Review: Michael Recycle and Bootleg Peg (OGN)

To start off this is not your typical comic book you would see featured here on Comic Bastards but hey why not? So let me say this is a children’s book with a moral; I mean you probably could have guessed from the title. I think this book is a great way for young children to understand how important the environment is and the harmful implications humans have on it. I remember watching Fern Gully as a kid and that whole tree has feelings scene really resonated with me for years to come. As being an Environmental Science and Policy student, I am continually being challenged to find ways to get others aware of issues and I think this book helps children at a young age begin to really think about their relationship with the physical world.

So let’s talk about what this story is about: Michael goes to a restaurant but finds that it has been deserted since there are no fish left since the dreaded pirate Bootleg Peg has been over fishing.  In reality this is a huge economic and environmental issue since the introduction of advanced fishing technologies that has allowed commercial fisheries to capture large quantities. Well anyways Michael with this help of his friends must defeat pirate Bootleg Peg in order to restore balance.

I think that Ellie Patterson did amazing job of capturing an important message and presenting it to a young audience. Alexandra Colombo’s visuals are so bright and alluring. I think kids will love all the details and cartoon characters.

Also just want to throw out there that I love that this book supports the Environmental Justice Foundation. Just in case you don’t know who they are: EJF is an organization based in the UK that works to protect the environment and people, since everyone deserves the right to have a safe environment. EJF include projects such as save the sea to helping refugees that have been affected by natural disasters.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Ellie Patterson Artist: Alexandra Colombo Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $17.99 Release Date: 2/19/14