Take A Look At Henchgirl #1 Coming In September

Other than looking like a pretty funny and fun read, I have to say that the biggest reason I want to read Henchgirl is the artwork. I fell for creator Kristen Gudsnuk's style instantly and so that's why I'll be checking this out as soon as I can. In the meantime you can pre-order via your comic shop (here's some info) and check out the preview below or on Gudsnuk's website for the comic. [su_quote]Mary Posa hates her job. She works long hours for little pay, no insurance, and, worst of all, no respect. Her coworkers are jerks and her boss doesn't appreciate her. He's also happens to be a supervillain. Cursed with a conscience, Mary would give anything to be something other than a Henchgirl![/su_quote]

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