Titan Comics are excited to announce a brand-new fully-illustrated, devilishly dark fantasy tale from world-renowned visual artist Junko Mizuno (Pure Trance). Called 'Ravina the Witch?', its a gothic modern fairy-tale inspired by folk legends and the work of the Brothers Grimm & Han Christian Andersen! Perfect for fans of Tim Burton, Emily the Strange, Lenore and the work of Becky Cloonan.
Ravina the Witch? is available to pre-order in the upcoming September Diamond PREVIEWS catalogue.
Ravina the Witch? Writer/Artist: Junko Mizuno FC - HC - 48pp - $24.99 - On sale: January 18, 2017
Ravina the Witch, from the supremely talented visual artist Junko Mizuno, is a dark, fantastical illustrated tale featuring talking animals, giant birds and dancing mushrooms. When Ravina is given a magic wand by a mysterious old woman, she turns from a lonely girl living in a dump... into a witch?