Episode 88: The Heat Brings Out The Crazies

What’s up bro dudes?! This week on the CBMFP we are talking about the movie Man of Steel. After that we keep on the movie news train by talking about Marvel’s line up and Kick-Ass 2. Boom! and Archaia are now besties. MASOTU’s Donald Glut is suing Mattel and that’s all kinds of hardcore. The books we cover this week are Private 3, Batman and Superman #1 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: City Fall. New look same Bastards. WomanOfSteel

It's All About That Snapback - Thor 2 Licensed Hats... Suck

Snapback! Listen people, snapback hats aren't fucking cool! There's nothing retro about them that makes them awesome in an ironic way, they just plan fucking suck. I hated snapback hats as a kid and so did everyone else and it wasn't a new thing then either. If you like snapback then get out the mustache wax and grease up your hipster mustache and adjust your flannel shirt because you've gone full-blown hipster. These hats suck.

This B/URL/ESC is Legit

You probably get the joke above, but that's actually the name of this burlesque troop as well. It's run by Dezi Desire and it's legit. Usually when we post burlesque pictures the first thing everyone notices is how lame the costumes usually are. They're either a modified store-bought Halloween costume or just bad cosplay at best. But this troop is pretty damn legit. Check it out.

High School DxD Blu-Ray Includes Unaired Scenes

If you haven't checked out High School DxD, then it's worth a gander I guess. It wasn't great and the formula was very transparent, but if you love harem comedies and over the top sexual comedy then it's good. I'm looking forward to the second season which premieres next week, but in addition to that it was revealed that the Blu-Ray/DVD release of the first season would have a director's cut with unaired footage for each episode. You can check out the trailer for new season and some of the unaired footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKnpY3rdY1k


Via Anime News Network

90's Superboy Cosplay is Awesome!

Ever watch a anime where one of the male characters looks feminine and it confuses the main character? Yeah me either. Hey that's Silver Shade and we featured her once before as Ultimate Colossus and that was awesome as well. In fact on her Facebook page she has a ton of great costumes and not the same old crap over and over. I swear if I see one more professional cosplayer as Black Widow or Harley Quinn I'm going to shoot myself.

Want To Feel Shitty About Your Art Skills? Then Watch This Time Lapse Video

At first you're going to feel shitty about anything you've ever drawn before, mostly because animator Kim Jung Gi never uses a ruler or a guide. Then about half way through you should be able to figure out what he's doing and then it's actually quite moving. Especially with the message at the end. Definitely worth watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQEPB0Lus4

Via The Awesomer

Guys Reaction to MegaMan In Smash Bros Wii U

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty97NQQ6jlE#at=39 I have no idea. I don't know if this is fake or real. I don't know why they're all practically dressed the same and I sure as hell don't know why that one guy cries at the end. Maybe they just really love Mega Man...

Via Geeks are Sexy

Someone Mows Hope Into Their Lawn

And then they basically said, "fuck it, I'm going to leave it like this." You know what I honestly like about this picture? That they felt they needed to leave the mower in the picture so that you weren't confused about the process. superman-lawn


Via Reddit

Super Power Beat Down - Batman vs. Deadpool

Let's be honest, you don't want to watch all the talk at the beginning because it's pretty boring and terrible. I have two starting points for you, if you want to hear Deadpool talk a lot then start at 2:20, if you just want to see the fight in which Batman uses guns then start at the 4:00 minute mark. Also I figured out why they always use Batman in these things... because the guy playing him has all the shit needed! Even still, it would be nice to see one of these that didn't star him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAg2m5UlBYw#at=405

Do Want: Batman Logo Over Gotham City

Now that is pretty damn awesome. I see a ton of Batman licensed clothing that is simply terrible, but this is very cool. There's a lot of subtleness to it like the cityscape at first glance, but also Batman's eyes. Very cool and if you dig it then you can get one fro ThinkGeek for $49.99 to $51.99. 11b1_vintage_batman_skyline_hoodie

Cue The O'Jays - Walking Dead Monopoly and Risk Games Coming

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3uipTO-4A I was not joking just hit play on that terribly made "photo" video and read these details... or not. Yup, Kirkman is gettin' that cash, gettin' that ass as Monopoly: The Walking Dead Survivor Edition is coming soon at the price tag of $39.99. I bet you're like, "Rick's hat better not be a token" and well it is. In fact here's all the tokens accompanying Rick's Hat: Katana, R.V., Lucille (Bat), Telephone, Bucket of Body Parts. I call dips on the bucket of body parts! Just make sure you land on Alexandria Safe-Zone first or you'll be paying through the nose when someone else adds the equivalent of a hotel to it. Or just study that mathematical break down of Monopoly that's floating around the net.



Next up is Risk: The Walking Dead Survivor Game, which is a clone of Risk: 2210 so that you're not playing Risk for 14 days straight. It's $49.99 and that's about all you need to know about that one. So you ready to listen to that song again? Also that's prototype art so don't get mad at me when they suddenly add the TV stars or something.



Via Newsarama

GTV Ninja Turtle MOD Anyone?

Do NOT, expect these Turtles to behave the way your used to. This is still a sandbox gun rpg we're talking about so the Turtles basically act like evil doppelgangers and it's pretty funny. There are two videos, but I wouldn't watch either all the way since nothing exciting happens in either. Check it out though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLxBAygCmfs#at=16

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Via Geek Tyrant

You'll Probably Be Glad That You Don't Understand This Japanese Transformers Go! Trailer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY5IdrgfXAA#at=61 Transformers Go! is spinning off of Beast Hunters and it's introducing a Swordbot Samurai team... It definitely seems like it was created for the toy line because the three robots that star in the series can form three different robots depending on who the head is. I'm not making this shit up. If you deeply care about this then I would read the overly detailed article on Anime News Network, really I just wanted to confuse your brain for a few minutes why you watched Hasbro go at it with your childhood in front of your children no less.

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Trailer and Poster Time: Johnnie To's Drug War

http://vimeo.com/53272961 Johnnie To has put out some of my favorite Hong Kong cinema flicks over the years and whenever he has a new project I'm at least a little interested. The cool thing is that this one is actually coming to the US market! Whoo! It'll be out on August 2nd so check for it then. You can click on the poster for the full version as well.



Via Twitch