Best Movies of 2015 #3

For the first time ever we’re bringing you the best movies of 2015! This list is a bit different from our comic section in that we’re just picking the top five movies of the year and ever writer is getting their own pick. Without further ado, here’s the #3 movies.


CAMERON: Mad Max: Fury Road

Most people would assume this would be on every and any best films of 2015 list. Mad Max was an incredible directing, cinematography, and visual effects feat! Mad Max is the 4th film in the Mad Max franchise. To be honest, I never have seen another Mad Max, which is somewhat of a crutch to watching this film. Mad Max is a very vague movie, with a simple storyline, which is my only gripe about it. Basically, Mad Max is captured and held as a life support for a man, who is searching for these women who have escaped from there rotting utopia. The escape led by Furiosa, is an insane journey when Mad Max gets into the mix. This film’s visual effects, cinematography, and breath taking stunts are what make this my #3 spot.


DUSTIN: Anomalisa

Charlie Kaufman. Claymation.

I don’t really need to say more, but I will. Anomalisa (say like you’re saying “anomaly” and the name “Lisa”), is about a man that has become bored with life. Bored with the people that he meets in life. It’s actually way more complex than that and I don’t even really want to give you my impression of the film because there’s a lot to digest while watching. At the end you’ll either get the film or you’ll walk away with some misguided “2015” type impression of it. Personally, I thought it was incredible and the Claymation was incredible and realistic, but with a touch of style to it. It also has the most realistic sex scene in movie history. Claymation.

Inside Out Poster

DAVE: Inside Out

Surely the day must come soon where animated films can be considered for Best Picture nominations like their live action brethren. Certainly I doubt there would be many eyebrows raised if Pixar’s greatest achievement to date, Inside Out, was competing for the gong. Inside Out ostensibly follows the trials and tribulations of an 11-year-old girl Riley (Kaitlin Dias) as she is uprooted from her happy Midwest life and moved to San Francisco along with her parents. But Inside Out’s real story centers around the emotions that inhabit her brain: Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger (Lewis Black), Fear (Bill Hader), Disgust (Mandy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyliss Smith). As Riley tries - and fails - to adjust to a new city, a new house, and a new school we see the more negative emotions take control, and when an accident results in Joy and Sadness being ejected from the brain’s “control room”, the odd couple have to work together to get back in control of Riley’s emotional state to save her from the bumbling control of Anger, Fear and Disgust. Inside Out is a wonderful film that argues for the vital importance of sadness in an often happiness-obsessed culture. It’s one of the best films of the year, in fact of recent years - and it doesn’t need the “animated” caveat for that to be true.