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Review: Unity #18

After all this time, we finally see what caused our trio to part ways for some R&R. Frankly I think the thought process behind this arc has been extremely creative. With any other series they would likely have done this issue first because it really does make sense to have it be the lead, but by going last in the story it builds the mystery of who they’re fighting. It also add to the complexity of their personalities and in a lot of ways the ending advice one character has for the team, gives their personal journey’s more context. Basically by having this issue be last it makes for a better overall story because there was forethought on how the reader would digest it. Think about that for a second. Matt Kindt wanted you to read and experience this arc in a certain way… incredible. It’s something that Kindt does quite well and it’s one of the many great things about comic books. Devices like this are truly what make comic books great and show how much potential comics have still as a medium. A lot of people consider comics a dead medium, but as long as it’s progressing and introducing new storytelling devices like Kindt and a handful of other writers are, then we’ll all be just fine.

Unity-#18As for this issue. Well I would recommend you read it before finishing this review. There’s been two things that Kindt has been hiding from us in the story. The first is the fourth member of the mission who I was very happy to see. That’s right, Major Charlie Palmer of HARD Corps is there as part of a U.N. oversight committee’s mandate. Basically he’s a narc, but Unity doesn’t give a crap. He goes through a longwinded opening explaining their target and such and if you know anything about Palmer, then you know he’s a natural leader. Which the team complete ignores which is why they’re great.

Their target is actually Malgam which I thought was a bit underwhelming at first. That was until Kindt turned him into the Hulk of the Valiant Universe. Thankfully he’s not dumb, but rather just a brute that hits like a wrecking ball. During the battle Ninjak steals the show. I won’t say how, but it solidified one thing for me… Matt Kindt is probably one of two dudes that I want writing this character. Kindt has made Ninjak not only my favorite Valiant character, but also one of my favorite comics book characters period.

I’ve been singing Pere Pérez’s praises since the first issue of the arc, but it’s worth saying again… He’s killing it on this series. This arc has been gorgeous and this final chapter is the best. The battle is fluid, the characters are all impressive and frankly just cool looking. Part of reading superhero comics is seeing people that look cool wearing clothing and costume that you could never really pull off in day to day life. Pérez really makes the team look cool and wraps up all the pieces in a way that’s rewarding and just great visual storytelling.

Out of all the Unity storylines thus far, this one has been my favorite. It’s interesting the team that Kindt is putting together and it just makes me wonder what conflict is coming that these people will all be needed? One thing is for sure though, I’m enjoying Unity more than I ever have before and we’re half way through the second year. That’s just one of the many charms of the Valiant Universe, its ability to feel fresh all the time. It’s like their superpower or something.

Score: 5/5

Unity #18 Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Pere Pérez Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/13/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital