Review: Revelations #4

Revelations has really picked up for me in the past two issues. I did favor #3 though as it showed a different plot style that I loved. The art still grabs my attention with every cover and page turn. Charlie is drawn perfectly with his deep-set eyes and skinny body. I didn’t want to leave him last issue. Plus Charlie was getting close. Let me tell you that #4 has hit the very same high notes. I was thoroughly involved in this issue. I couldn’t put it down, and probably came to be my favorite of the week. Getting through the thin stuff with Charlie, we see on the cover that Lucy and Charlie are going to get involved, so I am not ruining anything for you. I like how these two are both trying to take down Toscianni, so their relationship doesn’t take away from the plot moving forward. Sometimes these flings are just a break that explain nothing, but Lucy is also trying to take down his dude by cutting off his funds. Todge is back too with some clearer details on the Cardinal's death.

Marcel really wasn’t in #3 that much, but he comes back in here. I am surprised that he isn’t in it more though. He is a direct link for Charlie to get an inside look into the church. Maybe Marcel would be too blind to see what Toscianni is planning, but I also like seeing Charlie with his friends. It brings out a new side to his character.

Revelations_04_coverThe interviews are done for now, and Charlie takes a more straight forward approach. He wants to get inside the church to see a secret meeting. He wants to know what it is all about and see if his suspicions are right. On top of that, Charlie goes balls to the wall when he sees Toscianni. Charlie doesn’t hold anything back and it is sort of why I like his character. Some detectives hide the truth throughout their investigation while others put it all out there for everyone to see. I like just putting it out there. You are a detective and that is your job; to suspect. Plus for the record, Toscianni is clearly guilty. I mean there is no denying this dude had some part of the death. And he clearly is running some secret society wanting to worship the devil. I am not going to hide either, because everyone knows this. Issue 1 gave that away.

I just really love this comic. With two more issues left, it is sad to see it all come to a close when it is getting good, but I appreciate the comic not trying to push a huge storyline. Charlie holds the comic together, and I love his character. It would be interesting to see him outside of this case, so I am wondering if he will ever come back to solve another crime. But I am getting ahead of myself. First, let’s conclude this mystery about a Cardinal’s death and the church’s secrets. I have a feeling it will be bigger than we are expecting.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/2/14 Format: Mini-Series - Print/Digital