Unboxing: Loot Anime - August 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Well due to a postal error I got this month's box a few days late. This isn't September's box so don't you stress on the spoilers! The theme of the box is Cafe! Meaning you'll see stuff from Creator x Creator, Lupin The 3rd, Soul Eater and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid! I'm sure all of those make sense and stuff. Enjoy!

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Unboxing: Simpsons Penny Skateboard

By Dustin Cabeal

Okay, I thought I would be able to do something cool with this board or at least make an unboxing video that didn't suck. I was wrong. In hindsight, I should have waited to film this, but here it is... I'm sorry, please don't hate it too much and if you like Penny Skateboards, know that this shit is cool as hell. Try to enjoy it.

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Unboxing: Loot Anime - July 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Still July so this still counts. Really I got it on Saturday, but then I forgot about it until today. The first thing you're going to see me talk about is some One-Punch Man figures. I thought the plastic gave them a weird glare, turned out to just be a terrible paint job on the figures. I've included some pictures below because it is really bad. Part of it is faded, but in pictures, it looks like a glare so I couldn't even capture the full extent of how shitty they are. It was disappointing, to say the least, because they finally got something One-Punch Man related into the damn box. Also, I flipped through the KonoSuba manga. If you listen to the podcast or follow my manga coverage then you know that I'm a huge fan of the show. The manga was pretty much the entire first season condensed down. Disgusting. 

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Unboxing: Loot Crate - July 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Well, well, well, didn't expect to have another video to post today, but here we are, the third video and a podcast later. This month's Loot Crate theme is Animation and I'll admit that there was only one questionable item inside. Mostly because I doubt I'll ever use the item, but otherwise, this is exactly the type of random stuff I want to arrive on my door step.

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Unboxing: Loot Crate - June 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Do these even come by the month anymore? Seems like I get them when they're damn well and ready to send them to me and that means I have no fucking clue which month they're tied to nor do I care. The boxes are getting bigger, but sadly, some of the shit still seems like a weird warehouse finds like a particular Marvel item that you'll see on the video. Also recently I talked about a different monthly service coming and how it was shit I actually liked, but the cost is too high and they make you jump through a lot of hoops to get free shit and I'm not talking about reviewers either, just normal people. Anyway, fuck that shit. Loot Crate may not have the best products, but at least it's easy to deal with.

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Unboxing: Loot Crate - April 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Whoo! Here's the last video of the day. Hopefully, you checked out the last two Star Wars Builders videos ( Starfighters and Millennium Falcon ) and also this month's Loot Anime unboxing. This month's Loot Crate had some junk. I wish I could say that nicer, but the X-Files tie-in was garbage and I've yet to meet anyone that genuinely like Jessica Jones or cared to own anything from the show. Even the Stranger Things tie-in was kind of meh. Really you could have called this box a Netflix and friends box, but whatever. There is one Batman related item that was fan-fucking-tastic.

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Unboxing: Loot Anime - April 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Are you tired of videos yet? I hope not because I'm still making them. Thankfully I got both Loot Anime and Loot Crate on the same day so I was able to pump out both and will hopefully be done with video reviews for a hot minute. This month's Loot Anime wasn't bad actually, some really impractical things like a pencil that you need a knife to sharpen. Ah, you'll see, but it was pretty good. Still not sure why the "Anime" box continues to give me "Manga", but that's the breaks or something.

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Unboxing: Loot Wear - March 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Oh, hey I'm kinda on time for Loot Wear this month! Listen, this is the one to get, but they changed everything. I'm not even sure what will be showing up next month, but if you're going to do a Loot subscription, pick one of the wear options, or both if you've got mad fucking money. I'm wearing one of the shirts right now, it's alright... not great, but it's alright. Also, the first pair of socks I cover didn't fit. They didn't stretch enough to make it past my normal size ankle which was weird, they might have been for women, but now I'll never know since the bag is in the trash, always read the trash!

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Unboxing: Loot Wear - February 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

That's right, two in one day! Here's February's Loot Wear and yes I know it's March... see the part where I said I just got it and the January one on the same day. I didn't get the Power Rangers jogger pants, but I'm not an MMPR fan, so it's no love loss. I was curious about their comfort level, but oh well. Also, if you want to see the full reaction to this unboxing watch this week's Comic Bastards Podcast... it's explained on there.

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Unboxing: Loot Wear - January 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Well, I finally fucking got it! I don't know what the hold up was, possibly the Dungeon and Dragons hoodie I didn't get, but hey... no wait that sounds great. Oh well, the rest is pretty baller too. I'm a huge fan of the Loot Wears so I'll take'em when I can. Check it out and check out this week's podcast to see an explanation of the weirdness of this one and why it's all rushed. Back to normal next time.

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Unboxing: Loot Crate - March 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

Well, it's March... so that means it's Loot Crate time. The theme is "primal, " and it pretty much sucks. There's usually like one good thing, but I couldn't find it in this batch. The shirt is just a shirt to me so... maybe next month. They can't all be winners and shit. Also if you thumbs down this, then you don't get my humor, and that's okay. Just know that I'll just keep making them longer out of spite.

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Unboxing: Loot Anime - February 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

A mother fucking light novel. Fuck light novels. Either give me a full sized novel or manga. Why not a movie in one of these damn boxes? Sorry, I'm just frustrated because the anime boxes usually don't offend me or disappoint me as much. It's kind of either excitement or "I don't know this anime....". This time around, I knew everything, and it was all disappointing with the exception of the shirt. The shirt was really good.

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Unboxing: Loot Crate - February 2017

Unboxing: Loot Crate - January 2017

By Dustin Cabeal

The theme this month should have been "comic books" since it was all comic book stuff... plus Mario Bros. because it's not a Loot Crate without something from Nintendo being in it. I think my favorite crate was last month because there wasn't any Nintendo shit in it. Anyway, you'd think that this one would be custom made for me but as usual, there was just that weird, dated bit of nerdom to this. A tiki glass? What the fuck am I going to do with that? I'm not going to collect them all that's for sure. A replica of Captain America's shield from the first Captain America film... that's the worst of the three! And it's the fake one he used for the play! Anyway, there was some okay stuff and some "what the fuck do I do with this" stuff. I am looking forward to the Loot Wear edition.

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Unboxing: Loot Wear - December 2016

By Dustin Cabeal

I have to say this is probably the best Loot Wear that I've gotten. Sure I'm not in love with all of the brands that they put in there, but as far as wearability goes, it's pretty damn good. The only thing that I would feel like a fraud wearing is the Mr. Robot stuff and I still don't see how that show is such a fashion powerhouse, but whatever. Also my fucking cat makes an audio appearance. Enjoy.

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Unboxing: Loot Wear – October 2016

By Dustin Cabeal

Yes, it is November, but I just got this. I'm assuming the underwear delayed the roll out. That's right, Loot Crate/Wear is making undies now! Hell, they even have a separate subscription to get just the underwear or just the socks! I recommend the socks. I'm wearing the underwear right now, and they're all right, but if you just need generic nerd underwear, you can get that at Target. These are dryfit... I guess that makes them better. That means there's no pee hole! The matching socks were for women by the way... make that shit unisex already dammit! They dropped the ball on the horror them and their weird choices in shirt styles. Who the fuck is going to wear that Alien shirt? No one, you'll look like an asshole in PJ's. I'm looking forward to next month because you know they're going to shit the bed on Christmas. 

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