Enjoy this AI monstrosity I made from a clip from Let's Anime Podcast. Laugh, don't, I don't care. I just know that I haven't stopped laughing since I started. #anime #Animepodcast #podcast #podcastclips
Read MoreBest of 2024 - Anime
Well this year was long and really, I spent too much time watching anime so this will probably be the only list this year, but if you want to hear the joy and further explanations for why Lindsay and I picked what we did, please listen to the episode on Spotify. I won’t be posting all the categories so if you want our special categories we do, you’ll have to listen to the episode.
Otherwise, here’s our list counting down and remember there’s two picks because we’re two people!
Read MoreWorst of 2024 - Anime
As we always do, we’re not going to give you the best until we give you the worst. Here’s what Lindsay and I thought was the worst of 2024. You can listen to the episode of the podcast to hear us elaborate more and for other fun categories like Music and Husbandos! We have plenty of surprises for you.
Remember, there’s two of us, so there’s two picks, now for our countdown to #1.
Read MoreReview: Gods’ Games We Play – Episode 2
By Dustin Cabeal
Usually, I save my reviews for the podcast, that's Let's Anime, but Gods’ Games We Play episode two frustrated and pissed me off so much that not only did I already vent to my co-host Lindsay for at least one-half an hour, but now here I am writing this goddamn review.
The second episode picks up where the first episode left off, which is at the beginning of God's Go hide and seek. In which a giant Titan is smashing a city. We have a group of players, and we are about to explain the rules, even though it seems like the game has already begun when they yelled, “Gods Go Hide and seek.” Instead, one asshole interrupts this little weird floating God turd thing and is like, “statistically this should be a versus God game.” To which the little floating God turd thing goes, “Yeah, no. We’re suddenly bored with doing that.” I mean, you just introduced the concept and the stats for that, but no, we're not going to do that. That's pointless. In fact, we don't even know why we talked about it. We hired someone to say that line just so we could say no. A character and their role on the team was introduced to the story, just for a floating God turd to say, “You’re wrong and now useless to the story.”
Read MoreLet's Anime 171 - Chubby Dragon
Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! This episode is full of surprises! Did it have a different episode title? Possibly. Are there rants? Possibly! What I can say for sure is that Dustin is covering The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie and How To Raise a Boring Girlfriend Movie on the same episode. We also cover Play It Cool Guys, I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss and The Eminence in Shadow.
Read MoreReview: Uncle from Another World episode 1, only I’m the uncle
By Dustin Cabeal
Anime is enjoyable for numerous reasons. From the constant chase of love to the fantastic abilities of magic, mech suits and the best fighter in the universe. They have relatable character moments; seldom do they have relatable plot lines. At its core, Uncle from Another World is about a man that’s been in a comma for 17 years. He’s woken up after the internet ruined everything cool and fun but now middle aged, he wants to connect to the familiar things that he knew from his more youthful days. Yes, there is magic and fantasy, but that core element of being middle aged and wanting youthful connections is the most relatable anime plot line I’ve ever seen. I’m speaking on a personal level because not everyone is middle aged and has fond memories of pre-internet days in which video game information came from magazines and actually needed to be fact checked and approved before printing.
The plus and minus here is that Netflix is adapting to more of a traditional release schedule with its anime and much like Komi Can’t Communicate, Uncle from Another World is being released weekly. I didn’t have this knowledge prior to going in and so I sat down expecting a binge session like with Bastard and was meet with disappointment (Note this review was written before the second episode released). I would also encourage you to listen to this week’s episode of Let’s Anime as I talk about the episode there which has a laugh track provided by me… laughing about the show as I talk about it.
Read MoreEpisode by Episode - Engage Kiss - A Loser and a Demon and a Man and a Woman
By Dustin Cabeal
With a story that is borderline depressing it still comes as a surprise to me that Engage Kiss has already had one of the best action sequences of the summer anime cour. Its weaknesses in the first episode are addressed in the second episode but that is not to say that the first episode does not stand out or entertain or bring you back for another episode.
Read MoreReview: Gintama: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen
By Robert Ramos
Are you guys tired of me reviewing everything Gintama related yet? I surely hope not because this, as you already all know, is the one series I can always talk about AND the one I enjoy discussing the most (sorry, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure). At any rate, Silver Soul is the latest arc/series in the Gintama franchise, and while it’s only the first half of the arc, it has the makings to be the best arc thus far.
Read MoreReview: The Ancient Magus' Bride - Season 1
By Erika Suarez
Ancient Magnus’ Bride is a complicated love story in the midst of drama and melancholy that centers in Chise Hitori, a young red-headed girl with a haunting past. Chise is purchased in a magic auction by a mage named Elias Ainsworth and becomes his apprentice and bride. We see an unusual but heartfelt relationship grow between the two as they fight through adversity in an enchanted lateral of London.
Read MoreReview: Dragon Ball Super E.128
By Erika Suarez
The Prince of all Saiyans has definitely received his fair share in this series, watching him flourish into an outstanding warrior that Earth can be proud of. It was unbearable to watch are prideful Saiyan go down in this episode, but he certainly gave it his all with the remaining strength he had.
Read MoreReview: DARLING In the FRANXX E.05
By Erika Suarez
After a momentous and elevating battle with Strelizia, Hiro regains his position as stamen after his successful battle. He's cheery and content, but his life is hanging by a loose thread as he keeps a secret that is eating him away. The tension grows when Zero Two moves in with Plantation 13 and making Ichigo feel uneasy about the change and results in torn heartache.
Read MoreReview: Dagashi Kashi 2 E.04
By Dustin Cabeal
Here I was worried that with the shortened episodes there wouldn’t be as much time for character development. This episode is full of heart. I still lean towards the second episode as my favorite of the season thus far, but this one is really close behind. Hell, upon a second viewing it might actually beat out the second episode, but I’m not going to go back and forth right now.
Read MoreReview: DARLING in the FRANXX E.04
By Erika Suarez
Episode 4 finally picks up the pace with an accelerating and showy performance. After Zero-two is ordered to save Ichigo’s team once again, Hiro joins her while they rebel against all orders from the APE team.
Read MoreReview: Killing Bites E.04
By Dustin Cabeal
After a steady flow of reviews for this series, I needed a break. Something about this fourth episode just killed any and all motivation I had going. Possibly because the series continues to have zero logic. I don’t mean real world logic either. That doesn’t need to exist in fantasy-based stories, but the world presented should have a logic to it. Rules if you will, but this show barely establishes the normal before shitting all over it. Each episode seems to follow the same rhythm in which the norm of this underground world is established and then Rattle gets to break all the rules in some attempt to show how different and special she is in this world.
Read MoreReview: Dragon Ball Super E.127
By Erika Suarez
Episode 127 delivers us with vivid and thunderous attacks from both sides of the remaining teams. Jiren elevates his power while his dark past unfolds and Android 17 takes the shots in this battle that led up to a disappointing sacrifice with an opportunity for a stirring ending.
Read MoreReview: How to Keep A Mummy- E.03
By Erika Suarez
Kaede might be the most dynamic character in the show so far, as she makes her introduction in episode 3. Sora takes the day off when he catches a cold and Mii- kun is left in charge to make him feel better. We also learn something new about the bandage wrapped mummy that leaves us with confusion.
Read MoreReview: Dragon Ball Super - E.126
By Erika Suarez
Toppo’s dramatic transformation has taken a toll on Universe 7’s warriors as they continue to struggle against his elevating power of destruction. Vegeta enlightens us with a powerful and uplifting moment that stands out from some disappointing aspects of this episode.
Read MoreReview: Terraformars - Season 1
By Erika Suarez
In Terra Formars, our creepy crawling friends that hide in our kitchen cabinets have turned into man-killing humanoids with killer abs and unsettles you in horrifying action when an international space team is sent to Terraform Mars and fight against them. The bloodbath battle brings all of this together in Blu-ray with uncut and uncensored agony.
Read MoreReview: Dragon Ball Super- E.125
By Erika Suarez
Five very long minutes are left in the Tournament of Power, and the field immensely grows tense for the remaining two battles. After Dyspo’s defeat and Gohan’s honorable sacrifice, we move forward with Toppo and his dramatic transformation leaving behind his “justice” motto and becomes a God of Destruction after Frieza pushes his limits. A battle of evil stirs in the tournament and makes an impressive turn around for Toppo’s character.
Read MoreReview: Killing Bites E.03
By Dustin Cabeal
For a moment, just one moment, this review nearly started off by saying, “it wasn’t as dumb as the previous two episodes.” After some thought though, the conclusion that was arrived at is this: it’s a different type of dumb this time around.
Unlike the other two episodes, the third chapter of Killing Bites begins with a tease of where the show is going. We find Hitomi and Cheetah girl dressed as maids and having pictures of their asses taken by what looks like a quarter of the college campus. Apparently, this school is full of desperate men in dire need of dirty photos to beat their meat too. Yuuya stands there, now with crutches, wondering how they got to this point. Cue the flashback!
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