamn that was some good-looking water. Listen, I know that most of you are going to read this comic, see this review and think that I’m a freak for focusing on the fucking water and clouds, but it’s these little touches that make the art for The Wild Storm phenomenal. It’s also what makes it look like an action movie at times.

I am at the point in which I might need some things defined clearly for me in the near future, but for now, I’m enjoying the slow burn that the creators are working on and I’m happy that there’s more to come according to Ellis himself. By my estimate, it would be twenty more at least, plus the spinoff that I’m anxious to see. By far, The Wild Storm is one of DC’s top comics and with a few more issues under its belt it may even take the top spot. For now, though, it’s one of the comics you should be reading.

Score: 5/5

The Wild Storm #4
Writer: Warren Ellis
Artist: Jon Davis-Hunt
Colorist: Steve Buccellato
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Publisher: DC Comics