The First Look of Supergirl on CBS Reminds Me Why She Sucks

First off, let me just say, hats off to CBS for not giving two shits about Supergirl. When I first saw the clip, I was shocked how execrable the experience was.  Then I remember that CBS didn't care about this show let alone "Supergirl". Then I was hit with a stale revaluation, not even DC cares about Supergirl. Have you ever read a Supergirl book, they're awful-- how about a fucked up origin that changes every time the book is relaunched, no direction or personality and no being a girl doesn't count, no quality rivals just hand me down Superman rogues. Basically she's nothing other than a D-list Superman that sits down when she pees. Look, ask anybody, I'm a fan of Supergirl but it's shame she's handled this way because she can tell stories that you can't tell with Superman. You'd figure with the push to get well written female centric protagonists in the forefront of comics, Kara would be towards the front of the pack, not hanging with Ambush Bug. CBS is pretty late to the comic book on television party and I'm pretty sure that they don't care. This first look was more than proof. I'm sure it will do okay numbers in the beginning because everyone has comic book show fever but in all reality, if Supergirl doesn't pull some procedural crime drama out of her ass she'll won't see a season 2. Because that network has 10 million CSI shows. Who am I kidding this thing is going to run for years.