Review: Sally of the Wasteland #5

How dare you make me feel emotions while reading this comic! I expected light-hearted moments, with a lot of demented deaths that made me chuckle. Instead I actually wound up caring about our title character Sally and yes even her “never gonna happen” boyfriend. In the last issue of our mini-series we saw Sally and Tommy rescued by some yellow suit wearing dudes that then promptly tazered them. In the opening of this issue we find a naked (for mature audiences) Sally being scanned and talked about as if she were just breeding stock. When she wakes up she’s given some information about The Oppenheimer Enclave. It’s essentially an underground society that’s been living away from the rest of the fucked up world. Sally seems to be fine, but she doesn’t see Tommy anywhere. Turns out he’s being put in “digital storage” and computer has already selected Sally’s breeding partner… which doesn’t make her happy at all.

SALLY OF THE WASTELAND #5 COVERThis issue is very predictable, but here’s the thing, while it’s predictable it’s still incredibly enjoyable and again I couldn’t believe that I had such strong feelings towards our two main characters. Victor Gischler still manages some surprises throughout the story in only the way he can. The forced breeding program in particular provides some hilarity, but doesn’t degrade Sally’s character in the least bit. Gischler has impressed me with how he’s handled and treated Sally throughout the course of the story.

You can bet your ass that I’ll be keeping an eye for Tazio Bettin’s name from here on out. His art is gorgeous. One thing that I really liked about this series was that the covers were just sex-bait, but rather the outfits on the cover were reflected in the interior of the issue as well. Bettin’s named Sally is quite wonderful and has some Frank Cho qualities to it.

I never would have imagined liking this series so much or being moved by it at the end. It proved to be a wonderful mini-series and definitely one of the highlights of the year. With this be the last issue you could wait for the trade, but that’s a lot of entertainment to wait on. If you haven’t already pick up the single issues, it’s worth it.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Victor Gischler Artist: Tazio Bettin Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/26/14 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital