I have lots to say about this, but I also do this thing each week called a podcast and so I'm going to save it for that rather than spend a lot of time typing when you're just here for the juicy stuff. Juicy stuff below. Also... damn BOOM!, you better have something big to finish with.
From BOOM!
We have partnered with WWE for new comics! We will launch the initiative at Comic-Con with a set of six, blind-bagged, one-page comics ($5 each, for sale at the BOOM! Studios booth #2229) titled WWE: Then. Now. Forever. Each comic will feature a pin-up image on one side of a different wrestler and a one-page info-comic on the other side that explores that wrestler's background and history in the ring. Three of these comics will focus on current wrestlers (Now), two on retired favorites (Then), and one on a legendary WWE talent (Forever). A seventh one-page comic will be given out FREE to all attendees of our panel on the WWE comics (see below). Each info-comic is illustrated by Russ Manning Award nominee Daniel Bayliss (Kennel Block Blues,Translucid), colored by Doug Garbark, and lettered by Jim Campbell.