CBMFP 237: From Being In The Water All The Time

Let's talk Comic Book  movies on this episode of the CBMFP! Planet Hulk anyone? That's right we talk about the latest rumor around Thor 3 aka Thor: Ragnarok. From there we address more Marvel movie rumors like Namor: The Submariner making an appearance and what the Shredder has to do with that. Marvel/Fox wasn't infallible this week though as their X-Men: Apocalypse came under fire. And let's not forget DC/WB as there was some rumors of a title change to the upcoming Justice League movie. Comic Books covered on this episode of the CBMFP:

  • Civil War II #1
  • Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1
  • Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Previously on the CBMFP...