Review: The Sixth Gun #36

Every once in a while you forget about some comic you were reading. This happens to be mine. I know the reason I put it down wasn’t because of bad story or lack of interest. Maybe it was because I was too busy or it was missing in my shop when I was down there. Whatever the reason it doesn’t matter I’m glad I’m back to reading it and it was like I never left. Drake, Becky and the rest of the gang are back at Brimstone, where Drake met Becky, planning their next move. This is including finding Missy Hume and the plan of destroying the Six. Drake and Gord talk about how and where to get rid of the guns once they retrieve the last one from Missy.  Once the last one is retrieved they have to head to the original Boot Hill.  Becky is back to being a little friendlier to Kirby but he isn’t back into full graces with her. Drake sees this and like an overprotective brother or father he lets her know that if Kirby tried anything he doesn’t stand a chance and won’t get another. Becky assures Drake that she know what she is doing.

The Sixth Gun #36Little does the gang know that the Grey Witch has her own agenda after killing Missy and handing the gun Missy possessed to Jesup, Drake’s old rival. She has also created and brought together an army to help her get the rest of the Six. She has one other plan to get inside Drakes gang using Asher as she promises something he longs for.

This book is so easy to pick up and enjoy. You miss a few issues or never have read it and it brings you right into the story. It really is a sign of good writing when you can just pick up an issue and jump right in. The story flows easily and builds perfectly for this new story arc. You don’t get too much thrown at you at once and really is a good breather before the action is about to start.  You can feel the tension and darkness that is brewing.

This is a great book and great western.  Western books are the hardest to get right because of where the focus goes but this one is perfect. This book is also a great place to jump right in. the arc is about to start and gives enough clue where it is going.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Brian Hurtt Publisher: Oni Press Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/11/13