Review: Numbercruncher #4 (of 4)

Alright… I’m going to say it, that baby on the cover is kind of funky looking. It’s been a bit since I stepped in on this series, but here we are at the end. The number one thing this story has had going for it is that it’s clever. It’s very clever and the ending is no different. If anything it’s what makes the rest of the story clever, but you won’t really understand what that means until after you’ve read it. Bastard Zane has finally caught up to the Mathematician who still has one more sub contract up his sleeve… the support staff! Zane tells him that he’s done for and to make his final reincarnation a good one and gives him his special gun (the big ass one on the cover) and waits for him to pull the trigger. The Mathematician realizes that he’s ruined the life of the woman he’s loved, but doesn’t know how to stop loving her. From there the entire story is revealed and wrapped in a perfect bow.

Numbercruncher #4The rest of the story is just spent tying up loose ends and getting to the desired outcome. It’s enjoyable even if it’s not exactly an outcome that you could figure out without the reveals at the end. That’s not a bad thing as it can still be an enjoyable experience, it just doesn’t make it a story that you can experience twice. The writing is limited to the reveal. I never once felt anything for Zane’s character or really any of the characters. There’s a poetic justice to everything, but when you stop to think about it… not really. I could go on and on about the ending, but eventually I would give up the ghost and that’s not fair to anyone that wants to find out the conclusion unspoiled.

The art is consistent and really is the only thing from the story that shows any personality. I still didn’t feel any emotions for the characters, but at least they had some. The mixture of black and white and colored panels works incredibly well and gave it almost an It’s a Wonderful Life vibe with the “heaven” and earth setting. Overall the art was the right fit for the story.

I wasn’t blown away by this story, but it was entertaining. It was never quite what I thought it would be and usually that’s a good thing. It’s a solid mini-series which really leaves the ending up to you to interrupt and leaves one lingering question about the significance of Zane’s badge number “494.” If you missed out on the series it’s worth a read and if you can’t find the back issues the digital issues are always available for purchase.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: P.J. Holden Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 10/23/13