Review: Something Animal (OGN)

This book took a long time for me to digest, mostly because there are two opposite emotions presented in the story that battles page after page and can leave you feeling exhausted and ultimately torn on how you feel by the end. This graphic novel has a striking look to it and a story that definitely breaks the norm of storytelling (just a bit), but manages to deliver a complete package from beginning to end. The story is about a guy who witnesses the brutal attack of his sister right in front of him. During his struggle with the man he’s bitten on the arm. He watches helplessly as his sister’s throat is cut and the man eats from it.  The bite gives him a constant reminder of his loss and the man who took his sister. After he’s released from the hospital he has a hard time sleeping and an even harder time eating. He continues looking at the bit mark and even opens it to peer inside. Something is stirring in the man and it’s not justice for his sister. He begins to have frightening visions of himself eating his sister’s throat which begins to push him over the edge.

Something AnimalThe story is sweet and simple with very little dialog. It has what some would consider a twist ending, but I found the tale to be more of a round than anything else. The fact that there is little to no dialog plays to the two emotions that you should feel while reading this book. Part of you will be really sympathetic to the guy even as he drifts away from what he starts as. The other emotion you’ll feel is basically the opposite of sympathy which I would consider disgust. The back and forth continues throughout the book and Rhodes and Dillon do a great job of pulling back the disgust to keep you interested in the character. It’s also a huge credit to their writing to have so much of the story told through the art. It means that the story was very tight and that the artist was able to communicate the story more with images.

The art style is great; it has a mix of Ben Templesmith and a handful of other IDW classic horror artists. I can’t say that all of the panels are needed or really drive the story forward, but there were some great solo panels that were just interesting and added to the intensity of the page. The strongest element of the art is by far the facial expressions. There is a great scene where the main character is having a break down and envisions that he’s attacked this young girl and her friend. He looks quite freaky as he realizes what’s happening is just in his mind and quickly leaves. The young girl turns to her friend and makes a goofy face and spins her hand around her ear to signal that he’s crazy. It’s such a great look that says so much; scenes like this show why the writers where able to rely on the art so much.

I enjoyed this book, but it was a lot to digest emotionally as you try to figure this main character out. I definitely enjoyed the story more the second time around as I picked up more from the art. As much as I liked the fact that the story didn’t have much dialog occasionally some scenes needed it. I’m still not sure if the main character was eating from his own wound or not and I think one line of dialog from the main character talking to himself would have cleared that up. In general though, it was a creepy fucking book that I really enjoyed; a different and strange story with stylized art to accompany it. Also the creators are turning it into an independently produced film so check out their site for more on both.

Score: 3/5

Writers: Sam Rhodes and Bryant Dillon Art, Photography and Design: Robert Burrows Publisher: Fanboy Comics Price: $9.99 Website:

Web Pick: Deep Dive Daredevils

Article by: Neil Rodriguez Welcome to another edition of Comic Bastards Web Pick.  This week, I want to highlight a web comic titled Deep Dive Daredevils and is created by Matt Heistand, Dan Fifield, Evin Dempsey and Danilo Guida.  The web comic is a weekly series that is about deep-sea adventures.  It involves Pirates, Sailors, and some outer world entities.

In the first story arc titled: Secret of the Beaufort Sea, the story starts back in 1851 were a bunch of pirates are out hunting for sperm whales. During their hunt, the ship encounters a strange light and the crew of the ship suddenly disappears.  Fast forward to 1937 and a young boy named Joe discovers that there is a man floating in the deep cold sea and quickly dives in and rescues the man and brings him back to the submarine. After the rescue the man reveals that he is a Captain named Ulysses Armstrong and that he needs to find his crew as soon as possible.  After Captain Ulysses reveals who he is, more questions arise about the mysterious man and why was he the sole survivor of his ship.


I am not really a big sea adventure type of person but after getting caught up with story I must say that Deep Dive Daredevils is a very fun read.  What really stood out for me on this web comic were the story telling and the art style.  Both of these are done really well and the web comic reminded me so much of the golden age and silver age comics were you have a one shot story of a comic book and then you would move on to the next adventure that a book would bring you the next month. I was really impressed and the web series provides, humor, excitement, adventure, intrigue, and good old fashion fun to a comic.  It’s stuff like this web comic that the comic book industry should bring back into their own books to remind themselves of what comics are all about, fun.

If you are into deep-sea adventures and love the old comic book style art,  I highly recommend that you give Deep Dive Daredevils a shot.  It is clearly a gem that deserves to be put on the spotlight! To read this awesome web comic visit: and be prepared for a great ride!

Review: Peter Panzerfaust #4

I had all but written this book off with the second issue, but having some time to kill on my lunch I decided to give the fourth issue a chance. I’m glad I did since it really surprised me with its quality. I’m still over the Peter Pan thing for the book and think that it could have been lightly poured into the story or even just revealed at the end with clues alluding to it throughout the series. Too each their own though and it’s clear that I’m in the minority on that one since the book continues to do well. The last issue apparently had Peter and the boys picking up Wendy and her brothers, but this issue shows the two groups of youngsters getting to know each other as they discover a farm that’s been abandoned. They start living in the farm-house and everyone starts to get a bit too comfortable. Tootles tells about his love of the camera and begins showing some pictures he took and then also some that Wendy clicked as well. It’s a great character issue with Peter and Wendy getting to know each other and becoming closer and closer.

peterpanzerfaust04_coverTootles’ narration is by far the strongest element to the story and honestly the scene with no dialog other than his stand out a lot in terms of quality and interest. The real problem with the story is that everyone that’s not Peter or Tootles talks in the same voice which basically turns the group into three characters. Whenever anyone else is talking it turns into an episode of House, you don’t care what their saying you’re just waiting for Wilson to come back onto the screen. It’s good to have two strong characters, but the book is filled with “lost boys” that add nothing to the story in the same way that they add nothing to the original Peter Pan story.

The art is the same which I’m still not crazy about. It works at times, but in general everyone’s hair makes them forgettable. Wendy is pretty manly as well which was kind of whatever; I mean no one is getting any prettier in this book so she can look like a dude in a dress. The backgrounds have little to no detail to them which I think gives the book a hollowed look to it. At this point with the series success they need to get a background artist to fill out the panels and give them some life. There were two panels that reminded me of the big ocean scene from the first issue that was laughable due to how empty the scene was and took away from the impact of the story. This time it’s the French and German soldiers fighting at night with their three tanks and six men each. I’ve never heard of a battle playing out in such a way so it just seemed goofy when the mood was very serious.

I was surprised by how much I liked elements of the story, but if you were to remove the Peter Pan story board this book would still be good. The art is my biggest hang up; if it was stronger or at least a fuller visual it would do wonders to support the book, but it doesn’t. I’m interested in reading the next issue though and I can’t say that’s been the case before this issue.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Kurtis Wiebe Artist: Tyler Jenkins Publisher: Image Comics and Shadowline Price: $3.50 Release Date: 5/30/12

Review: Magdalena #12

How the hell is this book even still going? I’m pretty sure that the series started at least a year and a half ago and it’s just reached issue twelve? I’m not surprised though, it’s Top Cow and they can’t ship on time to save their lives. It literally takes all their effort to get Witchblade and The Darkness out each month. Speaking of Witchblade, look at that she’s on the cover and that’s the reason I gave this issue a shot. I had to know why they felt that their own hottie couldn’t sell the title and I’m pretty sure it’s because everyone is ugly as crap in this book. Here’s the story and I mean the entire story so Spoiler Warning ahead (side note, I’ve gotten much better lately about telling you when I’m going to spoil something). The Magdalena takes on a dragon that’s been resurrected. She gets the Spear of Destiny back from Sara and a piece of the original cross that Jesus was crucified on. I’ve never personally understood why the cross that helped kill him gives people holy powers, but it’s typical so what can you do. She beats the dragon and lets it go all the while Sara talks to her like she’s her fucking spiritual guide and literally does nothing in the book. Mags and her handler go back to the Church and return the bit of the cross which has obviously been switched with a carved out chunk of her spear staff. How they got the cross to fit in the spear I don't know, but like everyone in the room is staring at this shit because it’s really noticeable. Boom the end.

magdalena12_coverThe story was whatever. I seriously haven’t read this book in seven issues and this story hasn’t moved forward much since then. I guess they killed that kid that was supposed to be the next big villain or they just said fuck let’s do a dragon story I hear that How to Train Your Dragon movie last year made a lot of money. If you liked the rest of the series then it reasons that you’ll like this. If you didn’t then you’ll probably hate this book and wonder why you wasted your time.

The art was terrible. I thought all the ladies in Top Cow were supposed to be hot, too hot even. Burn your fucking eyes and soul HAWT! Sara looks like Mona Lisa with a fake arm on that cover and I have no idea why it’s raining on her making her look so sad to be in the issue. Also she has a fucking hood, put it up and stay dry stupid. The interior was inferior in every way. Look, I’m not the best artist in the world, but I’m not getting paid to draw thirty pages a month either. And even then my Wolverine is damn cute! Words do not describe how ugly the dragon in the issue is. It sort of looks like a Charlizard with a dog face and mow hawk with a handle bar mustache made of horns… I'm fucking confused just writing that sentence. Also the proportions for the drago-beast are out of control from start to finish. Aside from that Witchblade and Mags look the same with the exception of a costume change. Same head shape, same eyes, same hair and part, same boob size, same height... I'm sure they get Aunt Flo at the same time too they are so exact.

I don’t know why I read this book, I was just so damn curious as to why Top Cow would confuse their market by slapping Witchblade on the cover when the series is not as recognizable as it once was. Sure Tim Seeley is doing a great job on that book, but that doesn’t mean that slapping the character on another title will sell both series. Imagine someone who started reading Witchblade with Seeley’s run and then picking up this? They would be confused and wondering what the fuck was going on only to never receive an answer because this title is too far behind. Don’t waste your time or money unless you’re a diehard or wondered if they were going to strap a saddle on the dragon and save the day.

Score: 1/5

Writer: Ron Marz Artist: Nelson Blake II & David Marquez Publisher: Image Comics and Top Cow Release Date: 5/30/12

Review: America’s Got Powers #2

Review by: Neil Rodriguez Issue two of America’s Got Powers came out this week and so far the mini has been surprisingly good. The issue starts off with coverage of the events that transpired at the end of the first issue in which Tommy saves a kid from being killed by the giant robot that was in the arena by activating his powers.  Everyone in the arena and the media is enamored with the kid and now wants to know who Tommy Watts is and what his powers can do.

The issue also goes deeper into character development and it explains that Tommy and his brother Bobby are actually twins. Bobby developed super powers right after he was born; while Tommy’s powers were dormant.  After seeing what Tommy did in the first episode of the show, the government now wants Tommy to fight in the show to spotlight his powers; the problem is that Tommy might not be willing to appear due to the fact that his brother died during a season of the show.

amgotpowers02_coverThe second issue was solid.  I enjoyed that there was a lot of background given about Tommy and his brother and I liked the idea of having one brother have powers right away while the other brother’s were dormant.  Although the brother’s relationship was shown very briefly you can feel a connection between them and you understand why he keeps his mother’s promise about not wanting to fight in the show. Ross also does a good job of throwing you a curve ball in the story.  As for the art in this book, it’s still awesome.  I never get tired of seeing Hitch’s art in comics.  I just love how everything for him seems like I am watching story boards for an action movie.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I'm ready to continue reading this mini to its entirety just to see what turns it will take throughout the mini. The issue has good character development, a very interesting plot is brewing and the art is just killer in this book as it always is with a Bryan Hitch book.

Score: 4/5

Script: Jonathan Ross and Bryan Hitch Art: Jonathan Ross and Bryan Hitch Publisher: Image Comics Price $2.99 Release Date: 5/30/12

Do Want: The Mass Effect Hoodie Project

It looks like dreams do come true! DeviantARTist lupodirosso, asked the Grand masters at BioWare to make these sweet ass hoodies and they responded with a, "yeah we'll do a test batch". ( They better do-Thane, Kasumi, Wrex) Which hoodies will make the cut in the test run is unknown but there's a good chance I'll be paying crazy, stupid ass BioWare prices to catch'em all.! Jk BioWare Jk!

Source: Fashionably Geek

WTF: Fuck Your Iron Man Iron I've Got A Scooter!

Yeah, look at that huh!?! What, you want me to turn up the awesome? Sorry bro, but this bad boy only goes up to 50 and frankly I would probably die if I went that fast wearing this stupid helmet. I was going to go with the Thor version, but then I would get bugs in my face. Now if you'll excuse me, these pizzas ain't going to deliver themselves. Just in case you don't know what iron I was talking about.


Review: Grim Leaper #1

I can’t say that I’m taken by this story much. I’ve had some more time since talking about it on the podcast a week back and frankly, I’m not in love with it any more than I was then. In fact, I think I actually dislike the book now that I’ve had to read it twice to write this review. I really had to struggle through the second time and I don’t like comic books that I have to do that with. The story and first issue are easy to explain. Our main character is cursed to reappear in other people’s bodies when he dies. He’s on his thirteenth life and attending his own funeral, well to be honest he’s attending his twelfth deaths funeral since he’s burning through bodies like no ones business. While exiting the funeral a semi-truck does a nose dive and shoots its front tire and axel off at our main character decapitating him. He’s then thrown into a hallway of pictures that is limbo. We see our main characters actual form, but don’t learn his name just yet. Then he’s sucked into a picture of someone else and wakes up in their body.

Spoiler Warning: He’s on a game show; he says things that get him kicked off the dating show (which is obviously just there because it’s familiar and not because it’s actually on the air anymore). He figures out who his new identity is and heads to his favorite bar where he meets a woman with the same curse.

grimleaper01_coverI’m really hoping that the second issue gets better, but so far this issue only told me what the guys curse is and then instantly added someone else with the same one which took away the uniqueness of it. In addition to the fact that these two people in a small town are burning through bodies since they die like every few days. It’s just a hard concept not to analyze since it establishes so many rules of its own in this first issue. The writing was decent, but it wasn’t the quality I’ve come to expect from Wiebe. Perhaps I’m more taken by his serious stuff with a weird twist.

Something about the art just really bothers me. Maybe it’s the fact that everyone is bubbly and stands out from the background or even just their faces, but I couldn’t get into the art any more than I could the story. In general the art is very solid and actually good, but there was something about the style that wasn’t good. I just can’t nail it down, but it wasn’t for me. I’m sure there will be plenty of people who dig it and that’s cool, but it didn’t save the story for me like the art usually does.

This book is pretty generic. There are a ton of stories sourced for inspiration for it and the mystery surrounding the curse was talked about, but not established as an actual mystery. Right now there really is no mystery other than why these two people are killed so suddenly after taking over someone’s body, but it’s not very interesting. In fact the book just wasn’t interesting to me. I think a lot of people will still enjoy it though, but I wonder if the pacing continues as it did in this first issue just how long the series will last for.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Kurtis Wiebe Artist: Aluisio Santos Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/30/12

Review: Call of Wonderland #1

I can’t say that I’ve actually read any of the Wonderland series (other than Alice #1) from Zenescope.  It always seemed to be deep into a story line and if I did pick it up I would have no idea what would be going on.  So when the opportunity to review the Call of Wonderland #1, I said yes. Julie Sands is a mousey Lit. major that is heading to the campus library to get some reading done. Before she enters, some college peers attempt to hit on her. She declines and library security, Mike is forced to chase them off.

Once inside Julie meets the Liberian Regina who happens to have a book on H.P. Lovecraft that Julie needs to write her paper. But this is more than just a book; it could be Lovecraft’s personal journal. Excited, Julie is given two hours before the library closes; she eagerly runs to a table and gets started.

call of wonderland 1In the journal, Lovecraft goes on to tell that he’s been having dreams that have been driving him crazy and leaving him restless. He takes to the streets where he is has been drawn to an abandon location. In a room he sees a pair of men who are conducting a ceremony to conjure a demon through a wall. Lovecraft starts to write the horrific events down on paper as things begin to go too far.

Back in the library Julie slams the book in disbelief.  She stuffs the book into her backpack as the lights shut off.  Frightened, she cries out for Mike and Regina. As she makes her way out, tentacles lash out from everywhere chasing after her. Now outside, Julie runs into the same three dorks from earlier. She Tiger Knees one of them in the nuts and keeps running to her dorm. Inside she tries to come to grips on what just took place, when she finds a business card for a tattoo shop inside the book. Meanwhile in Wonderland, The Red Knight gets ready to take on a little old-fashioned vengeance.

Not too shabby there Zenescope with your Call of Wonderland. The two, big take aways from this book were the fact that as a reader you didn’t need to know a thing about the series up until this point. I’m sure it helps, but it didn’t hurt the story that was being told. The interior art looks great and is very consistent. The colors come off a tad bit flat, but that’s just me being picky.

Story wise the Lovecraft angle was so cool that they should just make that its own book. I’m serious, make a Lovecraft book that tells the story of him dealing with all of the horror and demons and shit. That would be awesome, unless someone has all ready created that comic, then if you have... good job and what’s it called?

Score: 3/5

Written: Dan Wickline Artist: Nacho Arranz, Matt Triano Publisher: Zenescope Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/30/12

Check It Out: The Offenders Episode 1

The first half of the episode is humorous for sure and the montage that follows is worth a few chuckles. I can't believe how many locations and footage that was used though. Seriously these guys did work and you should check out the video because of that alone. All in all it's a very funny video and I'm looking forward to the next. If you like what you see consider stopping by their facebook page and showing some support.

Review: B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth - The Transformation of J.H. O'Donnell

I really liked this book depsite it's incredibly long name, but I can see the reason being that I’ve read so much B.P.R.D.before and after Hellboy’s demise. An average reader will probably find this to be a real throw away story that adds little to nothing to the “Hell on Earth” storyline, but it’s still very interesting. Mixed with the fact that the art is fantastic and this one shot is worth of any Hellboy reader’s time. If you’re a new reader I don’t know if you’ll understand everything they’re talking about, but I think that the visuals and the surface level plot would make it an interesting read for sure. The story is quite literally about the transformation of J.H. O’Donnell from a sane scholar to a mad man kept at B.P.R.D. headquarters out of pity due to his situation. Two agents catch a glimpse of J.H. as he’s lead back to his room. One agent begins telling the tale of how J.H. became the way he is a scattered brained man that talks in circles.

19500J.H. was sent out on a research mission to collect the library of a dead necromancer named Alessandro Divizia, he and Hellboy were quick to arrive at the ironically dead guys house only to discover one rare book in his collection. Bored, Hellboy takes a nap while J.H. finds a hidden second library. Once inside he’s surrounded by cloaked figures that begin leading him down to a second basement of the house which contains the body of the dead necromancer. Meanwhile, Hellboy is attacked by a Minotaur looking creature and ends up setting the house on fire in is battle.

The story is pretty short and to the point, but the narration is great. Since the character talking doesn’t know all of the details she’s just doing her best to tell what happened, but at the same time we’re seeing what really did happen and just how close the story is. It’s an interesting narration for sure and not one I’ve seen too often with the genre. The narration and story resembled a camp fire story more than a serious tale, but it worked incredibly well for the story.

The art was fantastic! I’ve enjoyed a lot of the artists on B.P.R.D. over the past year, but Max Fiumara has to be one of my favorites. His take on Hellboy was so stylistic, different, but refreshing. Even though this story was quite haunting the art grabs your eye and never takes it away. I really hope that Fiumara is scheduled for more issues because the style was absolutely perfect for the series. Even the regular people looked very stylized and unique. Dave Stewart’s coloring also impressed the hell out of me as he adapted to Fiumara’s style and really changed it up. Seriously some of his best colors in his already amazing career.

I’m sure that long time readers of Hellboy and B.P.R.D. will enjoy this one-shot, but I really think that anyone can pick up this issue and find something to enjoy. I won’t pretend to know a lot about the universe’s history, but I was able to follow along just fine with the story and past characters mentioned. That’s the charm of this franchise is that you can always jump on at any given moment and as long as you don’t focus on it like it’s #93 in a series (which it is) you’ll be fine.

Score: 4/5

Writers: Mike Mignola and Scott Allie Artist: Max Fiumara Colors: Dave Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 5/30/12

Review: Star Trek The Next Generation/Doctor Who #1

I wonder if this book will be titled Doctor Who and Star Trek The Next Generation in the U.K.? A little Godzilla vs. King Kong action I’m thinking? Anyways that has nothing to do with this book that took an entire issue to set up the meeting of our characters only to not have them meet. I appreciated the fact that they didn’t just mush them together and play that tired ass angle of “no you’re the bad guy” that basically every Marvel/DC crossover has done. The problem is, we could still run into that for the next issue. The story begins with the Borg pulling a sneak attack on Delta IV. The problem is, the Borg don’t do sneak attacks! In fact that’s what makes them so awesome is because they show up and announce themselves and then every shits their pants. This time they’re rolling with some android baddies from Doctor Who’s universe and so they’re going sneaky. But again, that ruins the fear that’s associated with the Borg. After the Borg and forgive me whatever villain from Doctor Who decimate Delta IV we move on to The Doctor and company in Egypt. It’s a fast little jaunt with our bowtie Doctor and the married couple that he has tagging along as they save the Pharaoh. I don’t know if I’m reading into this too much, but I’m pretty sure the Doctor wants to bang the red-head and I don’t think she’d mind. The simple fact is that the Doc referred to her husband more than she did which came across as a reminder to both parties.

Spoiler Alert: Everything ends on the holodeck in one of Picard’s mystery date programs.

DoctorWho_StarTrek01_CvrAAh, three people wrote this book and I’m sure that CBS and the BBC had a lot of input that bogged down doing anything really exciting, but it was just too many hands in the cookie jar. That is in fact why I hate crossovers; no one wants their property to look bad or play second fiddle to the other properties. Even still, the book was tolerable. I know jack all about Doctor Who since I’ve only begun watching the new episodes here and there, but I know Next Generation really well. Guess what’s not in this book? Next Generation. Also I’m aware of the basic character mannerisms of the Doctor, but he was pretty damn annoying in this and seriously he wants to bang the red-head.

The art was magnificent and I would probably read the book again ignoring all of the captions and just look at the pictures. The entire book is painted and the likenesses are spot on. Spoiler Alert: You’ll shit your pants when you see Data and Ryker at the end, they look dead on to their TV counterparts. I did have one panel that I had to call out. There is a scene with the Doctor grabbing a pole from a market place stand while galloping on a chariot at full speed… He would have broken his damn hand trying to grab this massive pole, but he snags it and throws it like it’s nothing. I’m sorry, but it was ridiculous and both story and art have to share the blame.

This was better than I expected, but I still had to wonder how matching up old Star Trek (obviously not the oldest) and new Doctor Who is really going to work. Additionally if the second issue takes the usual stance of “you’re the bad guy, no you’re the bad guy” I will call it good instantly with this series. Hopefully The Next Generation crew gets some shine in the next issue, but this first issue wasn’t a disappointment in the least.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Scott & David Tipton with Tony Lee

Artist: J.K. Woodward

Editor: Denton J. Tipton (Hmm, I wonder why there are so many Tipton’s on this book?)

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Price: $3.99

Release Date: 5/30/12

Episode 31: I Was Not Getting The Love I Needed

This week Dustin doesn’t know the difference between AMC and A&E. Then we pitch comic books for all of your television comic needs. After that we break out the tool box and give the old Hulk a fix (Comic Hulk not movie Hulk, everyone love movie Hulk.) Comic wise, Dustin reads a REAL book called Comic Con and the Business of Pop Culture. A comic called Afrika gets a little shine and so much more. hulkcosplay

Review: Resident Alien #1

This book is very unusual which makes it difficult to sell you on why you should read it. It has two major story elements at work and so it’s very strange to see them working together at the same time. The first is a murder mystery, but then there is the overall element of the main character who is an Alien from another planet. Which is more interesting? Which is easier to explain? Both and neither are the correct answers. Issue one picks up where the three-part story from Dark Horse Comics Presents left off; there was also a zero issue which collected the DHP run and that’s the true beginning of the story. This issue picks up with our Alien that goes by the name of Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle standing with a gun pointed at him. He’s filling in as the town Doctor while a replacement is found for the previous Doctor… who was murdered. The thing of course is that Harry isn’t really a Doctor, but he knows our medicine. The first thought you’ll probably have is why no one acknowledges the fact that he’s an Alien and that’s because he’s altering everyone’s mind to see him in human form. It’s very cool because as the reader we get to see him in his normal form wearing human clothes just walking around, but never as a human.

After the Doc talks the night Nurse down from shooting him, they settle in so he can make her some tea. Doc Harry suspects that there is more going on to the murder of the previous Doctor and he’s been feeling out what type of man he was. Meanwhile, the towns Sheriff takes a visit to the local drug dealer named Hardcore to make a deal with him. Some drugs went missing from the late Doctor’s office and the Sheriff wants Hardcore to keep an eye out for anyone selling or using them.

Resident Alien #1 CoverThe story is very slow-moving, but it’s methodical in its execution. Because of the fact that the main character is an Alien in hiding there is always this dreaded sense of discovery looming over all of his actions. He’s bad in groups and it’s mentioned twice in this comic which could be foreshadowing problems that will arise in the future. To be honest, nothing really happens in this issue; yet it I couldn’t put it down. The writing has a quirkiness to it that keeps you interested in the most mundane of dialog exchanges.

Art wise the book is very strong, but without the dialog this would probably be one confusing book. The character designs are definitely the strongest aspect of the artwork; the different individuals have realistic looks and clothing styles that give the town the required “small town” feel for the story. The Sheriff in particular had a great look with facial expressions that played to his demeanor.

Resident Alien has shown that it’s definitely capable of making the shift from DHP to its own series. It’s good to see the creative team have enough room to stretch their legs and compile an entire issue rather than focusing on a third and trying to create interesting story beats for readers. This book is definitely a strange one, but it’s strange in all the right ways.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Peter Hogan

Artist: Steve Parkhouse

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Price: $3.50

Release Date: 5/23/12 (Digital and Print)

Review: Scott Pilgrim Vol. 3 Color Edition

I’d have to say that the best part of these colored re-releases is that it gives me an excuse to re-read them. Now when someone says, “Oh you’re reading Scott Pilgrim… again” I can point out that this is a colored version and so it warrants the additional read. It’s actually been a while since I’ve sat down with the third volume which is tied with the second as my personal favorites. It’s interesting to read it having watched the film because you see just how much was used for the film version, but lines are given to different characters or placed at another spot in the story. Of course any time I pick up anything Scott Pilgrim related it makes me want to read all of the books, watch the movie and buy the game. Yes, I need to buy the fucking game still… put it on sale Ubi-gouge-softly. I digress. Visually, this book is gorgeous. Since I’m not really going to talk about the story (we’re past that point in life) I’m mostly going to talk about the visuals. Okay, I’ll talk about the story. The reason this is my favorite volume is because we learn the most about Scott’s past with Envy. It’s even stated in the story while Ramona and Kim are talking, that Scott became very different after their break up. Scott wants closure on his relationship with Envy and even though he’s with Ramona, he still has old feelings for Envy. I think this is something that everyone can relate to when faced with their “big ex.” It’s like a rite of passage to see if you don’t fuck up your current relationship. It also stays true to the fact that you don’t always get closure in a break up, especially if you head butt someone so hard they turn into an extra life.

Scott Piligrim vol 3 - Color Edition (1)There really are some great lines in this issue and while some of them made it into the movie, there are a few that just didn’t fit. Wallace yelling at Envy while she fights Ramona produces quite a few hilarious moments and the entire scene with Wallace and the Bacon is always great. While one of my favorites involve Kim after she tells the band she has a date, both Scott and Steve produce comedy gold.

“Kim, you’re a hell of a catch.”

“You’re a damn fine woman, Kim. Damn fine.”

Okay so I’ve talked about the story, probably too much. The coloring and the larger format work. I mean I’m glad that the manga sized black and white issues exist, but when you see this there really is no contest. The coloring is incredible and breathes new life into this series. It was a worthy investment on Oni’s behalf as I’m sure these will continue to sell… forever. Seriously though, I’m not saying that Scott Pilgrim compares to something like V for Vendetta as they are two very different beasts, but it’s a series that doesn’t rest on the shelves either. Having a hardcover colored version is a great investment and if they really wanted to they could now do a colored trade version as well. It’s a series that keeps on giving and while I’m laying out print options, I’m not saying that Oni is expecting fans to buy them all. Instead it’s more of an investment in their future so that the series is always available to new fans like DC/Vertigo make sure that there are plenty of V for Vendetta’s on the shelves.

Without Nathan Fairbairn coloring this book I don’t know how it would have turned out. I’ve seen plenty of O’Malley’s colored pieces, and while he’s very capable, I don’t think he would have moved at the speed that Fairbairn has. He puts a piece of himself into this series and for that I greatly appreciate his work and you should too.

I will likely enjoy Scott Pilgrim for the rest of my life. Being that I’m in the same generation as O’Malley and can relate to the entire series… the parts that are emotional or reference other things, not the fantasy battles. There are only three volumes left and another one this year which makes me happy and sad all over again. If you’ve never checked the series out please leave me your address so that I can drive to your house and beat you with a copy of the first volume and spit on you. Seriously, fucking read this series already.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Bryan Lee O’Malley Colorist: Nathan Fairbairn Publisher: Oni Press Price: $24.99 Release Date: 5/22/13

Review: Mind MGMT #1

What fascinated me about this book was the fact that it went in a completely different direction than I was expecting, but managed to come out even more interesting. The Secret Files was a great issue, but it was just the opening to the series. This issue is very good as well and once again has the narrative working opposite of the art. It’s great in the fact that it projects a cool and calm setting with the narration, but the art work depicts something violent and confusing. The issue begins with a great sequence of panels of people attacking each other and a question about your own mind. It then moves onto an airplane two years before our story begins. Suddenly, everyone on the plane has no idea who they are or how they got there… including the pilots. After a few minutes Control radio’s them and they let Control know that they’re going to need help landing the plane. Two years later the news is looking for a story to fill the day and the anniversary of the flight is just the right fit.

Meru is watching/listening to the news as she tries to find something to drink in her apartment. She’s a broke struggling novelist that’s on her last dime after being in a writing slump for two years (I'm guessing that's an important detail that will come up later). The news report gives her a great idea and she calls her agent Charile to tell him. He isn’t surprised that the idea is based off of the anniversary of the amnesia flight, but encourages her to write anything at this point. Meru proclaims that she is going to find the one passenger missing from the flights manifest and crack the story once and for all. Broke and with nothing to lose she begins interviewing people who were on the flight while analyzing her own life.

Mind MGMT #1AThis story captures true human nature with some of the best writing of the story being the beginning on the plane; the passenger’s quick and simple reactions that were startling real. A couple that was holding hands stare at each other not knowing who the other is and the same goes for others all over the plane. The dialog between the flight attendants was also spot on as one of them begins to cry as she tells everyone to stay calm. You can tell that she can’t even believe the words that she’s saying, but it's the natural thing to say in the situation. Just this opening scene was enough to grab my interest in the rest of the book.

There’s another great scene later on in the book where the narration speaks to how typical the story is going, but the way it does it gives the reader the indication that they’ve been fooled themselves into thinking that this average. It’s as if our experience is being controlled as much as the character’s experience is. That’s something very cool and different to pull off in comics; to have the narrator move the story along and then reveal that in a way, they’re pulling the strings and you’re not privy to everything they know. Instead of a narration at that point it’s more of a conversation that you’ve overheard.

The art is as great as the Secret Files and Kindt continues to surprise me with his simple style that contains an abundance of emotions. I’ve literally never read another comic that has this type of style that can do so much in terms of body language and emotions. There are artists that poor hours of details into their characters to get the right expression only to have them look ridiculous. Kindt’s style gives him the ability to portray: confusion, depression, anger, fear and so much more without being too so complex that it's lost in the details.

This book is something special. The story has so much potential and longevity that I see it going on for years. Add the fact that Kindt is writing the story's history on the front and back cover and you’re getting a heck of a package. Do not miss out on this book! I know I praise everything “Indie”, but this book is going to be one of those titles that breaks that labeling and will be enjoyed by all comic readers as long as they're willing to give it one issue to hook them. Let this be that issue.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist: Matt Kindt Publisher: Dark Horse Originals Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/23/12

Episode 30: An Elevator Full Of Cheerios

30 episodes in and the quality factor is slightly up and side bars are bountifully. Topics this week include the fate of the Arrow and how the Avengers are still running a muck at the box office. Remember Devil’s Due, we do! Dustin has some Prometheus bits that he shares. Comic wise it’s all about Grim Leaper, Dancer, Monster Myths and Hardcore. Oh and what’s up with Top Cow? 4968338386_e6343e1d51_o

Episode 29: Keep Reaching For The Stars

Greetings Internet, this week the CBMFP covers random news bits and such. Comic wise, Dustin realizes that Green Arrow is really terrible comic. But then he loves a book by the name of Manara Erotica Volume 1 - Click! and Other Stories. Then I bring up Dan the Unharmable and share it with the world and so much more! So sit back relax and enjoy the hour of power that is the voice of Comic Bastards. green arrow

Review: Mind MGMT Secret Files #1

I’ve read a lot of “zero” issues in my day and most of them aren’t worth a shit. This issue made me look around the room in disbelief and mutter, “Fuuccck” to myself because it was so good. I’m not big on Cold War stories; they tend to be boring and hinge on either a huge event that never historically happened, or even worse a smaller less climatic event that makes the ride not worth getting on. This is probably the best Cold War story that I’ve read and did everything right to get me interested in the series at the same time. The story begins with an interview between a younger and older woman. The younger woman asks if the other has ever heard of Mind MGMT, to which the older woman replies yes… but not exactly. A dead Russian agent codenamed “Bear” psychically sent her his last day alive. The woman explains that she was in therapy for over a year so that she could wrap her brain around what was sent to her. She begins walking the woman the information sent to her and describing Bear’s last day. He was deep undercover Russian agent, married in Berlin until receiving a code word that awakens him. He begins moving towards his target the head of Mind MGMT and kills anyone in his path.

Mind MGMT Secret FilesThe brilliance of this story is the narration working emotionally separate from the images. You see one thing, but read another and the tones of the words do not support the images 100%. You can sense that this woman is holding something back, but at the same time revealing too much. It was fantastic dialog that had a huge payoff at the end of the issue. You’ll see part of the ending coming, but not to the extent that the story takes it to.

I liked the art a lot. It was indie as fuck, but so well plotted that it read naturally with the story. As strange as it sounds the crayon like coloring of the book really brought realism to the story that I don’t think traditional coloring could have. There is a ton of blood in the book and if it had been too realistic looking then it would have been distracting. Instead the blood gave a real weight to the story, when you saw blood you knew that, that person was dead and at times that was very sad.

As far as “zero” issues goes, this is definitely one of the best I’ve read. It gave me teases of the main story without spelling it out for me. Probably the best thing it did was give me a mystery to solve. I want to know about this Mind MGMT that is the focus of the story. What will stay with me is that this story had a real sense of humanity to it no matter how fantastic the world it happens to be set in is. The emotion is this book can fuck you up if you’re not careful. If you need more convincing then download this book for free from Dark Horse Digital and get ready to have to wait for the main series like the rest of us.

Score: 4/5

Writer/Artist: Matt Kindt Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: Free, but digital download only Release Date: 5/9/12

Episode 28: Real Ignorant About Monkeys

New week, new episode of the CBMFP!! This week we chat a little bit about comic book news and fun that is Free Comic Book Day. There’s some comic book  movie talk, did I mention I love that new Amazing Spiderman suit! ( NOT the one in the pictured in the post btw) Comic wise, we talk about The Spider, The Chimpanzee Complex Vol. 1- The Paradox, Rex the Zombie Killer, oh and it was Kenji the gorilla with a baseball bat not Kimbo. Nevertheless fun was had! Get Some!! 15063_f520