CBMFP 254: We're All Eating Chemicals

Hey we're back, and we have stuff to talk about... and only some of it is comics because fuck... there's just no comic news worth talking about. Still. We do talk about this comic book coats; that's cool. Then we move over to Wonder Woman's sexuality that's a thing worth discussing, we guess. Then Arrow news of sorts, but mostly we talk about the Stephen Amell's dirty little side business of kissing fans asses and why he does that! Books reviewed on this episode:

  • He-Man/Thundercats #1
  • Big Trouble in Little China/Escape From New York #1
  • Army of Darkness/Xena #1
  • Archie Meets Ramones #1
  • Black #1
  • The Mask vol. 1
  • Death of Hawkman #1

Previously on the CBMFP...

Super S with Cherry Blossom Girl, Hikikomori & The Heir to the Dojo – E.12

Welcome back to another podcast episode of Super S, an anime podcast from ComicBastards.com. Today we have a different show for you as we grow and adapt. First, some news from Viz Media that tie-ins to the much talked about One-Punch Man. After that we go over to Robert's favorite JoJo's Bizarre Adventure which is getting a live-action movie version, find out who's directing it! In-between the reviews we have something new that we'll be doing for the next five episodes... our TOP FIVE ANIMES!!!!! That's right; we've each got a top five to cover so sit back and enjoy. We'll also post them in a special "Spoiler Box" at the bottom of this post so you can see them after you listen.


  • Food Wars! Second Dish - Finale
  • Mob Psycho 100 - Finale
  • Amaama to Inazuma - Update


  • Looking Up At The Half-Moon - Entire Series
  • You Are Umasou - Movie


  • School Rumble
  • Magical Girl Madoka Magica

[su_spoiler title="TOP FIVE - #5" style="fancy" icon="caret"]

Robert - GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
Lindsay - Death Note
Dustin - Guilty Crown


Previously on Super S

Monster & Wine: Episode 97 - Stop Me If You've Heard This One

Did you know that it's been 20 years since Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered? Well yeah, it has been and CBS is making sure to capitalize on it. Monster saw part of the show and Wine is eager to see what all the fuss is about. Also, Tulsa and Charlotte were big talking points in the news this past week and your favorite podcast duo talk about...

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Super S with Cherry Blossom Girl, Hikikomori & The Heir to the Dojo – E.11

It's been two weeks which means it's time for more anime! Outside of reviews, we do have a bit of news on some streaming rights that we'll open with and of course our question of the week: Do you prefer long-running or short-running anime series? Here's what we talked about this week:


  • Psycho-Pass - Season 2
  • Fairy Tale - Season 2


  • Nisekoi: False Love - Season 1 & 2
  • Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Season 1


  • Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Episodes 1 & 2
  • reLIFE - Episode 2

Previously on Super-S

CBMFP 252: Mellow Your Sweetness

There's so little news this week that it's not even worth teasing. We didn't acknowledge Batman day either because it's stupid. We did talk about "Tactical Batman" and Jim Gordan's reveal in Justice League the movie. Also, the Superhero Beat Down featuring two Valiant characters has us excited. Probably the only real news is Sonny Liew breaking down how much it costs to make a comic and live off of grants which is pretty damn interesting. Books reviewed on this episode:

Previously on the CBMFP...

Monster & Wine: Episode 95 - Easy Rider

It's Monster's last episode coming to you from LA, but fear not, the show will stay the course per usual, albeit the audio won't shine quite as hard. The duo discuss a dining experience at a restaurant called, "Grill 'Em All," located in Alhambra, California. This segment contains a lot of gushing. Also, Monster gives a quick review for...

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CMBPF 251: Hot Cherry Coke

No laughs today on the CBMFP as we get serious! Nah, there's some humor, but we do talk about Comic Book Roundup and what it's done to the industry and a pretty deep conversation about All-Star Batman and everything tied to that. And that's not even the top of the mountain as we answer Patrick's question about underrated comic book movies. Books reviewed on this episode:

  • All-Star Batman #2
  • Copra
  • The Forevers #1
  • Doom Patrol #1

Previously on the CBMFP...

Super S with Cherry Blossom Girl, Hikikomori & The Heir to the Dojo – E.10

We're back with our 10th episode! We thank you for listening and hopefully you'll stick around for another ten and more after that! This week's question is: Do we like or dislike live action adaptations of anime? Now for shows discussed and who discussed them!


  • Naruto Shippuden (First two movies)
  • Beyond the Boundary
  • Erased


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Season 4)
  • Food Wars! 2: Second Serving


  • Nisekoi: False Love
  • Mob Psycho 100

Previously on Super S...

Monster & Wine: Episode 94 - Is It Korea or Japan?

This is a semi-special episode ladies and gentleman, because Monster is back in the studio with Wine! The duo traveled to Target together and Wine bought herself a new TV. They recount the journey and spoiler-alert, Monster has TV-envy. He also talks about his first time traveling first-class on this trip to LA...

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CBMFP 250: A Dog In This Race

We reached 250! Whip your dicks out, you veens out, whatever you got down there and give it a tug or a flick in celebration for the CBMFP reaching 250! Now if you're done being gross, we have comics to talk about. Stan Lee finally tells us who he thought was a terrible, horrible, no good casting for one of his characters, followed by Squirrel Girl getting her own TV show called New Warriors. Not to be outdone, DC announced a Black Lighting TV show in the works! Marvel also announces a bunch of fucking monster books that are sure to sell well in October and is the direct market for comics broken and in need of some blowing up? Oh and we talk about The Tick again... because fuck you 250! We do what we want! Books reviewed on this episode:

  • Boo: The World's Cutest Dog #1
  • The Great Divide #1
  • Goodnight Punpun vol. 1-3
  • Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5
  • Tomboy #7

Previously on the CBMFP...

CBMFP 249: They Still Had Feet

Well kids, it's another week and another week of audio problems. Thank Google fucking Hangouts for this mess, the messy turds. But hey, if you ever wanted a podcast episode basically without Dustin, here you go! At any rate, we have a special guest on this week as we welcome Patrick Larose to the show! He's brought a dozy of a question for us to answer, but first we start off with news because that's how we roll. Bryan Singer says that Legion is connected to the X-Men movie's timeline and that's weird stuff. Rob Liefeld is bringing Youngblood back again and hey... the title should tell you everything. Doctor Strange underwent some comedic rewrites and we'll talk about what the possibly means for the movie along with some more comic movie related news.Books reviewed on this episode:

  • Princeless
  • Rom: Space Knight
  • Seven to Eternity #1
  • Hadrian's Wall #1

Previously on the CBMFP...

CBMFP 248: So You Could Stop Ripping Off His Shit

We've got a special treat for you today, Justin Wood! That's right those other two dudes couldn't be here this week, but join Dustin and Justin (ustin's in the house!) as they tackle the new Tick show on Amazon! Moving over to some Spider-Man world news including the casting of MJ, though we saw no controversy with it and completely missed the fact that of course, the internet was shitting their pants over it.  Runaways the TV show heading to Hulu of all places and some video game news about the next Metal Gear game... it sounds pleasant. Books reviewed on this episode:

Previously on the CBMFP...

Super S with Cherry Blossom Girl, Hikikomori & The Heir to the Dojo – E.09

Has it been two weeks already? Of course, it has! We're back with another jam-packed episode of Super-S! The question of the week is a doozy! What is the most overrated anime's that have was recommended to you? We've got our answers, but feel free to let us know yours in the comments below! Here's a breakdown of reviews on this episode:


  • Kuroko's Basketball
  • 91 Days
  • Comical Psychosomatic Medicine


  • Sailor Moon Crystal - Season 3
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica


  • Mob Psycho 100
  • Hatsukoi Monster

Previously on Super S!

CBMFP 247: We're Coming Back For Love

Today we've got the gruesome threesome back in the house. That's right, Kevin, Steve and Dustin gather around the internet talk about the latest in comic and comic book movies. Mostly the latter. First it's the possible casting for the Crow reboot movie. Then a bunch of CW news happens, a musical, Kevin Smith, The Ray, Supergirl... I'm sure there's plenty of more CW stuff. We also discuss Marvel's Civil War II's delays because it's that slow of a news week. We answer one question that we've previously covered on this show so buckle up for the last time and find out who's a Betty and who's a Veronica. Books reviewed on this episode:

Previously on the CBMFP...

Monster & Wine: Episode 91 - The Highs And Lows

Nothing toys with your emotions quite like the Olympics and the dynamic duo are certainly feeling the hurt after the USWNT were eliminated by Sweden in soccer. Wine may be in shock but she still reflects fondly on the USA's achievements in other events while Monster goes on a mini-rant about the hypocrisy in the media. He also gives a snack review for...

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CBMFP 246: Filthy With Drowzees

We're not done playing Pokemon Go! We'll start there. Thankfully there's not a lot of news this week because we have a lengthy episode for you. What news we do cover ranges from TV in the form of Powers and it's future on the Playstation Network and Fun.com's superhero inspired suits. You read that right. Before we dive into a lengthy discussion about The Vision from Marvel Comics and Tomboy from Action Lab/Danger Zone, we have a question from Patrick about our favorite Frank Miller panel/moment. Books reviewed on this episode:

Previously on the CBMFP...