CosplayZine Releases A New Issue

Who knew this was a thing! I'm surprised it took this long. From Cosplayzine:

The growing industry of cosplay is hobby for some and a lifestyle or even a carreer for some but one thing is for certain, it's here to stay. Since the negative reviews from Syfy's "Heroes of Cosplay" television show aired, both cosplayers and fans of cosplay have been feeling that cosplay has gotten a bit too commericalized. They all seem to agree that cosplayers need a public voice that speaks for the community from the heart and it's core instead of allowing Hollywood to make it seem as if cosplay is only for elitists and famous models.

Cosplayzine July Edition 2016In 2015 a new cosplay magazine emerged that was quickly embraced by the community for giving a voice to cosplayers who have many different levels of both skill and popularity, keeping the idea alive that "Cosplay is for everyone" and CosplayZine seems to have a different approch in which they support all cosplayers no matter their appearance or popularity and accept everyone as equal. Recently AZ Powergirl Cara Nicole graced the cover of their latest issue and was interviewed inside about her campaign to run for House of Representatives in the state of Arizona. She has previously received backlash for her attempting this honorable decision, but her determination and passion to make a change in her community seems to make her unwavering to these judgemental and shovanistic remarks and she plans to run in November 2016.  Cosplay Magazines such as CosplayZine are giving an unedited and unrestricted look inside of the world of cosplay.  It's only a matter of time before the world embraces cosplay as a important industry and media outlets such as this one may be playing a major role.

Their issues are currently available online and available in print at and they have plans to put them in stores as soon as 2017.

CosplayZine features cosplayers from around the world and is currently seeking  submissions at

They also can be subscribed to on

Kill la Kill: Underwear Version of Ryuko Matoi Cosplay

If you watched Kill la Kill then you'll definitely remember seeing the character Ryuko in her blue and white underwear. The story is all about how clothes are evil aliens here to eat us and move on to the next planet so really you see nearly every character in their birthday suit at some point. I just never thought I'd see someone cosplay as "Underwear Ryuko." Glad I was wrong as cosplayer Jenni aka "Mostflogged" has done just that.









