Review: Suicide Risk #3

Review By: Sergio Porras If Suicide Risk has shown us anything, it's that maybe you shouldn't always track down your own leads and let the system work things out for you. That may be easier said then done for most of us. Leo feels that he has messed up bad and has nowhere to go other than his brother's house in L.A. but the only problem is he hasn't spoken to his brother in quite some time. Sort of a weird time for a reunion right?

After following his gut and his own leads after the battle on the streets of San Diego Leo found himself in an apartment with two supers and ends up in a bad situation. One dead and one critically injured type of situation. Since Leo is already in L.A. he decides to break into his brother's apartment and crash on his couch. After he and his brother hash things out, Marty brings up the files that he has on Memento Mori and they don't tell a fairy tale story. It turns out that Memento Mori has a laundry list of psych issues and there's only one person who can help her, a man who goes by the name of Joel Focarilo aka, The Alchemist.

SuicideRisk_03_preview_Page_1Mike Carey has blown me away by bringing new excitement to each issue of Suicide Risk. There seems to be no end to the twist and turns of each issue, just when you think that the problem presented in the beginning is going to have a solution Casey kicks you right in the ass with the next obstacle in Leo's path.

Casagrande's art was great in this issue but nothing really stood out. There wasn't as much action this go around so there were no big splash pages with action scenes or anything like that just solid, consistent art.

Suicide Risk has really started creating quite a name for itself among the superhero genre which is incredible to see since its coming from an independent publisher. The story is really starting to take off so I recommend picking up all three issues if they're still available at your local comic shop, if not then you can always find them via Comixology and other digital formats.  There's plenty more that I could have written for this issue but its a read it for yourself issue and I think you'll understand why in the last few pages.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Mike Carey

Artist: Elena Casagrande

Publisher: Boom Studios

Price: $3.99

Release Date: 7/3/13