By Dustin Cabeal
I couldn't care less about the covers, but I'm enjoying getting a look inside the comic. I wonder who is coloring it as it looks a lot like the color on Daniel Bayliss' art for BOOM! Even without the lettering I'm digging what the story is presenting and can't wait to check this one out.
Press Release
BOOM! Studios is excited to announce the addition of a new cover by multiple Eisner Award-winning artist David Aja (Hawkeye,Karnak, Scarlet Witch) for Godshaper #1, the upcoming original series by Simon Spurrier (The Spire) and Jonas Goonface. The cover comes before the Final Order Cutoff (FOC) date of March 20 for retailers to adjust their final orders for the issue. There is no restriction on ordering. The issue goes on sale April 12.
The cover joins the previously announced covers by Jonas Goonface and Sonny Liew