Review: Embroidered Cancer Comic

Cancer sucks. I don’t think anyone will argue that. Collectively as a society we’ve grown to talk about it more and bring awareness to subject of cancer. That’s why projects like Embroidered Cancer Comic are so important to talk about, because it’s talking about a subject we’d all rather avoid. As if saying the word cancer will give us cancer.

Embroidered Cancer Comic is exactly what the title states. It’s a series of two panel pages of comics that were all embroidered. The story is about a wife and her husband as he goes through Prostate Cancer. It’s autobiographical and a pretty straightforward and short story. It’s also a pretty damn good story considering it’s all embroidered.

Embroidered Cancer ComicThat is a really weird, but cool choice. Does it do anything for the story? No, but it was a skill set the author had and so she went with it. It’s bold is what it is.

The embroidery isn’t extremely detailed. It’s rough for sure, but there is definitely a charm to it. It serves the art and honestly fits the autobiographical comic genre.  As it goes on in the story it tends to get better and better.

I don’t know if everyone is going to rush out and get this book. It’s informative to a degree, it’s definitely personal and a sweet story, but it’s hard to say that every comic reader will want to read it. That’s not because of the subject matter either, it’s just a very one and done story. You’d get nothing out of it by reading it twice and if you bought it there would be nothing stopping you from giving it away to someone else to read. Even still, I think it’s a very good book and one that’s at least worth reading.

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Embroidered Cancer Comic Creator: Sima Elizabeth Shefrin Publisher: Singing Dragon Price: $12.95 Format: Hardcover; Print


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