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Review: It Girl and the Atomics #12

Well here it is, the issue I’ve tried not to focus on for the past few issues… the last one. Since it’s the last issue it doesn’t exactly set up a huge epic story or really even try to change the direction of the current story line. It stays on course and has fun with the series, but also leaves it open to it continuing much like all of Mike Allred’s Mad Man stories do. The big question going into this issue was “how is the art broken up?” The series has had three artists work on it and all three return/continue on this issue. Well it’s simple; the story is broken up into three acts and each artist has an act. You can look at the cover order to figure out who has which act. Frankly I’m not going to talk much about the story because that’s pointless. At this point people should just enjoy the issue and the consistency with the characters.

Rich has done an incredible job on this series and while it’s a shame it’s ending, I think it will stick around in the long run like Mad Man and crew has always done. It was great to see him put It Girl in the lead role and see what he came up with for the character. The inventive use of the powers is something that I’ve never seen in comics and it not only added to the story, but to the comedy as well. This issue manages to give practically every character introduced in the series a few minutes of page time and in that shortened time Rich reminds you why they’re great characters.

itgirl12_coverObviously the art is fantastic. How it could it be anything less than amazing? Mike Norton, Natalie Nourigat and Chynna Clugston Flores all in one book is like a Neapolitan ice cream in which Strawberry has been replaced with a flavor that you actually like. Yeah screw Strawberry ice cream it sucks. Anyways, the art is a treat and all of the artists deliver consistent pages. I appreciated that as well. There’s a tendency for artists to take longer on pages when they know it’s going to be their last and that’s shitty. It’s like, “why didn’t you do that in the first place?” Not here, they deliver the same high quality material that each of them delivered previously.

Well it’s over… I’m bummed, but it was a hell of a ride. Their second volume trade will be coming out soon so if you missed this second half of the series you should definitely check it out. If you missed the entire series then I blame you for its cancellation and you must go out and buy the first trade and the second when it releases and follow all of the creators on Twitter. Good job team, you will be missed.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Jamie S. Rich

Artists: Mike Norton, Natalie Nourigat and Chynna Clugston Flores

Publisher: Image Comics

Price: $2.99

Release Date: 7/31/13