Review: Green Arrow #6

Green Arrow #6 features a surprising lack of Green Arrow. Instead, this book and apparently arc, center on his partner/sister, Emiko Queen. After the explosive conclusion of Green Arrow #5, Emiko winds up in Japan with her Tiger Mom. Shado explains just who she is and why she does what she does, and by extension, why Emiko will do what she says. And like any teenager, Emiko lets Shado know she can’t be told what to do. Thus begins Emiko's adventure abroad, but as we learn, not her first solo adventure. Emiko Queen is an interesting character. Daughter of an Industrialist and Assassin, raised by a Super Villain—this girl has had it rough, and while she’s rough around the edges personality-wise, she has shown that the character development is real and that she’s here for the long haul. While we’ve seen her jump into the fray since her first few appearances, this will be the first time we really get a glimpse at what she’s capable of on her own, and after reading this, it’s clear: Emiko Queen is no sidekick.

GA_Cv6_dsDC has put out some beautiful looking art as of late, and Green Arrow has been the standard-bearer. With Stephen Byrne on this issues interior and W. Scott Forbes doing the cover, Green Arrow continues to be DC's best-looking book so far. Byrne comes off as a bit of a minimalist when it comes to his backgrounds, but it works. Facial expressions, though, particularly for Emiko and Shado, come out looking immaculate and as expressive as one would hope with this book’s reputation.

Benjamin Percy has made Emiko a character to watch for in the series, making her a focal point that most other characters in her position wouldn’t get. It’s been fun and given what we’ve witnessed so far from her, Benjamin clearly sees big things in her future. Her skill and character and character are going to likely go through some trials that will likely challenge fans of her on their feeling about the character. By the end of those trials, though, I expect Emiko to become a fan favorite in the Green Arrow mythos.

With that said, I do feel as though leaving Oliver largely out of his book does a bit of a disservice to him. Team Arrow growing and expanding is never a bad thing, but the last issue did leave some questions that could have at least been touched upon. Hopefully, Percy isn’t taking cues from Greg Rucka, who is writing two Wonder Woman stories in one book. Having tried the series, it feels rather disjointed, but I’ll also admit I’m not a huge Wonder Woman fan and that the format might have merit elsewhere.

Regardless, while Percy has done a good job of keeping Oliver around in his books, he’s walking a fine line. I don’t particularly think Green Arrow needs to become “Green Arrow & Black Canary” or “Green Arrow & (Insert ideas for Emikos’ codename)” as much as I like the character or feel their presence in the books. Now, if we were to get another book all together, that’d be different. Although, I still don’t want a Green Arrow & Black Canary book.

All things considered, Green Arrow #6 does a fantastic job of moving things forward for the most part. The lack of Oliver and continuation of his story hurt the book a bit, but made up for it by telling me a story I am eagerly looking forward to seeing through.

[su_box title="Score: 3/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Green Arrow #6 Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Stephen Byrne Publisher: DC Comics Price: $2.99 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital


Review: Green Arrow #5

Oh man, this issue of Green Arrow, man. This issue was…I almost hate to say it because it came out of nowhere, but it was just really, really good! I’d even say, minus Felicity (bring it, Olicity haters) this was probably everything you could ask for from a Green Arrow story and more. Our story opened on the high seas with Diggle and Ollie getting geared up to infiltrate The Inferno, while Dante went on a solid A+ villain monologue to Black Canary about fire. Another amazing break-in scenario by Oliver as he makes his way through The Inferno and fighting The Burned reveals the massive amount of riches onboard.

GA_Cv5_dsI don’t know if this has been explored before, but I absolutely dig this characterization of Oliver that is wholly convinced of the good money can do in the world. Even if it does come off as selfish, I look at that as probably the most realistic interpretation of a human hero that DC has right now and I really hope it sticks around for years to come.

Meanwhile, the members of the Ninth Circle discuss their plans to keep Middle Eastern and African nations destabilized in surprising detail that really grips a reader. The same goes for the sense of betrayal Oliver feels hearing this from a man he trusted.

This leads to one of the best comic scenes I can remember as Emiko and Shado prepare to do away with Black Canary. In a moment that brought a real smile to my face, Emiko pulls a sick double cross and releases Black Canary! I know a lot of people were concerned about Emikos’ role in this story so to see her allegiance confirmed really made me happy, and after a heartfelt explanation and reunion, Juan Ferreyra gets to draw an awesome shot of Team Arrow together.

Not to downplay Ferreryra's work as a whole this entire issue. It seems like a match made in heaven. The subject matter, the writer, the artist…if you said this was meant to be a horror comic with a superhero guest starring, you’d have an easy sell on you hands. It all just really works together.

The ending also works in a really emotional way, and I’m not going to spoil that, but if you’re a Green Arrow fan—new or old—you gotta check this book out!

[su_box title="Score: 5/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Green Arrow #5 Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreryra Publisher: DC Comics Price: $2.99 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digial
