By Justin Wood
Mother Panic is okay. It isn't a dazzling new IP in the Batman world, but it's certainly the most admirable attempt at a fresh addition I've seen in a while in Gotham. Violet Paige is another take on the Batman story. Think Bruce, but with the mirror ever so slightly cracked so that what is reflected isn't a perfect replication. She too is a wealthy socialite by day, but of the crass rock star variety, flipping off the paparazzi and threatening reporters at parties. She has living blood relations instead of dead ones, but there is plenty of tragedy there to go around. Unlike the certainty Bruce approaches the world with, Paige hasn't decided what she is yet, other than angry, equipped, and hungry for revenge we don't understand the parameters of yet. Still, with this introductory episode, I am more than happy to wait and find out.
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