Monster & Wine: Episode 97 - Stop Me If You've Heard This One

Did you know that it's been 20 years since Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered? Well yeah, it has been and CBS is making sure to capitalize on it. Monster saw part of the show and Wine is eager to see what all the fuss is about. Also, Tulsa and Charlotte were big talking points in the news this past week and your favorite podcast duo talk about...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 95 - Easy Rider

It's Monster's last episode coming to you from LA, but fear not, the show will stay the course per usual, albeit the audio won't shine quite as hard. The duo discuss a dining experience at a restaurant called, "Grill 'Em All," located in Alhambra, California. This segment contains a lot of gushing. Also, Monster gives a quick review for...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 94 - Is It Korea or Japan?

This is a semi-special episode ladies and gentleman, because Monster is back in the studio with Wine! The duo traveled to Target together and Wine bought herself a new TV. They recount the journey and spoiler-alert, Monster has TV-envy. He also talks about his first time traveling first-class on this trip to LA...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 91 - The Highs And Lows

Nothing toys with your emotions quite like the Olympics and the dynamic duo are certainly feeling the hurt after the USWNT were eliminated by Sweden in soccer. Wine may be in shock but she still reflects fondly on the USA's achievements in other events while Monster goes on a mini-rant about the hypocrisy in the media. He also gives a snack review for...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 90 - Suzy Q Eastwood

If you'e been living under a rock, you may not be aware that the Olympics in Rio have begun and yes, M&W are quite excited about it. W more so than M, but nonetheless, it's time to pit nation against nation! After sharing their excitement, Monster mentions Instagram's new 'Story' feature in the most recent update to the app and then begins a rant about...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 87 - Back and Almost Better Than Ever

The annual Wine summer break has come to an end and with it, the return of your beloved M&W hour. Wine recounts a bit of her trip to the East coast which becomes a discussion on parenting and how they don't do it (parenting) like they used to. Monster has some food reviews for Paqui Ghost Pepper Tortilla Chips and Wendy's new Queso Green Chile Burger. Hostess finally got their act together and...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 86 - Starting From Scratch

The duo aren't really starting from scratch, but there are various elements at play that are making this mid-season finale feel like the first show ever. Being the troopers that they are, M&W press on and take a minute to discuss the mass-shooting that took place in Orlando. Monster mentions that Philadelphia is the first major US city to start taxing soda and other sweet drinks. He then does his best to calmly...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 81 - Dark and Depressing

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mom's out there. This episode starts with Monster telling a story of the gift he got for his mom. After some heart-warming goodness, Wine has a bone to pick with all the false-outrage surrounding the transgender bathroom issue that's such a hot topic in the news these days. Monster gives a couple of quick movie reviews, both for superhero flicks...

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Monster & Wine: Episode 80 - Bring Home The Bacon

Wine, coming to a revelation, kicks off this weeks episode with a story about how a certain beloved meat product might just have found its way into her wheelhouse. This leads to a small discussion on cream cheese and bagels. Weird, I know. Monster decides that tickets to Blink-182 just isn't worth it and follows up that decision with a small track review for...

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