Review: School of Bitches: Genesis #1

Well this won't be long.

A premise is a nice thing to start a comic off with. Or at least a more complete premise. 'School of Bitches: Genesis' doesn't give me enough to result in more than a few paragraphs of absent passion.

A guy wakes up in a ruined school. His friend is also in the school. Outside the world has been destroyed. The end. Oh, spoilers.

Genesis-#1-1Yeah, that's about it. There is a wee prologue but that brief synopsis is basically the whole shebang in the first issue. Lots of big pages filled with scratchy pencils and the occasional landscape shot that looks probably traced from photo references. Black and white. It's ugly. Not unreadable but certainly not deserving being given the job to carry the book, featuring minimal text that informs us of nothing. Who is this character? He doesn't have amnesia so despite starting like a 'Resident Evil' movie there is no reason we can't get to know him better. Any hints on why everything is wrecked? Because without an inkling of threat or premise there's no reason for us to be engaged by just wreckage. This isn't a story yet. You've got to have something happen first. Anything.

Fortunately the lettering is readable, even if some of it is in Papyrus.

I don't hate this book. It doesn't give me enough to work with to build up to hate. It comes and goes. Tomorrow I'll have forgotten I read it. Except it looks like there's a second issue in the review folder... Shit.

Score: 1/5

Writer: Alan Stealth & David Dhalia Artist: Alan Stealth Price: $2.99 Website