By Jonathan Edwards
With Go Go Power Rangers, Ryan Parrott and Dan Mora have given us a damn entertaining read full of grounded, human, and very likable characters. This third installment continues that trend with the best issue so far, as well as finally convincing me that the existing canon will not inhibit the quality and development of this book. Really, one of the best things about the story is its structure. Rather than go the familiar route of focusing on one or two characters for an A plot, a different one or two for a B plot, and then jumping back and forth with more time dedicated to the former, Parrott utilizes vignettes to focus on pretty much all of the characters in equal measure. Everyone has their own story and character arc going on, each of which we only experience glimpses of at a time. However, what really makes it work is that when a given character isn't being focused on, they'll still more than likely show up as a secondary or support character in someone else's vignette. It goes a long way in making the whole world and story feel that much more cohesive and engaging.
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