Horns Full Trailer

I already had a vested interest in this movie, but after discovering it was based on a Joe Hill book I've become even more interested. Especially with my renewed addiction to his comic Locke & Key which is all thanks to the Locke & Key game that I can't stop playing.

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Review: Seconds

To say I’ve been eagerly waiting for this book is an understatement. I have been waiting for it as long as it has been announced and I doubt that I’m in any minority when I say that. With that said it seemed almost like a race to see who could read and review the book first and frankly I didn’t have the time to read yet alone write a review for Seconds the week it released because it was just too close to Comic-Con.

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Kotobukiya Reveals Batwoman Statue In Two Versions

I absolutely love the short hair version of Ms. Cain. She looks really cool. That's the variant version of course as the regular version has her with the wig and mask on. What wasn't revealed with this statue was the price or release date so keep an eye out for that, but I would imagine it's next year considering how many statues they already have coming in Q3 and Q4 of this year.

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Do Want: Figma Guyver Figure

Guyver was one of the first anime's I ever saw and so of course I have a soft spot for it, but the thing is... it's still a really cool anime. It's rare that something holds up once you've taken off the nostaliga glasses, but Guyver managed it. This figure is awesome looking.

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