To catch you up on the story; There is a hotel that holds the past thanks to the Wheel of Aten. How the guys are involved is because this hotel is also housing Archer’s mom. The whole story has been a bit of a mindbender, but this one hits you in the gut.
The search for the holy grail should hold the answer. Archer's quest has been like that for his mother. Archer meets who his mom is and be prepared for jaws to be dropped. Armstrong though has found his new buddy, The King. Armstrong is determined to bust the King out. As they are running they run into Mary-Maria explaining to Archer went down the dark hallway. In that darkness holds the devils that wound you. Archer now faces his darkness his adopted parents. But you have to get through to the darkness to get to the light. At the end is the wheel, the problem then becomes what should be done now they finally have their hands on the Wheel of Aten.
I love this issue, it ties into the previous two perfectly and you get some meat to the story. This story is great because of the mental games that hold you to your seat and turning the pages. The action of Armstrong is still there with the epic headbutts and his strong-arm punches. These characters just play off each other well with the calm collective Archer and the headstrong Armstrong. The detail and the colors of this book make it enjoyable to just look through. It also set the tone and moods for each panel very well. The book is enjoyable all the way around.
This isn’t the perfect jumping on point, but if you can find the previous two issues the story is getting awesome. I would say tack one up for Archer & Armstrong having another great story arc.
Score: 5/5
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Pere Perez Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/23/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital