For $600 Bucks You Can Remember That Hulk Likes Gladiator Sandals
Planet Hulk was a great storyline. His betrayal and exile made the character interesting, but more importantly it was a logical move to take him out of play before the events of Civil War. World War Hulk had about three scenes worth reading and an ending that was shit. The clean up and fallout where next to nothing as Marvel and New York City returned to normal instantly. It was what everyone hated about event books, big stories with little effect on the universe and now it serves as merely a story reminder in the Marvel U. Now that I've said all that who the fuck wants to buy this statue? Can I put you down for two? They're only $599.99 with a low-low monthly payment of about $75 bucks. The big fucker ships in January in case you are actually thinking about buying it. Below are pictures of course and be sure to keep an eye out for the crotch close-up, if you can picture Bender saying "that's pure Hulk in there, no mutant."