SDCC 14: Final Fantasy Designer Reveals Variant Play Arts Batman Figure

Play Arts is the toy branch of Square Enix and they have some kind of deal with DC Comics to make figures. Aside from DC making their own figures with DC Direct they also have the Play Arts deal and the Mattel deal. With Mattel they produce more of their traditional affordable action figures while the DC Direct line are better quality and usually made for collectors. The Play Arts figures are also made for collectors, but they tend to make some unusual figures. Remember their strange Justice League line? Well Kingdom Hearts creator and Final Fantasy designer Tetsuya Nomura has designed a Batman figure for their Variants line. I've never actually heard of this line before so I wonder if Batman is launching it or what. It's an interesting design for sure. I can't see myself buying it, but if you're a huge Batman fan it would make an interesting piece for the collection. If you're at SDCC you can see it in person (behind glass of course) as it makes its debut.

