You know... as someone who had an undercover Green Lantern themed wedding, I don't think I would ever have had the Pastor dude dress as Hal Jordan, but obviously this wedding was a bit different. Again, no story, just sharing because it's kind of funny and try not to get distracted by that guys shoes.
I'm The Best At What I Do And What I Do Is Baguette!
Over at Baguette-me-nots, people take photos of themselves replacing objects with Baguette's for hilarity. Though I've seen this Wolverine Baguette floating around the net for a while, I figured why not share it with you all. There is no story here, just something humorous... but only if you say the word Baguette a lot in place of Bub.
Review: The Steam Engines of Oz #1
After a great FCBD issue to kick off the series, The Steam Engine of Oz returns with what’s technically the first issue of the series. As I said with the zero issue, the thing I like about this series is that it doesn’t focus on what’s already been done with the Oz franchise as whole. This is a world after movie (which is what most people are familiar with) and the original novel as well. Dorothy has been replaced with a young blonde girl and her affinity to fix things. Instead of fixing the gears and machines of the Emerald City, she’s set out to fix Oz itself. After a very useful recap of the FCBD (which you can download for free), we catch up with Victoria and her enlists as they try to escape from the heavily guarded Emerald City. They head down an alley way and escape the guards buy ducking into a shop that one of Phadrig Digg’s friends owns. They fill her and her husband in on their task and figure out where they need to go in order to find Phadrig’s brother… the Wizard. They load up in a false bottom of the husband’s truck and head towards the gate; everything almost works out except for the guard tiger smelling Gromit. Tigers apparently love to eat Munchkins. They barely make it out and then they’re off on their journey… until Victoria gets captured by a pack of Lions that came from the original Cowardly Lion.
What I enjoy about this story is that it uses elements of the original story, but because it’s based in the future of those events it has the liberty of changing things. Additionally since its steam punk based, the look of the characters is very different, but strangely works with the setting. You’ll get your first look of the Tin Man in this issue and it’s very different, but very cool.
The writing is still very good as this issue is well-plotted much like the last. It very much feels and read like a direct continuation of the last issue which leads me to believe that they may have been writing in conjunction with each other. If not then the writers captured lightning twice and it’s good. I would have liked a bit more of Victoria in this issue, but I think it’s okay since it established her traveling companions who were a bit of a mystery in the last issue.
The art is at the same level of quality as the last issue continuing to build a lively world. When the group exits the Emerald City you can really feel and see the destruction of the forest and how it’s pushed other societies to the outskirts. The character designs obviously play a large role in the story and frankly, for someone that’s not a huge fan of steam punk, these character look pretty cool. The Tin Man is awesome looking, but then so are the Lions and the Munchkins. They’re fun designs that make the book worth reading.
I’m digging this series and I like this issue. I like that you don’t absolutely have to have read the FCBD issue, but that Arcana is giving you the option to read it if you want. I like where the story is going and I can’t wait to see what the other core cast of Oz characters end up looking like in this reimagined steam punk world. If you’re a fan of Oz this is worth checking out, but obviously if you’re a purist you may have to warm up to it first. If you just like entertaining stories then check it out as well.
Score: 4/5
Writers: Erik Hendrix & Sean Patrick O’Reilly
Artist: Yannis Roumboulias
Publisher: Arcana Studios
Price: $3.99
Release Date: June, 2012
Review: Haunting Refrain #1
I have to say that this book was nothing that expected, everything that I expected and somehow more than what I expected. I know none of that really makes sense, but that’s really the best way I can describe my feelings towards it. It surprised me and sucked me in to the point that I was paying attention to each and every page looking to unlock the next piece of the puzzle. The story kicks off with a ghost story about August Quentin the town undertaker. This story is there to set up our ghost story and to establish the evolution of ghost stories that are passed down generation after generation working its way further from the truth. We cut to modern-day and meet Bongo a drummer in a rock band. The next day after tiring of rehearsal Bongo heads home to find a note on his door to call home. He does and his friend Allen answers the phone. In the next scene we see Bongo at his father’s funeral. After the funeral Bongo gets sucked back into the small town he fought so hard to leave. It begins at the local bar Cage Inn where Bongo reunites with his longtime friends Allen, Casie, Farley and Ernie. Allen was his father’s lawyer and after catching up tells him to come over to his office to discuss things.
After the bar closes, the four guys begin walking home and pass the old Quentin house. They throw rocks at the windows and act like scared little boys around the place, but little does Bongo know that his destiny is tied to the old house. He makes his way to his father’s house and walks through memory lane checking all of the little things that make a home a home, but remind Bongo that nothing really changes in this town. The next day Bongo heads to Allen’s office and finds out that his dad fucked him and didn’t leave him any money. Worse yet, if Bongo doesn’t finish the housing project his dad started he’s going to be fucked even more, but wait… it gets worse. He’s also the new owner of the Quentin house.
This is one of the best ghost stories I think I’ve ever read. It’s not a horror story which is what a lot of people assume when they read the word “ghost”, but this story is actually more of a mystery thriller. The Quentin house begins to engulf Bongo’s life and the more he discovers the more he wants to solve the mystery of the house and its original builders Mr. and Mrs. Quentin. In a way he’s working his way back through the generations of ghost stories surrounding the house until he finds the truth.
It’s a page turner and quite effective in keeping you on the edge of your seat while reading it. The charm of the writing is that you don’t know what’s going to happen because it’s intelligently layering the mystery and giving fake clues in the form of ghost stories. There’s a lot of loss to deal with in the story and the overall mood is very dark, but that’s also what makes the writing so good; everyone can relate to some aspect of this story if they think about it.
The art style complements the story very well. The test or guideline I use for the art when reviewing is if the story can tell the story on its own after I’ve read it. If I can go back through ignore all of the dialog and captions and still decipher what’s happening in the story. Obviously I have the benefit of reading it already, but there are plenty of times that I’ve caught a scene or a page and had to read the dialog to remember or understand what I’m looking at. Honestly if you read this book a second time I would recommend not reading the dialog as it makes it spookier and still conveys the same story. The art is great and the coloring the perfect match.
This was a very rewarding read and kind of gave me an itch for reading more suspenseful ghost stories. While this story is a standalone issue, I hope that creators will reteam for another installment following different characters and a new ghost. While it’s a supernatural tale, there are plenty of real emotions that this story hits upon that will suck you in until the very last page. This was a fantastic read and considering the page count of 100 plus pages, well worth the price. The book isn’t out yet so be sure to pre-order it from your local comic shop.
Score: 5/5
Writer: Greg M. Smith
Artist: Ulises Carpintero
Publisher: Committed Comics
Price: $7.99
Release Date: Fall, 2013 Diamond Preview Number: JUL130979
Review: Ipso Facto #1-2
This series is what is referred to as a “high concept” story. Meaning that scope of the idea is huge and not easily summed up. After reading the first two issues it’s pretty obvious to me what’s happening, but in general there are still some unanswered questions that I suspect will only be answered from continuing with the series, which I will be doing. There are elements of this story that should remind you of other sci-fi stories and while I’m not going to pretend that I know the creator’s influences, it personally reminded me a bit of V with a mix of Doctor Who and a reverse Alien Nation. Again, I’m not saying that all of those are perfectly represented, but there are hints of their influence to me and it works.
The story begins with a satellite launching into space, but there is something unusual about this satellite. Its launch has changed the destiny of mankind as we know it. We meet our main character Mosel after that as he wakes up in his rich beautiful girlfriends bed. As he goes to the bathroom he sees a blinding light in the mirror and suddenly a man wearing a neckerchief is standing behind him. Mose wakes up back in bed again and comments on what a weird dream it was, but then the same man is there again. He disappears as suddenly as he came as Mose’s girlfriend Riley wakes up. They have a morning spat and Mose decides to take off to home and check in with his mother. They share a moment in French with seems to quell their fight and then Mose grabs some flowers that he planted on Riley’s roof for her birthday. He takes off though after he seemingly hears her thoughts. At home Mosel’s mother greets him with a slap and an insult directed towards his girlfriend and then some more mumbo jumbo from her mouth.
After that the story heads to South Africa and follows what appears to be a normal man. He walks past two men fighting and suddenly both men’s disposition changes and their arguing stops. He then stops in front of a security camera and delivers a message looking straight into the camera and then disappears. Back in the Marker monitoring station in North America we see a flood of messages conveying the same message of “peace I’m out” as an exodus of aliens leave the planet. There last words are all the same, “All that to you is good.” This causes confusion with the Marker’s because they’ve been watching these aliens and their population has never decreased. They’re completely lost until one of the agents delivers a custom message that was left for her. He basically tells them that the satellite that their bosses launched is the beginning of the end of them and that they knew of the Marker’s existence the entire time.
The story only gets bigger and more complex from there. As with any sci-fi world there are a lot of characters or more accurately groups of characters. Mosel is the key to everything, but as the man that’s stalking him continues to tell him, he need to remember who he is. I would definitely label this story as a “mind bender” as the concept of reality is constantly warped or played with in some small way. At times it feels as if there are many realities at once, but other instances give the book a Days Missing feel of time travel. I got the basic gist of the story; an alien race came to earth to ensure that we naturally progress the way we’re meant to. At some point though we became aware of them and so things changed and now we’ve made a choice that they can no longer help us with. How exactly Mosel will be able to save this and what other challenges he’ll have to face isn’t clear yet, but I’m interested. I’m also very curious about the King Maker and the self-described King of Kings’ King.
In general the writing is very good and the only aspect of the story that struggles in the narration. There is so much information in the beginning pages of the story and none of it has context to the reader yet. After reading the second issue, it made more sense, but for that first instance it’s just words on the page and not a strong introduction to the main character. Even though the French aspect was explained, it felt incredibly forced upon the story. I have a feeling that it will come into play again and when it does I hope that it feels natural to the story.
The art is top notch and very realistic looking. Each page is incredibly detailed and makes the story look photorealistic. It really captured the planet and made it look as if you were bouncing around the entire globe; especially when you do just that in the second issue. The character designs were very good as well and the art style reminded me a bit of Gary Frank’s style. The coloring was also superb and gave the pages a vibrant look.
I’m not sure if all aspects of this series is going to work or if the high concept idea is so big that it never fully plays out, but for right now I’m really liking this series. There really aren’t many sci-fi comic books on the market right now that don’t end up being superhero titles, but Ipso Facto is sci-fi through and through. At its very core it’s a “chosen one will save the planet” story, but there’s a reason that we love those stories… their entertaining and fun. If you dig sci-fi, especiallyDays Missing then I would definitely check out this series.
Score: 4/5
Writer: J.R. Rothenberg
Artist: Jason Badower
Colorist: Annette Kwok
Pubisher: Ipso Facto Books
Price: $3.50 Print and $1.99 Digital
Review: American Nature – Pack #2
Though it’s only a few pages, I said fuck it let’s review this bad boy! American Nature appears in the back of Hoax Hunters from Image Comics and it’s actually become one of my favorite things about the series. It’s clearly influenced by MAD magazine, but manages to incorporate modern elements of our society in a way that MAD has failed to adapt to over the years. Things like texting, Twitter and Hipsters. Look no further than “Messenger Boy Social Club” for evidence of this. This series captures everything about the “Hipster” lifestyle that is both mocked by society at large and secretly praised by others. It’s over the top; it’s ridiculous and also sadly true in so many cases. Essentially, every hipster in the city is invited on a subway car that is then zipped into outer space. On board a complex bartering system develops as hipster’s trade food and supplies for their vintage and unusual items/clothing. Everything about this story amuses me, from the character names (Boof) to the warm Capri Suns. Really I just wish there was more of it to read.
The other chapter is actually a fun tale involving the Hoax Hunters cast as they chase down a Chupacabra in Mexico. Even though the cast is somewhat serious it still has the Greg and Fake charm to the story as they all dress in “local” attire to blend in. This results in dressing like stereotypes and then beating the hell out of a man dressed like a Chupacabra, when a real one might actually be sitting right in front of them.
Granted you can’t exactly buy these stories on their own, but hopefully as the collection grows Image will collect the tales and release them. I personally think that the team could support an ongoing series at this point, but they likely need some fan support. So let Image and Hoax Hunters know that you like American Nature damnit!
Score: 4/5
Hoax Hunters Adventures
Writers: Marc Koprinarov and David Landsberger
Artists: Greg and Fake Petre
Messenger Boy Social Club
Writers/Artists: Greg and Fake Petre
Review: Binary Gray #1-4
At first glance you’d never guess that Binary Gray is a superhero title, but in a lot of ways it is. Or more accurately, it’s a story that takes place in a world populated by superheroes. The superhero genre dominates the comic book industry and so when an independent creator comes along with a new superhero themed title, the challenge is for the creator to present something new and different rather than their homage or offer their “take” on a familiar character trope. In some ways this series does look and feel like other superhero comics you’re more familiar with, but I found its presentation to be the real reason it was entertaining and worth reading. Alex Gray wakes up after we’re walked through his reoccurring nightmare. At least once a week Alex dreams of his father’s death, which was the result of a superhero battle. He blames himself all these years later even though his mother and therapist have told him to move on. Even though he was obsessed with superheroes as a boy he grew up to be just a computer geek, working in the IT department for a faceless corporation. His day is filled with moronic questions and fixing mistakes caused by sheer laziness. While working in the server room Alex is electrocuted and wakes up with the power to communicated with electronics through physical contact, visualize network interfaces and his brain also acts like a hard drive.
He wakes up in the hospital and the heart rate machine begins talking to him which scares the hell out of him. In typical comic book fashion, he checks himself out and heads home. The next day he thinks about going to work, but decides to take a day considering he was electrocuted. He begins checking out his powers quite accidently as the TV turns on just from him picking up the remote. When Alex does return to work he finds that his new powers make his job a breeze and what once took his entire day to do is now done in seconds. As his confidence grows his desire to do something more with his abilities also grows and he decides to hunt down the super villain that’s responsible for his father’s death… Scaldron.
The pacing for all four issues is terrific, I was able to breeze through them one after the other and not because there was a lack of content by any means. The story is very interesting since Alex’s powers are cool and yes very helpful for his everyday life, but they don’t really help fight guys that can create fire out of thin air or fly and smash things with their bare fists. It’s an interesting look at a lesser power, but also the barriers strong desire to do something with it. Alex narrates most of the issue and it works for the story. In a lot of ways it gives it a Peter Parker, Spider-man feel, but it’s not always perfect. There is this really strange habit that Alex has, where he breaks from his serious monologue to check out a girl or just feel cocky about his encounter with the opposite sex. That was actually the part of his character I didn’t buy since he’s A) a good looking guy and B) has low self-esteem. I find it hard to believe that a woman hasn’t entered his life and taken advantage of that situation, but whatever there’s a subplot love interest in the works.
Alex becomes involved with the superhero world when he refuses to let his father’s death rest, but even his introduction to the world is a bit different from other comics. In a lot of ways he’s being treated like a kid and so his interactions with the heroes is different than someone that’s truly ready to suit up and fight crime. It’s a different take that’s for sure.
The art is really good and very consistent. It’s not overly detailed, but it does have just enough to keep it interesting. The style works for the story and does a decent job of communicating the contents of the story without the narration or dialog. The coloring is okay. It’s not that it doesn’t work for the art, but I wonder if it could look better. In general it gives the book a very flat look which keeps it from being overly realistic looking. It does work with it though and the lighting effects are very good throughout all four issues.
The thing I especially liked about these four issues was the fact that the story didn’t inflate after just one issue. Really Alex’s life doesn’t become a mess until the fourth issue and so we’re given plenty of time to spend with average Alex. It makes you sympathize and relate to his character more since a lot of us work or have worked boring routine jobs. It’s a superhero book for sure, but we’re not following a superhero (at least not yet) and that’s what makes it interesting and different from other superhero titles. If you need a break from your usual cape books or you simply enjoy the power to be able to talk to machines then check out Binary Gray from Assailant Comics.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Chris Charlton
Artist: Rowel Roque
Publisher: Assailant Comics
Price: $3.99 each
Review: Princeless Vol. 2 #3
This issue is priceless in many ways (excuse the pun, but it’s true). It plays to many character tropes and societal views while also playing against stereotypes as well. The back and forth is really a treat to anyone paying attention, but if you’re just here for the action and adventure you won’t be disappointed either. In fact there is a pretty big reveal in this issue that I won’t be talking about further, but it was unexpected at this stage of the story that’s for sure. The issue picks up right where the last issue left as Adrienne has begun climbing her oldest sister’s tower to rescue her, only to find her walking about freely below her. After Adrienne falls they begin discussing the situation in a hilarious sequence of events that follows Angelica throughout the small village dedicated to her and Adrienne and Bedelia following behind. It’s funny because Angelica walks through taking whatever she wants while Bedelia is scolded or charged for the same objects. Here’s where the stereotypes are reinforced as the people treat Bedelia different because she’s not as “pretty” as Angelica, but in a lot of ways Angelica has accepted her role and allows them to take care of her since she can’t do anything else. She may be pretty and use that to her advantage, but she’s not weak. The conversation is cut short as the bounty hunter knight that wears a lion’s head finally catches up to the girls. He and Adrienne begin to fight, while on the other side of the story our King continues to investigate the “death” of his wife.
This was a charming issue as always. I enjoy that this series seeks out all the stereotypes it can and exposes them, but doesn’t necessarily say that their bad or disprove them. Instead they’re used to further the story. The writing is very sharp and the dialog is witty and realistic. In a rare turn of events I’ve run out things to say about the writing. It’s just a damn good series.
The art on the other hand gives me plenty to talk about as influenced by manga and animation in many ways in this issue. The most notable is Bedelia’s reactions to how she’s being treated and the reactions of the people she’s dealing with. My personal favorite was the look on her face as she’s charged money for an apple; her eye’s become big and watery and her look is pathetic in general. Then there was the shape changing wolves; the daughter of the leader looked very Elfquest inspired personally, but it worked with the story. The action sequences were easy to follow and didn’t eat up a lot of pages in the process which was nice.
This is definitely one of if not the best all-ages titles currently published. If you have a child old enough to enjoy it then I wouldn’t hesitate to get it for them. For me, I just really enjoy this series and the reveal/plot point in this issue is pretty big. I’m looking forward to the conclusion to this arc and hope that the next one is right behind it.
Score: 5/5
Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Artist: Emily Martin
Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 5/29/13
Teaser For New Punisher Fan Film Based Off of Rucka's Run
Well this is a fine how do you do. I actually dug Rucka's run on Punisher (is he still writing it? I assume he isn't) due to the fact that it was less superheroy. This trailer for the fan film is short, but it looks like the team is putting a lot into the production value. The video is after the jump and you stay up to date on the video on their website.
Halloween Costume Impersonators Get Into Turf Fight On Hollywood Blvd.
Let me start by saying that the video player for this clip sucks and I had to watch a Lean Cuisine commercial in Spanish three times. Any ways, I'm going to take an angle on this that you're probably not going to see coming. Shut them down and get rid of this tourist "attraction."
Let me tell you, as someone how lives in L.A. these guys suck to deal with and as a comic fan I hate them. Very few of them, and I mean fucking few, actually have any interest in the comic books and none of them put any effort into their costumes. They used to, but now it's basically just asshole in Halloween costumes begging for money. I'm glad this happened and I hope that my fights break out so that the city actually shuts it down this time. The "Blvd" is crowded and annoying as it is and taking away the jerks in poorly made costumes isn't going to stop it from being a tourist attraction. Video after the jump.
How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended
The way Iron Man 3 is structured as a movie, you can't exactly step in and say "this would fix the ending and thus fix the entire movie." But this edition of "How It Should Have Ended" does poke fun at a couple of the most obvious issues with the film. Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie... oh wait its past the billion dollar mark I think we're all okay. In fact, stop seeing it and go see Star Trek Into Darkness.
The Trailer For Titan Comics' RazorJack Is Awesome
When I see a trailer like this or even the one for Death Sentence, I have to wonder why there aren't more comic book trailers of the same quality. Seriously, this trailer is of great quality and actually works to get you excited about the book. I know I'm interested and usually I pass on anything that's been remastered, but this looks great. The coolness is after the jump.
Review: Clone #7
Review by: Sergio Porras Remember that time you gave away the position of all your clones to the evil younger clone and he showed up to the camp with rocket launchers and started blowing the place to pieces? Well what can I say? It happens to the best of us. Clone #7 was full of action, suspense, and of course that amazing art work that brings the whole story together.
Last we saw of Luke he was climbing out of the rubble of what was once a diner where he met a much younger beta clone of himself who turned out to be an evil son of a bitch whose hell bent on the extermination of his clone brothers. Luke try's contacting the base, but it’s apparent that he must have a shitty cell carrier because anytime he tried talking they were unable to understand him. Although Jennifer is unable to understand what Luke is trying to say, she still senses the panic in his voice. While all this is going on, the Vice President is having his own issues back at the camp with his daughter while Luke's father tries to reverse her medically induced coma. They are all completely blind to the fact that there is someone coming to kill them all.
While trying to look for another phone to contact the camp, Luke finds paperwork containing where his wife and newborn are being kept, says a small apology to Jennifer for not going to help the clones and takes off after his wife… or does he? Back where Amelia is being kept she escapes from her holding cell, not to find freedom, but to find her baby. All she wanted to do was hold her baby and properly name her, she names her Eva. The Beta clone finds his way to the camp and this is where the issue becomes a blood bath. The beta clone starts picking off the clones and succeeds by killing off the majority. As the issue comes to an end, the day is saved by none other than Luke who was supposed to be going after his wife and daughter. The last page is where writers David Schulner, Aaron Grinsburg, and Wade Mclntyre really hook you in... Let’s just say that assinik disorder always acts up at the most inopportune moments.
I'm starting to become redundant when I talk about Ryp’s artwork, but it truly is that amazing. Ryp has quickly become my favorite artist and with the work he does on Clone, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be some of his most notable work. The art in the action packed pages are guaranteed to floor you with their jaw dropping depictions of violence.
If you love a comic that's in full stride then Clone is most definitely the book for you. There's so much going on that there are no signs of slowing down. It’s a book that is worth investing all your hard-earned dollars in and will one day be a respected part of your personal collection. If you're just now looking to jump on then you've started at the wrong issue. Clone #7 can only be truly appreciated if you've read the first six issues, there's not even a recap page. My advice to you would be to pick up Clone vol.1, which came out this week as well then pick up this and last issue. Now sit back, read the damn series, and wait for news of the inevitable television series or summer blockbuster!
Score: 5/5
Writers: David Schulner, Aaron Grinsburg, Wade Mclntyre Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Publisher: Skybound and Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Artistic! Power-Up Collage Onomatopoeia's Your Face!
Via Design Taxi
Group Review: TMNT #22
“City Fall” has finally begun and frankly quite a few of us have been waiting for it. Instead of a fight to the death to review this issue, we’ve opened it up to a group review so that you get the most opinion for your buck! As with all of our group reviews, the writers/reviews of Comic Bastards will give their opinion on the issue and then a score of: Buy, Borrow or Pass. Before we get started, here’s a blurb about this issue from IDW. “CITY FALL” part 1: A normal night on the town for Raphael and Casey turns deadly when the Foot Clan appears in full force. The resulting chaos is only the first step in Shredder’s master plan! The stakes have never been higher, and lives are on the line. Don’t miss the start of the biggest story arc to hit the TMNT yet!
Samantha: Buy
I am probably totally bias when it comes to anything turtles but guess what, they are freakin’ awesome so I don’t care. This first issue of City Falls is no exception. It has everything I love about the turtles; Shedder, fatherly advice, deceit, sneak attacks, and lots of ninja fighting.
I can’t help but be pissed off at Raphael though. Sometimes he needs to cool it and let Splinter do his thing. I think this was a great opening for this story arc because I feel such strong emotion for the characters and also felt like I was in the battle myself. I am excited to see how the brothers will treat the whole Leo situation. I just think some epic events about to occur and I wouldn’t want to miss any issue of this loved comic.
Eric: Buy
If you have picked up turtles yet this is the perfect point to jump on. This is the book I’ve been waiting for the ultimate showdown between the Foot and the Turtles. The action is throughout. It’s hard hitting and flows well on the page. It seems everything that was set up through the micro-series and the ongoing is here and there. A huge cast is involved the: Dragon Gang, The Foot, The Turtles, The Savate and Kitsune. Like I said before the book I was waiting for. I love this series but it seems the lack of the battles against Shedder the Turtles ultimate foe. The art is great but I expect that from Santolouco after reading Secret of the Foot Clan micro series. I’m still not a fan of his actual portrayal of the Turtles, but damn Shedder scares me. The story has so much more depth, Casey and his relationship with his father, Raphael’s and Casey’s friendship and the emotional tension of being a ninja and being a friend and brother. Others would be Shedder’s and Splinter’s past lives. This is one story arc that starts out hard hitting and I hope it continues.
Buy this book great place to start anew and definitely what some fans were waiting for like me. Bring on the action. This is going to be the blockbuster for the Turtles not the movie Michael Bay is producing.
Steve: Buy
I must admit, I haven’t been keeping up with the modern Turtle books. In fact, ever since I put my Wingnut & Screwloose figures back into the ol’ chest for the last time years ago, I’ve only had a vague idea what the boys were up to out there. However, after reading this issue (and a couple of the recent TMNT villain-based books), that negligence has clearly been a mistake. As an old fan, I found it very easy to jump aboard this issue without experiencing any ... shell ... shock? Sorry. But seriously, while the world feels “differently populated,” this is still the same old turtles: Raph is brash and has an antagonistic relationship with Leo, ooze is still around, there are references to the Technodrome and Slash, Casey Mafackin’ Jones is in it, and so is the Foot Clan, so in a way, this all feels like home, but now set within a new and interesting premise of a city-wide gang war. The visuals are going to take some getting used to, I think, especially with the turtles looking like a green, anime version of Chucky, but for the most part, I enjoyed my tentative retread back into the Turtleverse.
Dustin: Buy
I definitely went into this issue over hyped and while it wasn’t as amazing as I wanted it to be, it was still a damn good issue. I also have to take in account that this is the twenty second issue of the series and it’s still feels like the world is just barely getting started and that’s incredible. It’s been a long ass time since a quality ongoing Turtles comic was attempted and so I always give props to this series for that.
On the story side, it was great to see so many characters, but I need more mutants. Where the cartoon is constantly introducing new/reimagined mutants, the comic is moving very slowly with the process. For now it’s fine, but damn there were a lot of humans clogging up this issue. I loved the bait and switch with Casey and it though I don’t see him heading to the penalty box in the sky; it was the perfect situation to force the Turtles to choose. Personally, I think they messed up, but that’s why it’s interesting. This was a great start to the story arc and what was even better was the art. Santolouco’s Turtles have actually grown on me and I would kill for a poster of the opening “City Fall” page. It was so reminiscent of James Stokoe’s style, but with a Turtle twist. Very entertaining and worth the read even if you haven’t been keeping up with the series.
Jordan: Buy
I haven’t had this much fun with the Ninja Turtles in a long time. I’ve watched the show on Nickelodeon like many of you and like many of you came away pleasantly surprised, but TMNT is a different ball game. Still handled to an extent by Nick TMNT has a little more wiggle room as far as maturity of content is concerned. The result is a Turtle’s story that feels more congruent to what the Turtles should be, never cursing just to curse, never with any great amount of blood or guts, it just feels comfortable in its skin. It’s a good story and a nice way to kick off an event. Plus, Master Splinter punches a man in the throat. If that doesn’t sell you and you were alive during the 90s at all, check your pulse because you may be an android.
Score: It’s a Buy!
Writers: Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman Artist: Mateus Santolouco Colorist: Ronda Pattison Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Group Review: Next Testament #1
Ah the fabled Comic Bastards group reviews. If you’re a follower of the site then you’re likely accustomed to what has become a weekly occurrence where the many writers/reviews of Comic Bastards pool their forces like Voltron and come together for one review. Each writer shares their thoughts and opinions on the issue and then gives it a score of: Buy, Borrow or Pass. Since we don’t sum up the book like we usually do, here’s a blurb from Boom about Next Testament. Julian Demond, captain of industry, has left behind everything to begin a walkabout -- he believes he’s on a mission from God. While in the wasteland, he comes across a figure unlike any other, who calls himself Wick...and claims to be God. Their journey will span the globe, as neither man merely wants to make a mark on the world, but a scar.
Steve: Borrow
Yeah, this one’s alright, I guess. I do like the premise of the godless academic going into the desert to find and resurrect his own personal (technicolored) Jesus, and how both of these characters prove to be more fucked up than we at first imagine. But then again, while it is still too soon to call, I’m worried this will boil down to another god-gone-mad type story, which I’ve seen before. There is still hope for it, as it really isn’t bad, but it doesn’t do enough to show me its uniqueness, either; until then, the story is just a "borrow" affair for me. Artistically, there are quite a few visuals that I really like, and even though he kind of looks like a moister version of The First Lantern, I dig the syrupy rainbow look of Wik, the so-called “Father of Color.” Although, I should think that Mr. Crayola might take some issue with the nickname. Otherwise, though, some of the perspective used in the book is unnatural and a bit sloppy. I’ll probably stay on to see what’s going on here with the motivations and power levels of Wik, but probably just in passing and from a distance.
Samantha: Buy
I have mixed feelings about this first issue. It doesn’t offer much but a very thin baseline of a story. What I mean by that is we don’t really get any introduction expect for this God figure and even he is vague on his plans. I can tell you one thing though no one should be that obsessed with anything. It will only end in regret which I think Julian Demond will soon feel.
Okay I have decided on Buy because although it is a slow beginning I have a feeling this story will kick some serious ass in the future. The horror was barely even scraped at. If I know The Bible then I know it is scary and with that level of horror put into a comic format it will only make it more explosive.
Dustin: Buy
I really enjoyed this issue. I knew from the first page that it wasn’t going to be for everyone, but if this was a solo review it would score pretty high. The issue was nuck and futs, but I enjoyed every single page. Seeing the exiled God hang people in the air and then just kill them for shits and giggles was hilarious and reminded me a lot of Supreme Powers in a lot of ways. In fact, so far it reminds me of a superhero comic and that’s pretty damn cool. For me this was just a fast, enjoyable read that made me laugh at it’s over the top nature, but at the same time crave more of it. I know there will be mixed feelings about this issue, but it was a definite buy for me.
Ed: Buy
I read through this issue very quickly and suspect that this series might work better as in a collected format. That said, any 'Wednesday Warriors' reading this review shouldn't allow themselves to be put off. Next Testament #1 is a very good opening to what promises to be an intriguing and harrowing horror comic. There's not much in the way of dialogue or captions to judge Barker and Miller's writing by, but the concept they've cooked up - of a messianic monster that's almost like a fusion of H.P. Lovecraft's otherworldly and unintelligible old ones with the religious elements of Christianity - is potent and unsettling.
Haemi Jang's artwork is excellent, combining rich detail, expressive characters and skillfully applied color to create a loaded atmosphere and an undercurrent of menace throughout. In "the Father of Colors" the series has a genuinely sinister villain (if that's even the right word to describe him), with his inhuman powers and godly megalomania, and appears more sickening than joyful in his near-psychedelic coloring. Jane's line work feels, to me, like a cross between the 'clear line' style pioneered by Hergé with the 'camera angles', manipulation of space and judicious use of detailing you would expect to see in the quality manga books. It's good stuff and I'm already looking forward to issue #2.
Jordan: Buy
Next Testament #1 is a proper mind f%$k and a scary, scary book that made me think for hours afterwards. Some of the panels are very disturbing and the story itself will make you doubt your god. That said, I can’t wait for more. Reviewing regularly Clive Barker`s Hellraiser series I thought I knew what to expect of the man as far as comic writing was concerned. I was wrong. New Testament—the little I’ve seen so far-- managed to intrigue me and excite me more than any issue of Hellraiser could (or at least has so far). Wick: The Father of Colors is terrifying and his seemingly above morals level of consciousness makes him one of the more intriguing figures I’ve seen recently in comics. What the hell did Julian Demond do exactly to call him in the first place? If the art in this book was drawn by a school child id still buy the second issue on the basis of story alone, and you know what? Maybe more so then, Wick would be scary as shit drawn crudely in crayon.
Score: 4 Buys and a Borrow
Writers: Clive Barker and Mark Miller Artist: Haemi Jang Publisher: Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Review: Thief of Thieves #14
Review by: Sergio Porras The highly anticipated Thief of Thieves #14 has finally arrived! With its arrival comes new writer for the series, Andy Diggle. Diggle brought forth a breath of fresh air to the series, which rekindled my attraction for the book that I almost stopped reading.
Augustus and Conrad have been captured by the Cartel and are now having to negotiate with Lola, a feared and brutal cartel leader, who feels that he has been let down by Agustus after he fails to repay Lola. Lola gives Conrad a chance to save Agustus's ass by pulling off a job for him, but Conrad knows that he can't do this alone so he recruits his ex-wife Audrey. Although Audrey is angry and blames Conrad for most of what's happened to Agustus, she is desperate to save her son so without any other options she decides to join in on the Venice job.
Long time readers have been anxiously waiting for thirteen issues now to have the Venice job revealed. It's been hinted at multiple times but nothing is ever said about it, but it looks like it’s finally here. Don't be surprised if Kirkman takes anOceans 11 approach to setting up the story. A team will probably have to be assembled and with that will come character introductions and I'm sure they will show a lot of planning. Luckily Kirkman now has Diggle to help write all the witty dialogue that will be taking place. Suspense sells comics so look forward to one hell of a buildup.
Martinbrough and Serrano have pulled off amazing art once again. Thief of Thieves has to be one of the best looking comics on the racks. The art gives the story a realistic element that you don't see in every crime genre book. The thing that stands out the most in this issue is Lola's henchmen. I love the detail that Martinbrough added to the design of their Dia de Los Muertos masks and the colors that Serrano used seem to give them an awesome highlighting affect that make the masks look as if they were glowing.
This issue had everything that the last few issues have been lacking. There was no more stand still and it looks like they're finally going to start moving the story along. At first I was a little disappointed that there wasn't any action in this issue, but after I really gave it some thought, I stared appreciating the writing style and realized that the creative team was able to produce a fantastic story and left you wanting more without having to blow something up or let the bullets fly.
Score: 5/5
Story: Robert Kirkman, James Asmus and Andy Diggle Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Shawn Martinbrough Colorist: Felix Serrano Publisher: Skybound and Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Review: Chew #34
Written by Guest Contributor: Jordan North I don’t know if it’s the adult cartoon aesthetic that’s what makes me love Chew so much. That perfect melding of humor and style that makes me want to call up Adult Swim and tell them to take notes. Maybe it’s the story itself, which it one of the very few pieces of work that I can with a pinched bridge of the nose and an almost reluctant chuckle can call dumb as f$#k and mean it as an absolutely sincere term of endearment, but boy do I love it so.
This issue tackles the dossiers of the elusive Mr. The Vampire’s list of victims, which is ever growing and his once and for all run in with our beloved agent Tony Chu.
Tell me you’re not entertained as this book ribs you in this side as it goes down The Vampire’s hit list, taking us back in time to charming locales like Ye Olde Dusty Taint Inn or treats you to the image of a man’s fingers on a kebob. Just a blast.
And then we have State Senator Eccles... oh State Senator Eccles. Nary have I slapped my forehead as I did at the revelation of your character, nary have I felt as low-brow as I did when I realized that at the same time I was laughing out loud. This man’s head is a cheese burger. Or at least it is until he eats something else. That’s his deal. Yes really.
None of this would work if the whole thing didn’t feel like a wonderful satire with its tongue planted firmly in its cheek. You need only see the sign of the bum in the crowd Eccles has drawn to glean this, “The end is nigh. YOLO.” Where’s my T-shirt Layman?
And none of THAT would work so well if John Layman and Rob Guillory didn’t feel like they were meant to work together. Who else do you know in the industry who could draw this story to life and not have it fall flat, and vice versa? The art of Rob Guillory could only feel at home alongside a story that feels like it could have been written by the kid that carved AC/DC into the desks at middle school. This thing is so smooth it pulls out into a different dimension of the medium and often I’ll find myself in the same mental territory as if the book wasn’t a book at all, but a slick 30fps deal playing out to me on my screen like a perverse TV program.
This issue is all about the buildup as Tony finally faces off against his most fearsome enemy yet and FDA agent Cobly and former FDA agent/super villain mastermind Mason Savoy pair up to take on a political scandal. The latter is a cool B-plot that sees two interesting staple characters tackle a ridiculous fresh face (can you call it that?) in the senator. A scene where the two who, up until this point had been at odds, bond over telling the senator whose been caught red handed—and chicken headed-- consuming some of poultry’s finest, is golden and also as ridiculous as it sounds.
Another high point happens at the very end where an evermore badass Tony Chu, given all the reason in the world to get the hell out of dodge or lay down and die, looks his guy (vampire) dead in the eye and with undying confidence proclaims, “There’s only one way this ends. I am going to kill you.” I don’t doubt you Tony Chu. Don`t doubt Tony and NEVER doubt John Layman and Rob Guillory... unless you were one of those weird kids that carved ABBA in your middle school’s desks instead. In which case, Angus Young probably wouldn’t have liked you much anyway. So go to hell.
Score: 5/5
Writer: John Layman Artist: Rob Guillory Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Review: Deathmatch #6
It’s pretty goddamn hard not to like Deathmatch. I mean, what’s not to love about semi-analogous yet uniquely-faceted superheroes and villains locked in a prison and forced to viciously kill the crap out of each other for the apparent amusement of spear-wielding light beings, with no other clue as to why or how they are being held there? I am, however, beginning to feel this weird undercurrent of fanboys and girls drifting away from superhero books (which is dumb, by the way), I suppose because they feel inundated by all of the choices? Still dumb, but if you are one of those people, make sure that Deathmatch isn’t one that makes your drop list in some weird quest for comic book “credibility.” Saying that, though, can the mysteries in this book keep up their superhuman pace, or will its questionable longevity end up being its kryptonite? Let’s find out ... together.
In issue six, the status quo of the Deathmatch arena has recovered from its power flux hiccup (great name for a band) and all the “cats” (who are once again de-powered outside of the battle-dome) are put back in their cages, thanks to the efforts of the Manchurian last issue, who had to switch back on the power to re-trap an overpowered threat (and probably the key to all of this nonsense) known only as “The Unknown.”
Meanwhile, as the heroes and villains continue to sink deeper into each others’ throats, there are a few other strange things afoot at this otherwise nondescript pan-dimensional superhuman gulag. Take Omni-Engine, for example. This Iron Man analogue continues to wrestle with some creepy, sinister inner voice that is definitely not his own ... OR IS IT?? Little pro tip, though? That “hearing voices” shit doesn’t hold up as well as you might think in a court of law. Trust me ... (aaawkwaaard)
Meanwhile, we get two kick-ass slobber-knockers this round, one of which pits surly solar stepchild, Sol Invictus, against everyone’s favorite grimy, nonsensical detective, Rat. The other sees cuddle-hungry female Nightwing character, Minx, square off against the human brown note, Melody Toon. Interestingly, in both of these bouts, the playing field is leveled to give the less-empowered combatants an actual chance, which as far as I can remember, is a new twist. In one case, it also shows how infinitely powerful these jailers ... whomever they may be revealed to be ... truly are.
Now, while all of this action is great and each fight ends in a shockingly gruesome yet creative death (as I’ve come to expect and enjoy from this series), there’s something a bit off with the dialogue this issue, specifically as it pertains to the quiet art of shit-talking.
At one point, the hero Dragonfly calls the villainous Cube an “ugly pile of puke,” while elsewhere, Melody suggests that she will make Minx “laugh on the other side of your face,” which Minx then follows up with probably the worst comeback of all time, punctuated further with a swift kick to the lady-crotch, or “cunt punt” as it is often referred to within the urban vernacular. At other times, though, the way Jenkins fills his characters’ face holes with words is right on point, such as when Rat opines on the belief structures of metal wire in a chilling bit of “OH SNAP!” So in the end, it balances out, and even the bad shit-talkery is pretty amusing, even if it’s not meant to be.
In terms of actual story, this issue continues in leading the plot to something that feels very close to a more confined Crisis on Infinite Earths, and the reveal at the end promises to further that comparison. Unfortunately, though, everyone is staying tight-lipped, and I do have to admit that this was the first issue of Deathmatch which I thought had any perceptible drag to it, like the thread which has been smoothly stringing us along is starting to fray.
Still, though, I continue to be high on Deathmatch. There remain so many mysteries ticking away within the clockwork of this book, from weird, subtle little things like why Spider-Man-esque hero Dragonfly is the only one to go by his secret identity (Benny Boatright) rather than his codename. Then, of course, there is the identity of this big ball of anti-matter energy, the role of the enigmatically silent Glyph and why this world’s Superman, The Meridian, is acting like such a loony dickface. Just like in the preceding issues, I can’t wait to figure all of this stuff out.
I’ve said before how much I enjoy the art in this book by Carlos Magno, and that continues here, but I also want to mention the fantastic colors of Michael Garland. His more muted tones really add to the grizzly, almost granite texture Magno has wrought in this universe, whereas his sparing flourishes erupt in garish, sickeningly beautiful splashes. Look only to the second death scene for proof of what I mean.
So, because Deathmatch is beginning to show signs of being an overpowered, yet stuck beast (much like the heroes within its pages), and this issue isn’t as captivating and incendiary as the blowout that was issue five, I have to drop it a point. Which, if my math is right, takes it down to just being “fucking awesome!”
Score: 4/5
Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Carlos Magno Colors: Michael Garland Publisher: Boom! Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/29/13
Review: Clone - Vol. 1
Review by: Sergio Porras Amongst the many relationships and friendships that social media giant Facebook has ruined, who would have thought that it would single-handedly take down a top-secret cloning program? Welcome to the first five issues of Clone, an epic sci-fi adventure, set in the present, that follows Dr. Luke Taylor on his adventure of trying to find his wife and new-born all while figuring out why there are several thousand clones of himself.
The story kicks off with a guy named Foster, who we find out is one of many clones, being chased through a neighborhood and eventually shot in the stomach. Coincidentally the main character, Luke, is having the same dream of being chased and shot. Unable to sleep Luke decides to finish putting together the crib for his unborn daughter and reassures himself that nobody is out to kill him. A few hours pass, Luke is dressed and ready for work. Before leaving Luke finds a trail of blood and at the end of it he finds himself, bleeding out from a gunshot wound to the stomach. Luke rushes over to himself and is trying to figure out what the hell is going on. With little time to explain Foster try's to make light of the situation with a few wise cracks but quickly explains to Luke that he, his wife, and himself are all in great danger.
Let me be honest... The whole idea and most of the dialogue for the first three issues are pretty cheesy, but if you can get through those issues, it's honestly not that hard, you'll be impressed by a really smart story once you see the big picture unfold. As you’re introduced to some of the characters you start to relate by putting yourself in their position. Take for instance Vice President Charles. He's one of the few people who knows about the cloning program and is caught between both sides of a serious political battle. If he decides to break with his party and vote against the ban of embryonic stem cell research he will be a hero in the eyes of his wife and daughter who at a young age has developed Parkinson's, and will risk his entire political career. If Vice President Charles votes for the ban then he will be turning his back on his country and is in turn for the killing of thousands of Luke's clones. That's just one example of many dilemmas that so many of the characters are faced with. As the series progresses you will start to notice a central theme revolved around moral being and not just of the clones.
Juan Jose Ryp and Felix Serrano are both batting a thousand with the art. Ryp has an incredible talent for bringing out the realism of each panel. His facial expressions capture human emotion so perfectly, which works well with all the twists and turns that the story takes. Serrano must be going through his own version of a blue period. Every single page is filled with at least two different shades of blue. That may sound boring if you're never seen the art but it works magnificently with and helps other colors jump off the page.
Clone is a must read series and quickly became one of my favorite Image titles. It has the look and feel of a big budget sci-fi thriller with so many twists and turns that it will make your head spin. If you love a story with several different plot lines for different characters then this is the read for you. The one and only down side to this is its release date. The book is now two issues in to its second arc so you may want to read this quickly and hope to find issues six and seven at your local comic shop.
Score: 5/5
Writer: David Schulner Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Publisher: Skybound and Image Comics Price: $12.99 Release Date: 5/29/13