Comic Bastards

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The Only Merch from NYCC 2016 That I Care About... So Far

By Dustin Cabeal

This post has two purposes. The first is to tell you that you'll likely see your last press release on Comic Bastards for a long while. Frankly, I'm tired of posting them. No one cares, and I can't pretend that I have the time or interest in each of them in order to say something thoughtful or witty. Simply put, they take a lot of time and energy that I don't currently have. Maybe one day. You'll see stuff that does interest me, and that's about it. The other purpose is that I've been somewhat paying attention to all the NYCC exclusives, and while I'm not going this year due to a financial drought in my bank account, I would totally kill for these two items from Dark Horse.

The first is a zippo with the B.P.R.D. logo. I don't smoke, but I am a pyro. I used to carry a zippo around just to light the fucker, and I would go back to doing that in a heart beat with this bad boy. Notice that you can only buy five a day. Yeah, Dark Horse knows that's pay dirt.


The second item is a B.P.R.D. flask, and I don't drink. But that fucker is cool. I would just keep water in it and take it out while annoying people were talking and drink from it so that they think I have to be drunk to care about what they're saying... which is probably true, but I won't ever know. Again, five per a person, per a day. If you're crazy and buying a bunch (probably to resell at your shop or eBay store), but have a heart of gold... kick me one. I won't pay you with money, but I make a pretty damn good chicken dinner.
