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Review: LumberJanes #2

This being one of my new favorite comics, I waited anxiously for issue #2. I couldn’t be happier with this series so far, it is everything I imagined and more. So, if you haven’t heard of “Lumberjanes” until now let me catch you up to speed. Lumberjanes is about five best friends having the summer of their lives at camp. There’s a bit of twist, you see, the camp has an interesting history of supernatural occurrences. Last month, the girls were after some lady that turned into a bear and then somehow they got ambushed by foxes with glowing eyes. Yea pretty crazy, right? Here’s what I love about Lumberjanes: it’s witty, it’s magical, and it’s full of hardcore ladies and the power of friendships.  This issue puts those friendships to the test when the girls go kayaking.  Camp and large bodies of water never seem to go well in stories. I mean don’t they all have some sort of creepy creature waiting to feast on un-expecting campers?  Cause that’s what’s about to happen here, but luckily April and Ripley save the day in their own awkward quirky way. They are my favorite characters; they are the gems of this story. April tries to rubber band snap the monster in the face and Ripley is just all over the place, but it works out. Sorta.

Lumberjanes_002_coverAAlso, it seems like a romance is brewing between Molly and Mal. I think they would make a fine couple, indeed. Let me just pause here and soak up how much I love the relationships between all the girls and especially between Mal and Molly. I’m really happy how the writers portrayed it and how there is unanimous support from the other girls.

Anyways, back to the story. Ripley gets her candy bar stolen from a bald eagle which is precious enough to climb a tree for. I feel ya, Ripley. While she’s up there she sees a lighthouse which probably would be helpful for them but instead they decide to go down a cave. Can’t blame em, the cave seemed pretty cool.  Next month, maybe we will see what treasures lay ahead for the Lumberjanes .

I just can’t stop praising Lumberjanes, there’s nothing out there like it.  A fandom has to arise sometime for it, right? Yea, I said it, Lumberjanes is worthy of a fandom. Thank you, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson and Brook e Allen for creating this glorious story.

Score: 5/5

Writers: Grace Ellis and Noelle Stevenson Artist: Brooke Allen Publisher: Boom/Boom Box Price: $3.99 Release date: 5/14/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital