Review: The Sixth Gun #39

This isn’t your typical old west but it would have been more interesting if it was. When there are armies of snake men, cursed six shooters and no chance of hope how can you not read it. The apocalypse of the old west starts now and I can’t stop reading. Kirby has been captured and Gord is no longer, and impending doom is coming down on Drake, Becky and the rest of the posse. Nahuel, the Indian warrior, has a choice to save Kirby or save his squaw Nidawi and he can only choose one.  Darke and Becky are blazing their way through the snakemen army trying to get out of Brimstone when she notices that Drake is changing. The cursed Six is affecting his body and the more he uses them the more it affects him. This is one reason why the six must be destroyed. As they make their way through town they run into Drake’s nemesis Jesup. Jesup is here to destroy Drake and take the six back to the grey witch. Insert your perfect western theme music for high noon here but no Nahuel attacks Jesup giving an opportunity for Drake and the rest to escape. Little does Nahuel know that Jesup possesses the Widow Hume’s pistol that heals him even from fatal wounds.

The Sixth Gun #39There is one more group waiting in the wing to see how the grey witch’s plan works out, the Knights of Solomon.

The action jumps and the flames crawl as you feel a story of the oncoming apocalypse. I like that each issue involves all the characters but focuses on a select one or two to drive the story. You start to see that the pistols affecting Drake like the previous owners in the Sons of the Gun mini-series. You can actually feel the tough choices some have to make even if it cost them their life. It does build the anticipation for a final showdown between Jesup and Drake. I would prefer a good old fashion 1, 2, 3,  draw shootout. The art shines bringing the action alive and the colors make you feel the world is ending in flames.

If you love old west stories pick this up. If you like stories with a magical twist pick this up. If you’re looking for something new pick this up. All around this title should be in your pull list and if your shop doesn’t have it, demand it. It doesn’t disappoint and its one of my regulars.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Brian Hurtt Publisher: Oni Press Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/19/14