Comic Bastards

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Review: Occultic;Nine E.02

By Dustin Cabeal

Convoluted doesn’t begin to describe this show. Maybe if convoluted had a baby with a film student that just watched everything by David Lynch, then maybe we’d have an accurate description of just how terrible this show and episode are.

The cliffhanger for the first episode was that our idiot fast talking blogger picked up the murder weapon that killed the professor that he somehow knew. Perhaps it was in the dialogue that I couldn’t keep up with because it was sped up and too annoying for me to care. I will never understand why anyone finds sped up talking cute when you only pick up every third word.

At any rate, he’s an idiot and swings around a bloody knife that he found lying on a table. Then his broken radio his dad left him or some shit, starts talking to him and the only somewhat cool scene of the episode happens. He rips a tooth out of the man, and it’s a giant gold fucking key… it also would have been impossible for him to talk, open his mouth, eat or smile with something like that since it would have been protruding from his goddamn jaw. He magically escapes, and I mean that. The stupid radio tells him he has seconds to get out before another character arrives and he barely gets the tooth out before they get there. How did he leave? Were you trying to fool the audience into thinking it was happening at the same time when they weren’t? Because that didn’t come across. It looked like he just teleported to a goddamn bathroom.

The rest of the episode is men yelling at the young girl that’s psychic and has her own web show. It was frankly terrible the things that were said to her, and if people actually acted like this to a young girl on the web, then I weep for humanity because we’re further gone then I last suspected. All it did was undermine her character and further sexism in the world.

The show is more confusing than before. There’s some fucking mystery of a code, and I’m still not sure of the timeline. It seems like it bounces between different times whenever it’s convenient. There are some genuinely creepy things, but they hammer you over the head with them. For instance, when it’s revealed one of the characters was living with the ghost/mummy of their dead brother; creepy. When they play five different recordings from her living with her ghost/mummy brother; not creepy. It’s like someone telling you a joke, you laugh at it and understand it, and then they explain the joke. Now the joke isn’t funny.

The animation continues to be the best part of the show. I still dislike the girl with the huge boobs and the realistic clothing. It’s like, just give her normal sized boobs, please. What do her boobs have to do with the plot? There’s enough bullshit going on that we don’t need teased fan service or worse a desperate plea to perverts to obsess over her digits while they hate-watch the show.

Apparently, from what I’ve seen online and from what I’m told in other reviews, this show isn’t popular with anyone. I tried to find the ratings, but couldn’t which probably means it’s shit as well. I imagine it’ll get to finish its season, but after giving it to chances, I’m not inclined to give it a third.

Score: 1/5

Occultic;Nine E.02
Official Website