Review: Baltimore: Empty Graves #3

And just like that Mignola takes us from the graveyard to the battlefield as Baltimore: Empty Graves finally picks up. 1920s Constantinople, a great setting for any adventure story, even better if it’s filled with witches and their summoned creatures. We get to skip the anthology stories from the first two issues and jump straight back into Baltimore’s search for The Red King. In search of the Blood Red Witch, Baltimore and crew stumble upon a war torn city that is being tortured by witchcraft. As the remaining humans in this region of the world still continue to feud about political power, The Red Witch is busy planting her seed. As some of the royal family flees the city they are beset upon by a fungus creature that emerges from their car’s engine, infecting them with its roots. Baltimore immediately sets about burning the infected as well as the creature itself. When they finally reach the Princess who they were trying to save from the city’s dark Baltimore-Empty-Grave-#3magic infestation, it turns out that she is in fact the mother or some other relation to the Blood Red Witch. So, everyone in Baltimore except the main characters are either monsters, witches, or really fucked, it’s a pretty grim world that Mignola has created. After a heated battle with the witch her soul escapes through the ceiling and the royal guards (who think Baltimore just assassinated their Princess) come crashing through the door, ready to fight. The crew escapes and follows their last lead, finding the body of an ancient sultan in a deep crypt that might reveal some hidden clue. After much searching they find his mummified corpse, only to discover that he is speaking to them about where to go next. Alright, so first of all I’m glad we’re back in the thick of it, but the pacing in this issue is kind of crazy. As always I respect Mignola and Golden’s storytelling structure, but this issue felt very rushed. Last we knew we were slowly and somberly going through each of the newer characters’ backstories. Now all of a sudden we’re in Constantinople fighting tree people and killing witches. Admittedly the entire thing is very Baltimore and in keeping with the tradition of a Mignola comic, it’s really fun to read. If you’ve been paying close attention to this comic you shouldn’t have a problem following along. If you’ve just been scanning the latest issues for blood and gore, well, you might be a bit more confused. The bottom line is pretty simple: Baltimore needs to stop the Red King from destroying the world and will probably stab him through the heart or some melodramatic thing. Sometimes the how doesn’t matter so much as the what or where. For me Baltimore is as much about the entire experience as it is the story. I love seeing the dark world that Mignola has put us into. It’s like if A Series of Unfortunate Events had zombies and vampires in it. Overall this issue was fun, and now that we’re past the surprise scene change, I hope we’re in for a good couple of issues!

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Baltimore: Empty Graves #3
Writers: Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden
Artist: Peter Bergting
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital


Review: Medic #4

Medic is a strange fit to the universe. In a way you could read just Medic and cut out other books because it shares so much information. I don’t know if that’s good thing or a bad thing as it either relies heavily on the other issues in the universe or it’s not really needed in the grand scheme of things. Really the info here could be spread out into Slab which shares most of the same characters or Rise, which also has character appearances. I suspect that this book will eventually feature the nurse more since she has a classic nurse look to her. There’s another piece to the puzzle this go around as the alien doppelgänger helps her counterpart Dr. Kifo put some pieces together. There’s more humor and some intense medical drama. It’s fairly burtal.

Medic-#4The writing on this issue is really good. It succeeds in the places that Slab kind of stumbles. That’s the only downside is that these two series are towing a fine line of information and characters. I worry that I won’t need to read both in the future because I’m not a fan of the college kids in Slab and I get all the characters I like in Medic. The one thing this particular series does better than the other books centered around the hospital, is make it feel like we’re in a hospital. The other titles tend to be in labs or in the outside encampment, but Medic is in the actual hospital and so we see the mayhem that’s spilling through the doors.

Medic is another series that’s had consistent art. I don’t feel it has as much personality to the art as the other series, but it’s still quite good. There’s some inconsistencies with a few of the scenes, but the coloring saves it from being glaring.

There’s not much else to say. There’s a big universe reveal, a couple of series elements, but we spend a lot of time seeing the medical staff respond to the outbreak and that’s okay. I liked reading it and didn’t need more reveals or character moments. Just seeing the world responding to the madness was enough for me.

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Medic #4
Story: Bill Jemas, Michael Coast, Stan Chou
Script: Michael Coast, Brian Finkelstein, Bill Jemas
Layouts: Stan Chou
Pencils: Stan Chou, Andres Ponce
Colorist: Marta Martinez
Publisher: Double Take Comics
Price: $2.50
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital



Review: Strange Attractors #1

I'd like to claim I am uniquely qualified to have an opinion about Boom Studios' new book Strange Attractors. After all, it's about mathematical theory and filled with nerdy math references and I just graduated from four years of mathematics classes. Unfortunately, I hate nerdy math references and the book is frankly too dull to really register the part of my brain that liked math. So all that is to say, as a math student, I have no opinion on Strange Attractors and as a comic fan, I don't recommend it. The first major issue with Strange Attractors is the plot--there isn't one.  We have an intro in which a mathematics graduate student has some trippy math vision and commits suicide, followed by a cryptic talk about chaos theory between an elderly professor and another student. Then there's a series of scenes that I don't really know what to make of at all that has our second math student (the non-dead one) interacting with some friends. There's no momentum, no charisma, and most fatally, no hook. Soule would have done well to pick a subject or character and focus, or at least give us something concrete to chew on, but instead we get vague mysteries with dully white men. It reads like an episode of the X-files as written by a writer fired from CBS' defunct math procedural 'Numb3rs'.

Strange-Attractors-#1Soule revels a little in his references to math (a character's pet is named 'boolean', the word 'theory' is dropped repeatedly), but there's no specificity. The world and characters are so generic that even a well-researched presentation of some aspect of math. Having spent some time in that world, I can tell you that while dull in places, upper level mathematic encompasses some very interesting concept and methodologies that could make for some interesting story work (check out Ted Chiang's short story 'Division by Zero' if you don't believe me). But Soule opts for something much easier here, with a few concepts that remain mostly unexplained and never very interesting.

On art duties Greg Scott produces the sort of shadowy, photo-referenced art that rarely works when not being attempted by Sean Phillips or Michael Lark. It's not particularly attractive, with over-detailed characters who don't remain consistent between panels and underdeveloped backgrounds that more often than not are just swaths of color or texture. But the real issue here is the writing which can't for a minute breath any sort of life in Scott's unmemorable artwork.

I don't entirely understand the meteoric rise of Charles Soule. His work in the big two (She-Hulk, Swamp Thing, Inhumans, Wolverine, etc.) has been workmanlike and genuinely uninspired. One can recognize the elements in play (narration boxes, emotional anecdotes, surprise twists, etc.) without ever feeling like they bother to form a story worth telling. Frankly, I would rather see an over-ambitious failure than a book like those created by Charles Soule which seem content to simply coast along at a consistent if mediocre quality. I've read many worse books than Strange Attractors, but few I'd be less likely to recommend giving a try.

[su_box title="Score: 2/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Strange Attractors #1
Writer: Charles Soule
Artist:  Greg Scott
Publisher: BOOM!/Archaia
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital


Review: Slab #4

Slab is a weird book. At times it’s very humorous and other times frustrating. Maybe it’s because I don’t like groups of idiots… yeah that’s probably it. That and Dr. Grimes seems to get less and less time in the story since the first issue. I’m not sure if this is due to reader response or not, but he’s never been as brutally sharp as the first issue. There’s shades of it here, but I could do with more. We’ve seen the worm things in other issues, but now they have a name “Torques.” They’re explained in this issue and it’s great because Grimes and Kifo use the news reporters as part of their experiment. In a return to form he also addresses the puppy killing. Speaking of which, our college idiots lead by the alien doppelgänger, head to the lab and wreak havoc on… well the lab of course.

Slab-#4-1The pacing for this issue is a little hectic. We spend almost too much time with the college students and they don’t particularly say anything that’s important. Then we spend very little time with Grimes and Kifo. That and some of the info about the alien doppelgänger isn’t revealed in this series, I would recommend reading Medic for the rest of that info as it seems quite relevant here. Medic and Slab have a weird back and forth of info or they overlap so much I just think they do.

Otherwise the dialogue is on point as usual. The newscaster and the doctors continue to have a great back and forth. I’m not a fan of the college kids, but they serve their purpose. I just hope that we can free the story of them after this issue since so much time is spent proving their high or looking to have sex. God I sound old, but that’s the truth. We get it, they’re high and want to bang… I don’t need a reminder each issue.

The art is definitely better on this issue. I’m a broken record for sure, but all of the fourth issues from Double Take have looked a lot better. It’s not just the pencil work either, it’s the coloring. There’s a lot of depth in this issue that makes it look really rich. There’s still some muted tones, but with the improved coloring there’s a clearer background, midground and foreground to the art.

Slab definitely delivers a lot of information that’s important to the overall universe so give it a read. Even though I was critical of it, it’s still a hell of an issue, I just think it needed a few things to be great.

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Slab #4
Story: Bill Jemas, Michael Coast
Script: Michael Coast, Brain Finkelstein
Layouts: Stan Chou
Pencils: Marco Cosentino
Colorist: Leo Paciarotti, Andrea Celestini
Publisher: Double Take Comics
Price: $2.50
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital



Review: Predator: Life and Death #4

This first story arc of the seventeen issue maxi-series comes to a close. In this opening chapter, Colonial Marines butt heads with Predators as the sides two fight to claim one of those Engineer ships seen in the films Prometheus and Alien(s).  I liked the premise of putting two equal forces against one another.  In the previous issues a tug-of-war of dominance persisted that created an interesting conflict.

Predator---Life-and-Death-#4Many reviewers agreed that the first few parts to “Life and Death” dealt more with characters who were mere tropes, such as the trigger-happy soldier.  I understood that the basis of this plot relies on a great deal of characters, so the need to include somewhat archetypal characters came out of necessity more than scripting laziness.

I personally liked the story and felt it deserved more than four issues to test the two sides.  The Predators have their advanced weaponry and camouflage; the Colonial Marines possess adequate firepower and numbers.  With more development this plot could have evolved into something with more breadth.

Unfortunately, the climax ends with a less-than-surprising conclusion that serves to pass the torch to the next installment more than it serves to create closure for this series.  As it should be no spoil, the Colonial Marines leave the Predator title for the next set of books that will deal with the Engineers.  Prometheus: The God’s Own Fire! will be the title for the next set of tales.

The book’s art features a kind of watercolor or washout look.  While the illustrations have a different feel, I think a book like this benefits from the details.  Motion blurs that come from the Predator’s camouflage need to stand out, and that’s not easy when the background has an intentionally distorted look.  I’m not saying the art’s bad—I could not illustrate as well as Mr. Thies.

In the end the two elements that make comics what they are, art and storytelling, just don’t work as well as they should have for this series.  So the best assessment I could supply is outstanding concept but average execution.

[su_box title="Score: 2/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Predator: Life and Death #4
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Brian Albert Thies
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: 6/1/16
Price: $3.99
Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital


Review: G: Honor & Curse #1

This may sound like backhanded praise, but 'G: Honor and Curse' is the most generic comic book I've actually enjoyed reading in a while. I'll be honest, I have zero interest in this kind of story, the stock anime influenced Western martial arts tropes are played straight and plain here with zero deviation, and historically I've been disappointed in bigger budgeted attempts at the same thing like 'Afro Samurai'. That said, 'G: Honor and Curse' for one reason or another didn't bore me like some of it's more polished brethren have. It's almost mysterious.

G-Honor-and-Curse-1Genshi is a troubled but talented ninja, training in a mountain dojo, favored by his masters but haunted by disturbing visions and forbidden desires. As 80% of the book is a flashback, we know tragedy is coming, but the mystery behind the malevolent power-granting darkness lurking in Genshi's soul is only teased here. Mark London's script hits every cliché on the way down, but his pacing is solid and unchanging, keeping exposition succinct and the story chugging along. It's like a soap opera where everyone has been doing it long enough that everything falls into place naturally; there's no surprises but you can find yourself kind of entertained despite it. It feels so hypocritical when I rip into so many books for stories that don't really justify being retold due to redundancy, but the less 'G' tries to reinvent the wheel the more it works. Take that for what you will.

Artist Andy King helps a lot, lending the book just enough visual flair to be readable. It's far from flawless art. King's talent comes out best when he's drawing dramatic images like the manifestations spectral entity latched on to Genshi or ninjas training under the torrential force of a waterfall. Whenever the book slows down however, the art suffers, as his faces and expressions fluctuate in quality, making the acting that isn't done with dramatic body language the weakest parts visually. If there is a standout talent in the book it's Micheal Camelo, whose vibrant color work keeps the art feeling consistent, even when the pages vary in detail and compositional clarity. He lends the book a lot and is one of the strongest hands behind the overall professional quality of the presentation.

Do I care what happens next in 'G: Honor and Curse'. No. The story doesn't have an original hook to excuse the wealth of cliché and Western ninja stories are a dime a dozen in comics. However, if there had been more pages I would have kept reading. I wasn't bored and while I can't quite pinpoint exactly why that was, the overall professional presentation and competency makes this one of the better genuinely indie action books I've picked up in a while. If you're the kind of person who loves trope heavy Western martial arts media then I'm the wrong person to ask the opinion of, but the best I can say is I'd recommend it to you. It doesn't pretend to be more than a simple familiar story, and in this case it works.

[su_box title="Score: 2/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

G: Honor & Curse #1
Writer: Mark London
Artist: Andy King
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Price: $2.99
Format: Digital


 [su_button url="" target="blank" style="glass" size="5"]Mad Cave Studios Website[/su_button]

Review: Startup #1.3

The number one thing that Startup has going for it is the fact that writer/creator Darin Henry has managed to create a superhero world that feels real, but without overloading the hell out of it. Having read numerous other independent superhero comics there’s a slew of usual pitfalls they suffer from, but the biggest in my opinion is making a world with just superheroes. Heroes exist to help other people (and a ton of other reasons, but that’s not the point I’m here to make) and when an independent superhero world doesn’t do that, it makes their hero feel one-dimensional. Startup on the other hand is fleshed out character. She’s never one-dimensional and in some ways suffers from “Peter Parker Syndrome.” What really makes her different, aside from her weight, is her son’s help. He’s encouraged her to be a superhero and it’s gotten him in trouble in this issue as Big Shot has figured out Startup’s secret identity and kidnapped her son Malcolm.

Startup-1-3I’m not really going to tell you anything about the story because it’s the conclusion of the arc and anything said would either be vague or spoilery so let’s just move on.

Henry writes a solid showdown with Startup, Chain and later Big Shot. She doesn’t need her supporting cast to tell her how to use science to figure out her speed *cough*Flash on CW*cough*, but she just figures out what to do because she needs to save her son. The gags are good, the character moments feel real and more importantly the relationships come across genuine.

The art has been very consistent on Startup and that’s no different here. I really like the art. It has a great all-ages look to it, but its modern and catches the eye. The action was easy to follow and my only gripe with it was that it could have used maybe one or two more panels to really leave the reader with an impact. Not bad by any means, but it could have been just a bit more.

The coloring is very strong on this series. For me it comes down to lighting effects and not just shadowing. Somewhere down the line publishers fell in love with shadowing because it was cheaper to color and we’ve all had to suffer from ridiculous shadows draping over the industry. Startup doesn’t rely on shadows, not even at night. Colorist Glenn Whitmore uses natural shading to give off the effect of lighting and always has a believe source point for this unlike what’s usually seen with shadowing.

I dig this series. That’s saying a lot since I’m trying to cut out how many independent superhero books I’m reading, but this one is a keeper. It’s good for new and old comic readers as it tows the line of classic and modern.

[su_box title="Score: 4/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Startup #1.3
Writer: Darin Henry
Artist: Craig Rousseau
Colorist: Glenn Whitmore
Publisher: Sitcomics
Price: $1.99
Format: Ongoing; Digital


[su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#ef782d" size="7" icon="icon: dollar"]Link To Purchase[/su_button]


Review: Home #4

Home has had a different vibe than the other Double Take titles. It stars the Foster family which began as the perfect family. Loving, caring, three children and a dog. They’ve been through a lot since then and now they find themselves divided and really the last to understand what’s going on in the world around them. Like the last people to really get the fact that zombies are eating people. That changes this issue as Linda, Tim and John finally catch a news report about what’s happening and Linda makes the realization that her family is probably in danger. Not that they really need to worry because Lisa looks like she’s killed more than a few of hitchhikers that have come across the farm. Linda and Ben are interrupted one more time as they attempt coitus giving Ben a serious case of blue balls for sure. Good thing they’re on their way to the hospital to save Linda’s family!

Home-#4testThere’s not much else to say about this issue. The story progresses and if you’re reading the other Double Take titles then you’ll understand more of what’s happening in the background. That’s probably the only downside to the writing in this series, is that if you were to just read Home you wouldn’t understand what’s happening in the universe yet. We’re getting there and a big piece of that is laid down in this issue, but what a lot of the other third and fourth issues have done by now is explain the events of the Night of the Living Dead to the reader and Home isn’t quite there. That’s not necessarily bad because all of the series have moved at their own pace, but it does take a way a little from this story when the characters have finally learned what’s happening all around them.

The art is very consistent. Some of the other titles had a jump in quality, which is not a complaint, but Home has managed to look the most consistent from the beginning. That and the coloring for this series plays into that wholesome feeling at times which makes it funnier when the dog picks up a hand and it begins walking “Thing” style.

My only gripe with this series is that Lisa came on strong in the first issue and I’m sure most people hated that. A foul-mouthed little girl not be acknowledged by the people around her is something we have strangely seen a lot of in our media over the years, but dammit… I liked it. I thought it was funny as hell and she stole the show. I get the need to tone her down some, but now it feels like she’s barely in the comic. Here’s to hoping that issue five sees her triumphant return to the forefront of the story or at the very least throat chops her brother. Lastly, don’t let the score fool you, this is still a very strong issue worth picking up.

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Home #4
Story/Script: Michael Coast Layouts: Benjamin Silberstein, Alejandro Gonzalez, Christopher Snowdon, Polyna Kim, Soo Lee
Pencils: Francis Nuguit, Vincenzo Riccardi
Colorist: Javier Mena
Publisher: Double Take Comics
Price: $2.50
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital


Double Take Issue #3 Free Appointment Viewing begins at 4pm EST tomorrow

With the fourth issues of Double Take's universe releasing this week, it's a great opportunity to check out the third issues for free if you haven't already. In case you're interested, here's a link to my review of the third issue of Medic which will be out tomorrow. From Double Take:

Due to popular demand, Double Take will be allowing free access to all 10 of their 3rd issues. The titles will rotate over the next 10 business days. Starting at 4pm EST each business day, a new title will be available for 24 hours! Fans who are interested need only to head over to starting at 4pm tomorrow, June 1, 2016- the same day you can find all 10 4th issues at your local comic shop-the perfect chance to catch up!

The first free issue is Medic #3: Graveyard Shift


All 10 1st and 2nd Issues are always free at!

Aspen Comics To Provide Exclusive Covers for Select DC Comics Rebirth Titles

Aspen Comics is pleased to announce a unique partnership with DC Comics for a run of co-branded exclusive DC Comics variant covers featuring both publishers’ signature cover dressing, beginning with DC’s Batman #1 on June 15th, and more co-branded covers to be revealed soon. These new exclusive DC Comics Rebirth covers continue an illustrious collaborative history between the two publishers, including 2004’s Superman: Godfall mini-series presented by Aspen, Michael Turner’s best-selling “Return of Supergirl” six-issue run within the pages of Superman/Batman, a run of covers on The Justice League of America and The Flash, an Eisner-nominated run of covers on DC’s critically-acclaimed Identity Crisis mini-series and many others.

[su_custom_gallery source="media: 129532,129533" link="lightbox" width="200" height="300"]

The series of Aspen Comics exclusive covers begins with DC’s Batman #1 on June 15th and is only available on Pre-orders for this special variant will begin on AspenStore on June 1st, featuring a cover by late Aspen founder and legendary artist, Michael Turner with colors by The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade superstar colorist Peter Steigerwald, limited to 3,000 copies, with a special black-and-white sketch cover edition limited to 1,500 copies.

Batman #1 is written by Tom King with art by David Finch, Matt “Batt” Banning and Jordie Bellaire. Solicitation copy for the issue reads: “I AM GOTHAM” Chapter One. No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?

Aspen also plans to make limited quantities of DC’s Batman #1 available for purchase beginning this June at Denver Comic Con on June 17-19th and Comic Con International: San Diego on July 21-24th exclusively at the Aspen Comics Booths. To purchase the Batman #1 Aspen Comics exclusive variant online please visit

Review: Soul #4

Soul has been a book I’ve been rooting for since reading it. It’s just never had that moment that took off for me. Until now. I will forewarn you that there are going to be spoilers in this review because otherwise this would be the shortest review ever because anything I would say about the writing would spoil the story and the same goes for the art. I racked my brains trying to figure out how not spoil it, but came to the conclusion that it would be pointless to review it and I really want to review this book. If you're planning on picking it up, come back on Wednesday and check out the review, I don't mind. This series has been slow. Sure it brought Ben back to life from his sad ending in the movie, but everything after that just moved a little too slow. Or did it? Because as we saw last time Ben and a crazy asshole go head first off the side of a helicopter. I thought for sure, this dude is going to fly. He’s got flying powers and that’s what will be revealed in the next issue… nope. Ben dies. Again. And the wakes up… again. That’s right, Groundhog’s Day mother fuckers! We see Ben wake up in the same spot as before, only this time before going up and getting shot at, he shoots the fucking cop that shot him. This doesn’t go over to well as he eventually ends up on the same helicopter and falling to his death only to wake up again.

Soul-#4The issue continues this and it’s pretty damn good. What’s really smart is the lettering in the background. There’s been phrases running throughout the entire Double Take Universe, but suddenly Ben is getting his own. It’s just not clear if he can see them or if anyone can. Pay attention to them because they hint at the path he’s going to take. There’s a killer cliffhanger at the end. It’s very abrupt, but it works for this story. There’s a few other books that do the same thing this time around and it’s not as successful as it is here. Probably the most successful to do it is Remote, with Soul being a close second (Rise is third).

The writing is clean and concise. There’s not a lot of dialogue and what little there is repeats or is similar, but that’s the point. Ben obviously doesn’t have control over his powers and really who can say if he’ll ever have control over them. Frankly he’s kind of cursed in a way.

The art drives the story because a lot of what Ben is going through and experiencing he’s not saying it out loud. There’s not exposition of him explaining what’s going on. There’s not that cheesy panel in which he tells us, “I must be stuck living the same day over and over” while he looks at his hands for some reason. Instead, Ben just gets to work figuring out how not to fall from a helicopter over and over. The art has improved a great deal since the last issue. My gripe with this series has always been that it felt like it had filler pages, but not this time around. Every panel and page is full of detail and substance. That and it’s consistent. It’s consistent with the start of the series, just more time has been given to the art and coloring.

I hadn’t given up on this book, but with the twist that it offered it made it extremely different from the rest of the Double Take books. In some ways Remote and now Soul have pushed the universe forward a huge step. Soul will never be the same after this issue and frankly if you didn’t like the first three then give it another shot. If you don’t, you’ll be missing out on a huge piece of the puzzle that is the Double Take shared universe.

[su_box title="Score: 5/5" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Soul #4
Story: Michael Coast, Bill Jemas
Script: Michael Coast, Brad Lawrence
Layouts: Julian Rowe, David Reuss
Pencils: Ricardo Sanchez, Leandro Tonelli
Colorists: Harrison Yinfaowei, Newsha Ghasemi
Publisher: Double Take Comics
Price: $2.50
Release Date: 6/1/16
Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital


Solicit Deadline 6.1.16 for make mine INDIE

Set to debut on 6.20.16, make mine INDIE is a FREE quarterly indie comics digital catalog & magazine. Featuring print, digital, and web comic solicits for readers and shops as well as articles on indie comics creators, publishers, and the industry itself. Produced by the critically-acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Graphic Books Publisher Alterna Comics, the goal of make mine INDIE is to provide a catalog that highlights comic creators and their creations, regardless of whether or not those creations are available through distributed or self-distributed means.  Part promotional catalog and part magazine, make mine INDIE aims to be a one-stop shop for comic readers and comic shops alike, showcasing as many comic creations as possible.

Make Mine Indie 6-20 Banner

Featuring affordable pricing on full page ad solicits for comics, make mine INDIE is not a distribution service but an easier way to discover your next favorite indie comic book.  The first issue of make mine INDIE will debut on 6.20.16 through email, social media, downloadable PDF and CBZ links, and on comiXology.

Solicits are currently being accepted up until the June 1st solicit deadline.

Not My Captain America... Again

Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 was unleashed on the masses this past Wednesday, and it was a fun, standard Cap is kicking some evil guys’ ass with the help of sidekicks almost forgotten by time, along with a telegraphed flashback story that carried a gut punch of a last page reveal. A reveal most people got in the headlines of newspaper on their way to read the actual issue. Captain America said it, “Hail HYDRA.” Since then wave after wave of online reactions have from funny ones and several memes, to the entire creative team of the book getting death threats and videos of people burning the book. The biggest discussion has been over the connotations this carries, and the opinion of some that Steve Rogers has basically declared to sympathize with the Nazis. HYDRA is one of those , comic-booky, permeable, changing organization that started in the 60s to represent the ever-present faceless threat of communism, and the cinematic universe has adapted it to have ties to the Nazis that were later severed. This is reflected in the issue itself when it shows a moment of people beating someone up only based on the color of his skin. This comic isn’t shying away from the ever-changing face of its antagonistic force. This change in Steve Rogers’ history is worthy of such polarizing and passionate reactions (not death threats, it’s still a fucking comic book, calm yourselves people), but among the many opinions there seems to be one missing. Everyone is losing their minds over what happened to THIS Captain America and seem to forget that we already have a Captain America.

CaptainAmerica_SteveRogers_1After Steve Rogers had the Super Soldier serum extracted from his body and instantly became an old man, Captain America comics hasn’t gone on Captainless. Sam Wilson, the Falcon took up the shield and the mantle of Captain America. Another topic which caused a lot of controversy and a similar polarizing reaction among the community. Sam Wilson: Captain America comics and its current run is also written by Nick Spencer has been championing the progressive thoughts that this bold direction carried with, much of the first arc reflecting the current political landscape in the country and staying strong to the core of the decision and facing the opposition head-on. If you don’t believe me, please pick up the first volume of this fantastic run, aptly named Not My Captain America.

I was very excited to this bold new take on Cap have excitedly read every issue. Captain America disagreeing with Steve on hard hitting issues, a new Falcon taking flight in the name of Joaquin Torres a fellow Latino with a story similar to those close to me. Sam Wilson: Captain America has been a fun and engaging book from the beginning of Spencer’s run and I couldn’t wait to see where this Cap would go. Then the announcement of Steve Rogers’ return was made, my heart was broken by Marvel. They had done it again, cut a promising book run just as its taking off (I already miss you, Weirdworld) by backing out of a new direction in order to favor the established formula. So my main question this week while reading Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 was: What does this mean for Sam? How will my Captain America land in this? And the answer after that last page is very clear. He’s still our Cap. Sam Wilson continues to be the one to deserve the shield.

I get it, having Steve Rogers say those words means a lot to a lot of people. But keeping Sam Wilson as the Captain America to root for and to stand behind means a lot to a lot of us as well, Everything in comics is tangential and nothing stays as is for long. These days and many occasions not long enough. And having a good tenure of Sam Wilson and Joaquin Torres as Cap and Falcon will mean a lot more in the long run that two words at the end of a splash page in a first issue. It admittedly makes me intrigued to see how Steve will behave now, but mores so, I’m excited to see how will Sam Wilson, the Captain America will deal with it.

Before you go burn another comic book or send Nick Spencer another hateful tweet in favor of progressive, anti-Nazi opinion, remember that this is the guy who is championing a comic with Captain America as an African American guy with Falcon as a Mexican guy who cares deeply about immigrants.

Valiant Reveals Record-Setting Jam Cover for X-O MANOWAR #50

Valiant is proud to announce the X-O MANOWAR #50 All-Star Jam Cover – the biggest-ever jam cover in comics history, featuring 50 major comics talents in celebration of 50 earthshaking issues for Valiant's flagship series! Debuting as the standard shelf cover to September's oversized X-O MANOWAR #50 milestone issue, this never-before-attempted comics landmark features a breathtaking collection of top talents as they each deliver an all-new take on Valiant's leading hero in their own signature style. With masterful colors by Valiant-exclusive colorist David Baron (BLOODSHOT REBORN, DIVINITY II), the one-of-a-kind collection of artists featured on the X-O MANOWAR #50 All-Star Jam Coverspans the character's storied 25-year history and includes modern-day superstars, up-and-coming talents, and major comics luminaries, alongside numerous Valiant veterans that helped forge X-O Manowar's place in comics legend:

1. Neal Adams (Green Lantern/Green Arrow) 2. Raul Allen (WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR) 3. Al Barrionuevo (The Authority) 4. Diego Bernard (X-O MANOWAR) 5. Doug Braithwaite (ARMOR HUNTERS) 6. Dave Bullock (Wednesday Comics) 7. CAFU (UNITY) 8. Eric Canete (RunLoveKill) 9. Carmen Carnero (X-Factor) 10. Sean Chen (Iron Man) 11. Collen Coover (Bandette) 12. Clayton Crain (4001 A.D., RAI) 13. Jay Fabares (Valiant cover artist) 14. Tom Fowler (QUANTUM AND WOODY) 15. Manuel Garcia (BLOODSHOT) 16. Robert Gill (BOOK OF DEATH) 17. Adam Gorham (Zero) 18. Butch Guice (BLOODSHOT REBORN) 19. Bob Hall (SHADOWMAN) 20. Rebekah Isaacs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) 21. Phil Jimenez (DC Universe: Rebirth) 22. J.G. Jones (Final Crisis) 23. Kano (Gotham Central) 24. Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) 25. Bob Layton (X-O MANOWAR) 26. Mike Leeke (X-O MANOWAR) 27. Jeff Lemire (Essex County) 28. Steve Lieber (The Fix) 29. Emanuela Lupacchino (Supergirl) 30. Mike McKone (Fantastic Four) 31. Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger) 32. Cary Nord (X-O MANOWAR) 33. Pat Olliffe (Thor) 34. Pere Perez (FAITH) 35. Brandon Peterson (Uncanny X-Men) 36. Brent Peeples (Last of the Greats) 37. Stephen Platt (Prophet) 38. Rafer Roberts (HARBINGER RENEGADES) 39. Paolo Rivera (THE VALIANT) 40. Riley Rossmo (Batman) 41. Juan Jose Ryp (BRITANNIA) 42. Rafa Sandoval (X-O MANOWAR) 43. Donovan Santiago ("Valiant 8-Bit" cover artist) 44. Marguerite Sauvage (FAITH) 45. Joe St. Pierre (RAI) 46. Philip Tan (Batman & Robin) 47. Michael Walsh (The Vision) 48. Ryan Winn (DIVINITY) 49. Kevin VanHook (BLOODSHOT) 50. Ramon Villalobos (E is for Extinction)

In honor of the X-O MANOWAR #50 All-Star Jam Cover's star-studded debut, Valiant has partnered with leading YouTube channel Variant Comics for an exclusive video spotlight, highlighting each artist's respective contribution to the most ambitious jam project in decades:

"This cover represents more than a year's worth of hard work on the part of Valiant's editorial team and the extraordinary cast of artists you now see before you," said Valiant Associate Director of Digital Media & Development Josh Johns. "We wanted to celebrate X-O MANOWAR #50 in the biggest way we could, and this cover is only the first surprise we have in store."

The countdown to X-O MANOWAR #50 begins this June with “LONG LIVE THE KING” – a striking cosmic showdown beginning in X-O MANOWAR #47 by New York Times best-selling writer Robert Venditti (Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps) and acclaimed artists Joe Bennett (52) and Roberto de la Torre (Daredevil). September's X–O MANOWAR #50 will conclude Venditti's historic run on the series with an oversized milestone featuring many top-secret guest stars. Look for more details on the contents of X-O MANOWAR #50 to be revealed shortly.

Plus: In celebration of X-O Manowar’s landmark issue #50 finale, Valiant is proud to reveal the X-O MANOWAR #50 COUNTDOWN GIVEAWAY – also beginning in June’s X-O MANOWAR #47! For no extra cost, each issue of “LONG LIVE THE KING” will come bagged with one of 50 exclusive, 4-by-6 inch “micro-prints” featuring the one and only X-O Manowar as realized by a sensational cast of comics’ biggest talents – or full-blown, beautifully rendered original artwork randomly inserted in each issue! TheX-O MANOWAR #50 COUNTDOWN GIVEAWAY will continue all summer long across all issues of “LONG LIVE THE KING” – including the oversized, blockbuster issue #50 finale!

"X-O MANOWAR #50 will be, without a doubt, the single biggest milestone ever produced by Valiant," said Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. "Beginning with the incredible jam cover, this issue will stand on its own as both a tribute to the character's vital place in the Valiant Universe and the entirety of the years-long epic that Robert Venditti – along with artists Cary Nord, Lee Garbett, Trevor Hairsine, Doug Braithwaite, Diego Bernard, Rafa Sandoval, Robert Gill, and Valiant's amazing editorial team– forged into one of the greatest narrative feats of the modern era. Big moments don't get much bigger than this."


Born into battle, Aric of Dacia – heir to the throne of the Visigoth Empire – never knew peace. Raised under the oppressive thumb of the Roman Empire in fifth-century Europe, Aric’s entire existence was spent fighting a never-ending insurgency against history’s most brutal empire…until a far more terrifying enemy revealed itself and changed his destiny forever.

Abducted by a brutal race of extraterrestrials known as the Vine, Aric was forced into slavery on an alien world. Torn from his family, his people and his nation, he spent years plotting his escape…until the day came that he was able to seize a weapon of incalculable destruction – a sentient suit of alien armor – and become X-O Manowar!

Returning to Earth only to find that 1,600 years have passed during his journey across the stars, the world’s most primitive man now wields the universe’s most powerful weapon. Working in concert with Earth’s governments and other super-powered heroes like himself, Aric has defended the planet, brokered peace amongst the powerful, and even rebuilt his kingdom from the ashes of history.

But now he faces a unthinkable new foe far more terrible than any that have come before… They are The Torment – and their name means death. Thought to be a legend by the Vine, they have now become Earth’s violent reality. As old as the universe itself, they have traveled for eons to reach us…in search of Aric of Dacia and the unstoppable X-O Manowar armor. Can Aric challenge a seemingly omnipotent threat with motives beyond the comprehension of mortal men? Will the armor truly be our world’s salvation, just as the Vine’s myths foretold? And is this the beginning of the end for X-O Manowar – or the beginning of something even bigger?

For more information, visit Valiant on FacebookTwitterTumblr, Instagram, and

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Comic Industry: Dan Abnett Signs Exclusively With DC Entertainment

DC Entertainment continues to add top-flight talent to its creative roster, announcing today that it has reached an agreement with writer Dan Abnett to create comic book content solely for the company’s DC and Vertigo imprints. In addition to writing Aquaman: Rebirth #1 and Aquaman #1 in June, Abnett will also pen Titans: Rebirth #1, continuing threads from his storyline in his current Titans Hunt miniseries. Shipping twice monthly, the Aquaman art team includes talented artists Phil Briones, Scot Eaton, Oscar Jimenez, Jesus Merino and Brad Walker, while the monthly Titans will see artist Brett Booth accompany Abnett on the book. “Dan Abnett is the perfect fit for Aquaman and Titans,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee. “He skillfully balances great dialogue and high-octane action, making for great reads every time. DC is excited that he’ll be giving fans more great stories in both books as we enter into our line wide REBIRTH re-launch in June and beyond.”

Aquaman continues the story of Arthur Curry, the King of Atlantis, as he seeks to reconcile his dual heritage of land and sea. A citizen of both worlds, Arthur seeks to unite Atlantis with the rest of the global community. But his plans will be thrown into chaos with the return of his arch-nemesis Black Manta, who seeks to destroy the careful balance of peace, and bring Aquaman’s world crashing down.

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Titans continues story beats from Abnett’s run on Titans Hunt, with teammates Wally West, Donna Troy, Arsenal, Garth, Lilith and Nightwing all reunited after the disastrous consequences of having their memories lost. Now, with their memories intact they will attempt to reunite as a team, and stop the demon that broke them apart and is a threat to reality itself.

"I was delighted by Dan DiDio's invitation to sign exclusively with DC,” said Abnett. “My recent work for DC, on projects like He-Man, Earth 2 and Titans Hunt have been both rewarding and enjoyable, and now with Aquaman's Rebirth in the mix, and the Titans as a new series, it seems like the ideal time to really focus on DC work and do my best to knock each and every issue out of the park.  Not that we have baseball parks in the UK. We have cricket pitches. But the point stands, anyway..."

Abnett makes his REBIRTH debut on Aquaman: Rebirth #1 (on sale June 8) and Aquaman #1 (on sale June 22) beginning an all-new story arc, blasting out of the events of the DC Universe: Rebirth #1 special, written by Geoff Johns (Justice League, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Flash: Rebirth), that went on sale May 25. As part of the REBIRTH line wide re-launch, Aquaman will ship twice monthly, and at a lower price of $2.99.

American Mythology Dark: Werewolves vs. Dinosaurs Slashes Its Way into Comic Shops This August!

Claw vs Talon! Fur vs Scales! Supernatural vs Prehistoric! Werewolves vs Dinosaurs brings fans a creature feature with more bite per page than your average horror comic! Introducing the first release from the American Mythology Dark series, the publisher brings fans a clash of monstrous proportions to satisfy even the most hardcore horror fan. The creation of comic book artist Chris Scalf (Star Wars) and writer Eric Dobson,Werewolves vs Dinosaurs is an all-out adrenaline-filled fang fest that finds the main character, Cade, in the middle of a supernatural smack down orchestrated by a group of mysterious men in black. Instead of catching a long needed break in the sleepy little town he stumbles into, Cade lands on a runaway train ride full of over-the-top carnage, mayhem, and mystery that rivals the wildest grindhouse films ever made.

Under partnership with the series’ creator, American Mythology Productions (AM) will launch  Werewolves vs Dinosaurs as a one-shot, in your face, talon biting, 32-page comic book in the May 2016 edition of PREVIEWS from Diamond Comic Distributors, listed under “American Mythology Productions,” on page #279. It carries a $3.99 U.S. cover price.

The book takes the comic publisher in a new direction by adding horror to its expanding catalogue of science fiction, comedy, adventure, and all-ages offerings. The new Dark series will give readers exactly what the title implies, a heavier dose of tales that tingle the spine and provide the backdrop for nightmares with the stunning art provided by Scalf doing both the cover work and interior art.

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Werewolves vs. Dinosaurs is sort of a sequel to a previous story that came about as a joke. My son is a big rail fan and loves going on trips to distant towns to visit rail lines. I myself am a comic/sci-fi fan, I would always wonder out loud if there were in any comic shops in any of these towns… We kidded around about the need for my sci fi/monster interests to coincide with his train hobby in a comic book— something like “Werewolves in a train.” This led me to doing a mock pulp cover for said comic. Eric Dobson, a friend who is also a great writer, saw it, and wanted to write a story around it. We initially were going to publish that one first, but sometime after that I had the thought that we should do a sequel. I had a story idea I brought to Eric and asked if he would want to flesh that one out instead… The rest is history. We had a lot of fun going back and forth on this and developing these characters and storyline ideas. The sequel ended up being more of the origin story and here we are…” said Scalf about the new comic.

Writer and co-creator Eric Dobson said, "When Chris and I first started playing with the idea for Werewolves vs Dinosaurs, we both figured it'd be a fun, goofy idea, but as we waded deeper into the idea, the story and the characters, we both realized we had the chance to put out a really cool book - the kind of thing we both loved as kids. We're hoping we can continue the story, dig into the characters we've created, and of course unleash a bunch more monsters and mythical creatures onto the page."

“When Chris first approached us about doing this series, we just looked at each other and said what a cool concept for a comic. The title alone grabs you and makes you want to see more. When he showed us some of his preliminary concept art for the series, we knew it was a no-brainer that we just had to put this book out. We couldn’t think of a better way to help introduce readers to our new Dark series,” said Michael Bornstein, American Mythology’s publisher. “The book really is a thrill ride for readers from start to finish and delivers on its promise to keep you at the edge of your seat. When you can deliver such a potent combination of concept, art, and story, you can’t help but get excited about a project like this. We’re hoping fans will devour this book as fast as the carnivores that fill its pages as we kick off yet another new chapter to our expanding lineup. Sit back, strap in, and leave the lights on, as we unleash Werewolves vs Dinosaurs this summer!”